<br />~~~ _ _
<br />MORTGAG LOAN NC. L ~~ ~$~
<br />IB~N ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James D. E~lgle and Val J. F~lgle, each in his and her
<br />oleo right and as sptxLSe of each other,
<br />Mortgsgrsr, vBethe r one or rose, in coats of the atw d
<br />Tlli.rty-six S'~L~alLd ana riolloa --- --DOtLA~
<br />bated to acid tttitstpgor by The Equitable 11tdWi[g and Loan Astocmtion of Grttnd Isistd, Nebraska, hltMgaBee, ~ 360 t~aea of stttdc of
<br />said AS40CIATLfN1> Certificate No. L 2~~ q53 , do hereby Brant. caaKY std ntonypge onto the aid ASSOCLATI(MI the foBotriag
<br />dtatxi6ed real estate. sittoted iu FLaB Couety.-Tlelrca+ica~
<br />Lot TWO (2), in I31ock Three {3), in PjeasaLlt View Additi.<~t to the City of Grand island, Hall
<br />County, Nt~raska and the tdesterly Five Feet (5') of Lot One (1), in Hlock One (1) of Pleasant
<br />View Third addition to the City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />ta¢ther vith ad the rerxments, hereditaments and appntrtcnanoes therotrrtw hciooging. mcltidiag attached boor eatisrbtg, all vvisdow staeem,
<br />vrmdovr shades, biiitds. swan vvinduwa, avmotgs- hating, air wnditioasrg, and ptttmbing and water equipment aril accessories thereto. ptt~s, stoves,
<br />tefripeeratass> sled Water fiatsttes and equipment rxw or tureafta attached w err used m amncct ictrt with said cal elute.
<br />And wheee» the ssid rmxlgagor has agreed and fines ttcreby agroc that the mortgagor sttaB and will pay all taus and atateasmenu kried a
<br />asst:aed upon said premises and upon this ntortgagc arul the bond xctzred thneby txf"are the samr abaft become de-inquenl: to furnish appoved
<br />~taaaor opus the buikligs on aid prrmiaes atuated in the sum oft 36 000.00 lmYable to aid ASSOCIATION sad to deliver to rid
<br />ASSOCtATLOtd the policies fm said imtuanoe; and oat to camntit cn perxru( my waste on ur about raid premises;
<br />Irt else of default N the perfwatancx of any of the terms aril candiuons of t}tis trxsrtgage or the bond xetsred hereby, the rtirxtgagee shag,
<br />on demand. be entitled to immediate pcsmeaiwt or rite asartgaged prctaixs and the rmrtgpgt:r hereby ast~tts, trattsfen attd sea over w the
<br />mortgagee ail the rents, tevenrtes and ittrxrts w iv derived from ttte mortgaged precnases daring such tinx as the mss[tgage irsdebtedness shag rrmeia
<br />unpaid; soil the mwtgagee shalt have the pawn to appoint any agrnt cu agents it nay desue for the purpose of tepatuiq said premises-astd reatirig
<br />Uip_.ssme sad xBed6~, the rests, revenues and irtrnme, and it may pay sot :>i sad tnarme alt expcnsrs of repnitvtg raid promises and rtexsary
<br />oetisioas and expatxa ittavred in rcntirig sail aaovgirtg the saute and of wikrxitsg renuls therefrom: the balance retttsiniitg, ff any, ' be
<br />applied [reward the dist9sar~ at aid uwrtgage hdeMedttess: tireae rigists or tare mwtgagac may tiY caucard at soy time dutbg the exittteooe o[ such
<br />d~auk, itreapeGive of >mY temporary waiver of the acme.
<br />Theate Proseats, tiowsver, art apart the Crmdriton, That tt the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan .m or beforo the ®turity of aid shares by
<br />AYakffi: Pay muathLy to said ASSOCI A710N of the sun speafied to the Bond secured hereby ax mtereu soil prinrapal oo aid Was, au or before
<br />Cite Taseatieah day ~ eaa~t and every month, until aid lean is fatty pad: pay ill rues and asie~eots kvttal i~sias[ aid premises and ao this Mortgage
<br />slid the !lord taxtutd thereby, before delioyueny, furrtide appruvai ursurance up,w the buildings thereon in fix reset of S 36, 000.00 P,Ya~
<br />w aid ASSOCLATION; repay [o said ASSOCLA71ON upon demand a8 rrrreey by it paid far such lazes, asreeaoenes aril mwraecs with intnr+~ at
<br />the taaxitswm begat rata thereon fnxrs date of payment all csf which Mw~tgagrtr fiereby agrees to pay: permit cur waste oo said premises: keep and comply
<br />vrith a0 rise agreetttents and aotditions of the Bond car S 36, 000.00 this day grxo by the said Mortgsgctr to said ASSOCIA7lON, and aotnply
<br />with a0 the requiremrnu of the Crxtstitutinn sad By-laws of said ASS(7GIATlON: tlxa these preautu atnTl beuama ouB aril void. othtuvrfx they
<br />s~ remab is fuB fare sad may be fareeLosal at : ~ apuart of the said ASSOCiATtON after fadme Cos [htee trsonths [o make any of said
<br />paysrttnts W be three ttrcmths m urears in nuking sad moetthly payments. rtr w keep and coarply wills the agreemenu and Wtditiotu of aid Bond;
<br />soil Mar[ga~or agrees to have a reextvc;r appointed forthwith in such f<xecksarre ptocxdmgs.
<br />U them m any dtsa/e m csvaaahip of the rql state tuort~gpd lero+n. by sale a othenviae, rhea the eraire retmioiog mdebtedoas hereby
<br />aeateed sha4, at rJte option of TAe E;quitaMe Buihling and Loatt Assordatioa of Grand lslmd, Nebraska, becamt immedasely due aril payable witisotu
<br />ftatLaa aolax, sad the amauot renniitiog due udder said board, and any other band for any additiomt advances suede thereunder. ahaB, ttrim the
<br />date ~ eaaaae of sod optics, bear interest at ttx truxisrttsat legal rate, and [hs martgaye auy than be foreclnxd w atisfy the atrtmiot due w aid
<br />hotd,atid say orbs M3ad Lor additiuaat adraaoea, roget}xt with aB sacra paid by aid The Equitable Building and L.aaa Association of Gtaad lsfsstd,
<br />Ple6sasrca fw inniraoce, taxes atsd atadsaients. aril tshstsxting extension charges, with interest ttterenn, from dare of Ixiymeat at the nnximum
<br />rave.
<br />Aa proriskcd a4 the Rood secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee any hereafter advance additiorta! stets w the
<br />eskers vt aid goad, [bee aadpss err srtcaessors in itrtercat, which stsass a•taiL be within [he security of this tnortgagge the same u the funds originilly
<br />scored therohy, the tWal artiutmt W prittnpal debt twi w exceed at any :fete the orrEirn( amount of this mortgage.
<br />_ {-4 S - day of JUnO A. D., 19 $ j
<br />t
<br />Val J. le
<br />iJ
<br />nATB ~ ~' ~ a Oa this 5th day of Jtsttc. l4 81 , bef«e toe,
<br />fx1ILN1'Y OF tLAl.j.
<br />tlx naslcrtsg~d« a Mvtary Pub?ic in std fm- said Carroty, persotnBy cams
<br />Jim 9. ldxgle aLxi Val J.r2tcjle, each jtl hi.s azxi her own right and y~spause o~~,
<br />am
<br />ate to ha the idw~tiasl pertosrg whose itameg are affixed w the above instrturaztt as mtxipgcrt g std ~~,y severally
<br />~ the tttid ka6rusasni to be ~sE,j,r x>itmtarY act aa<L dead.
<br />N43AtE85 t~ lead curl Nowsa! +.lraL itie date cforr~d. /',
<br />9dy Crxutm+sitan axp#ea ~;t l - ft'iS! ~%~.i J+h l &~.~ r.f
<br />f..._.. .... - .raL;3:.~.~'_t._ ..._ _-NoiarYP~iir----
<br />twtaae err ..... -
<br />