6Y%p--8ECON6 REAL ESTATE MORTQA<iE-Wtth Taz Cladw Thy Hutt,a.n aewrM $n~pirfxe>Rt~:.itfaaolu. Nrikr.-
<br />I~1V'QW ~r.x. ~fEN BY iZiE,SE PRESENTS: ~ 1- 1)=1~ `~S~t~ f
<br />THAT 1 or WE, DQNALD A. DENNHATtDT and CATHY- S. DENNHARDT ~ Hu&band aid Nifa
<br />of Hall County-and State of Nebraska- , inconsideration•bf ttia sue of '
<br />SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/ i 00THS-----~---------- (~7 f OOU .O0 }-_--------~--.DOLLARS
<br />in kand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEX unto Da-Ly Realty & Insurance ~N~.-~ D8k IIA Iy
<br />Insurance & Finance
<br />_- - , (mortgage}-
<br />of Mall County; and Stale. oj' ";, `'~laf~~~ ,the following described pr•¢;:tetset
<br />situated in Hall County, a~yiiK~ ~ ;~~b~ to-wit:
<br />Lot Forty-Five (45 ). In Former Vierrt Subdivision.,-
<br />City o~ Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being tv convey kemby an absoltat.^^, title in fee si»tple including rll the rights of lwsncstead and dtxoer.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Eke ¢Xemises auvve described, urs£h all the appurtenanecs thereunto belonging unto
<br />the said mortgagee or mortganeas and tr, kts, her or t/teir hers and assigns, tcrcver, proxided aluntys, and these pres-
<br />ents are upon the express condition that ii the said ntnrtgugar or mortycyors, his, her ur their heirs, executors, adntin-
<br />istratars yr assigns shall pay or cause !n he paid tv the said rxortgage,° or rnortgngees and to his, her or their heirs, ez-
<br />ecutors, administrators or assigns, the stun ni rev©n Thousand and '30/ lOOtus------------•---
<br />--------------;i7,t~~0.00-----------------------_--_ Dollms, payaote as follows, to-ec~it_
<br />$7,000.00 payable in 50 monthly installments of $182.48 :with
<br />interest of 19%, Payments due on the 15th of each month consecutive]
<br />commencing November 15, 1980.
<br />with interest thereon at 19per cent per annu»t, payaole monthly ~){~ff3G according io the tenor and effect of
<br />the promissory noie wills interest coupons attached of said 3furtgayurs~,veariny even date ~e~ith tkese pres-
<br />ents, and shall pay all tales and any interest a», ur vwtt:ring instailrnents of prveeipal, due on any prior snartgage and
<br />assessments tet~ied upvn said real estate and uU outer taxes, lezaes and assessments letned upvn this ruortgage or tke
<br />note which this neurtyaye is given to senrra,vejvre the lures bee»ucs delinquent and keep the fiuildings on said.
<br />premises insured fvr tile sure , F5, 000. <uss, ij :tnt~, paYuirlc ru :t..%: {first +noriguyees or this r+wrtgayae, or boot,
<br />then these presents be void, otiterurise tv 6e and remain in juli Jorre.
<br />IT IS FC•'RT'HER AGREED ~ t~ 7'hut if the said rnvrtgagor shall ;nit to pay such taxes and such interest on,
<br />or ntatwing installments of priucipai, due cn artY prier »turtgrtge mtd procure such insarmtre, these this rrtartgagee srtay
<br />pay such tares and _nteit inte><'st vn, or nwi:u'tng installatents vj principal, due vn sort. prior rrtortgage and procure
<br />such insurance; and tke Burn so advanced _zitlt interes£ at ati»e par cant shat! be paid by said mortgagor, asw this snort-
<br />gage shall stand us scnaity jor the sam<. _; 7hct a *aitur< to ,nav art •; of said mvnej', cititer principal yr interest on
<br />this or any prior mvrtgaye, when the sarnc beromcs due or a ;ails:rc to ro-:rtpty with racy of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall ensue the .vholc su»: of snoruy herein secured to t+e~otnr due rnil roitectable at unie at the option of the mort-
<br />gages.
<br />I'f IS FURTHER AGREED That said nwrtgagee, p<ndiny jorer/osure of this rnartgugc and after decree and
<br />perjdiny stay thereon or appeal therefrom and pending sale of premises mortgaged, »tay pay sack tares acrd sxaturing
<br />snterest ar maturing instat!»tents of prYncipul, ort prior martguges, procure such Ynsurance and suite su»u shall be
<br />gelded to the asnuunt due a» decree and upon tanfirmatian of sale by the cnttrt vrdercd taken out of proceeds of sa;e;
<br />or if redeemed during stay, app. al ar sale, sot°h amounts ,shall be colirtted th< .,a:n.... .rro+:Jle i. ~z~re a part cf sttrk
<br />decree.
<br />Signed this ~+' day of October :9 80
<br />~.
<br />In Pr' c o-
<br />C!o ts1~4`~tY I7er}a i~ir
<br />} i;atbv r~+s IJennht~r<3C
<br />,,
<br />