<br />62i/y--SECOND- RE/1l EBTATE NIOR1'OA06-With Tse>e Claure - 1'he Huttmvi aenesv,l evTrylr ktonw, Lloeuiu;- SPy6K
<br />- xivow . ~ BY Tx~sE PrtESrra~s;
<br />TFIAT I or GYE, ORVILLE ~ 1>EDER~EN artd - ELl~3-fi•A M. PED~RSEN, husband and
<br />wife and spouse of each other
<br />of HALL County and State of NEBRASKA , in consideration of-tke stars of
<br />'FWO 1'HflUSAN~ DOLLnRS AND- 1`d0; 700 CENTS ($2,00.0.00) gOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CDt~?t'EX unto DA.-LY REALTY & INSURANCE -INC. , A
<br />f+~~t)
<br />of HALL- County,-and State of NEBRASKA , tho faltouaxg described pretni3es
<br />situated i» HALL County, an¢ Stp4e of .~BRASKA to-aril: +
<br />Lct Five (5) , in Fait~aci"tr,~ ~atri located on pa-rt of the
<br />Southwest Quarter /SWy~) of Section Three (3), in Township Eleven
<br />(i1) North, Range Nine (9)"West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County.,., jj
<br />Nebraska. I~ -
<br />:7
<br />fr
<br />oC
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<br />The intextivn beixg fo con¢•ey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including al! the rights of homestead and dourer.
<br />TO HAt~'E A.ND TO HOLD the promises abvva dssrribed, with aU t?ec eppurtenances thereunto belonging unto
<br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to F.is, her ar their heirs and assgns, {orez'er, hrv,.aded alua1's, and these pres-
<br />ents are upon the express condition tlsat if the said rnortgngar or ntariyagers, ?sis, hc-r or their hears, executors, odnuu-
<br />istrutors or assigns shall pay or cause to be peal to thz said rnortyagez ar :,sartgagecs and to his, her or their heirs, es'-
<br />ttutors, adrnirastrators or asssnns, the sum of
<br />Two Thousand Dollars and no/100 Cents, ?'2,000.00) G'ollars, payable as follows, tomcat:
<br />Payable each consecutive month, beginning July 1, 19&7, in the
<br />amount of $110.4Q each month, for 24 months.
<br />No penalty for pre-payment.
<br />oath interest therzun at 22.CFtsr cent per annum, pa}•able monthly a~f~tg~, according to the tenor and effect of
<br />theattaChea~romissor_y note with interest coupons attached of said :livr:gugors, 5eariny- e: en data .oath t{izse pres-
<br />ents, and shall pay nl! taxes and any interest on, ar rrtaturing instalime»ts of principal, due ar: any prior rnortgoge and
<br />assessments levied upon said read estate and alt other taxes. lezies and assa.rsruents levied upon this mortguye nr the
<br />note which this »sortgage is givers to secure, before t}se same becomes delinquent and veep the buildings on said
<br />premises insured for the sum s50, 000 ,loss, ij any,, payable to such just ntortyayaes or tJsu mortgagee, or Toth,
<br />then these presents be void, otheruase to be anti rPUtain in full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (rj That if the said mortgagor sisal! jai! to pay such taxes and sssch interest on,
<br />or maturing installments of pr.'ncipal, due ors any prior :nartyage and procxra sucJs irunrance, than tJtfs mortgagee »uty
<br />pay such taxes arsd sorb interest vx, ar rnahariny installments of principal, due on such pricer mortgage and proture
<br />such insura»ce; axid the suet so advant::d «itJs interest at nine per a'nt sJtall be paid by said n:artgugar, and this moM-
<br />ya~a shalt stand as security jor the same. (zj That st failure to pay ant of said nsursey, either principal or interest on
<br />thts or any prior mortgage, when tJte same becomes due or a faifurz to ros.sp!_y oath env of the foreyvsny ayreamants,
<br />shalt cause the :vhofa sum of snowy hereixi sscured tv became duo and rvJlectabic at once at the vptivr. of ;':e mart-
<br />gagce.
<br />IT IS FURTFtER AGREED Thnt said mortgagee, pr-nding foreclosure of this nsartyage and after decree aad
<br />peudiny stay thereon yr appeal tharsfrvm and psnding sale of premises mortgaged, may pay sects tuxes and maturing
<br />interest ar maturing installments of principal, rx prior mo*tgage,r, procure suds insurisncr axd such sums shall be
<br />addRd to ttta a»iount due o» decree and upon cvn~rrnatian of sale f;v t?se court artier°d taken s,ut of proceeds of sale;
<br />or'if~-redaerrsad during stay, appeal er sale, suck amounts shaft be cvlizctzd the soruz us thvuyJs it sera a port of such
<br />ditrea.
<br />Sig»e irs-t ~y aj Jurze rq R
<br />lsre•ss 'a of
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