� . . .
<br /> .
<br /> ..tta �cw, . .. . ........ �w}�p�wr�aww,r+�..i�:.•�rr• ... .. . .. a� �."�_
<br /> . _ _-•-�---
<br /> . . .... ..�..+.rY. �YeA,fht�rxr•.c ,......._ _ ... .... . . . ... ... .. .. ................_. ...... . .. _._
<br /> h . -_ . ' C, ��... a..
<br /> _. .., . .,,.., . . __� �,C...'<i:
<br /> � � ��s,�,0i2'�'4 --=
<br /> ., �.v._
<br /> Barcoww'��scrow accounl und� the�d�al Real Eetata Satt�t Proc�duros Aat o9 1074 a� amended from tUrj� to tim�, 12 U•S.C.
<br /> 2G01 at¢oq. (''��+'A"), unl��s cnottiW fativ lha9 Yppll�s tv lhe Fund9 c�to a l�sser amount. If co,Lender mey, att any time,colbct und „
<br /> i�old Funda In cn ur��cune na9 to r.:sc�d t7o t��c�r amaunt. Lcndcs r�ti�y catt,��sto tho emount M funds duo on tho bpal� of eurcont dntn
<br /> � and r�sonabW eetlreu�tu of s��ndltu�e�01 h�ture Eocrow itcr��or oU�erw��o h acaard�nc�elfth cpp.t��b!o�ti•1.
<br /> � Th� Fund9 critp b� hlld h �n hslAu!fon whow d�►oslh w Inturod by a bder4l op�noY, howrrwnt�ii,ty, or enlUy (Incading , .
<br /> � Lendat, M LMd1r FY Eu;h en htit�utkn) or h any fW�rol Hom�loan BAnk. L�nd�r th�u apvN�ne funda to pay Ihe Eecrow Itoms.
<br /> Lencl�r rrµy not ohuQ� BoROV� for holdinp �nd appfyhy ih�Funde,annuauy an�M:inn th��acrow ecaount, or vorityinp the CeCrav
<br /> � Itam9, unM�s Und�r pay�Dortow�r int�nt!on the Fund�and�ppacWb kw p�rmte Und�r to m�ke �uch �ohtrpa. Howwer, Lender .
<br /> ^ rneiy rs�quY� �artoww to pay �on►tlrrw ohe��a lar an I��ct:�:.nd:.�t t�.;.!Cst.t�tNt rc�0�ht� Penrke used by Le�de� h connectbn with
<br /> .' . ;,' thlo lo�n,unbu appMCabl�kw praAd�a olha�wN�. UnNss an�prNm�nt i�mad�or�PP��N kw r�qulrof Intertst to ba p�ld, Lender � i�.
<br /> '� � ahaA not ba r�qufrod to p�y Borraw�r�ny ht�ntt a►e�min�s cn tM Fund�.Bortow�r enA Lender may aqne In wrlthp, howawr,thet
<br /> htK�sl �h�l1 W ptid on the Fundt. UndM �haM plw to NorcowK, wkhqu! ohups, an annual aceounthp of the Funds, showhp .
<br /> :'��, cridRs and W6ke to th�Fund�Nnd tho purpoa�for whbh�ach d�bq to the Funda was rru�de. The Funde are pledped as addRbnal
<br /> security(ot aM�um�c�cund 6y thb S�aurX�r fneWrtwnt.
<br /> � If the Funda hotd by Londer sxc�d lho amounta pormltted to be hek!by eApl�aba law,Lender shall account to Bortower tor the ,
<br /> �. , ..'
<br /> � excess Fun�s h �ccordMCe wRh th� nquP�tnw�ta o1 appMc�bN Mw. i}the amount ot ihe Funds held by Lender at any time Is not ;: *�
<br /> �� auN�knt to pey th�Etcrow Itema whsn due,L�ndir rn9y eo nollfy Bortowsr h wrltlny,and, h Quoh case Bonox•er ahail pay to Londer ` �_
<br /> � the amount n�cessuy to mnY.�up ths d9tialenoy. Bottcfw�r shaN rtwka up th� deficiertCy In no more than lweMe monthly paymonts,at •N���;;
<br /> . ,�.,.,
<br /> -: . . L�ndars 601�dl�anlion.
<br /> .,�.::',,:�..�•�:� --
<br /> {_.,;�:,: • Upon payrtMnt in fuN of�N sumt sacL"+�+�J by thf�Sacurky Inetrumpnt,Lw�dar GhaN p�ampty ra[ured to Borrower any Funds hetd by —__
<br /> `�`'��'��;.�"Y ' Lenc{sr. II, under p�n9nph 21, Lmdrr e4�aTi�cquW or s�M tho Prop�ty,L�ndet�Prbr to tha�cquisitbn or sab of lAe ProPe►hr,shall --
<br /> ��' "'� ' nPPh+�ny Fund� hNd by L�nd�r�i M�t�rw a4�cqulsNton or taM es�credit aW�hsl 61e sums sccurs�i by thls L�curky Inatrument. R^=--
<br /> „�,`��1':'� � 3. Applicatbn of P�rymenEs. Urstess�PP�N bw provid�s othww:s��a�Aa�ments recetved by LAnder under parapraphs �+_-
<br /> " : t and 2 ah�.N Os appNod:fir'st,to�np �+apnym�nt chcrpss dw unMr tRe Note; aecond,Yo amaunts Aeyable under parupreph 2;th4d
<br />_----�;,.��:�� to k+t�t c.kb;k+urih,to{arincfoal d�xr.�6�nst,to�ny kt�ohw0�s dua undor tha�es and F� os7ucns �tt►ioutaui� l� li�u �ro�Rr =
<br /> V-u;';_ '� ' 4. ri11SfQ���L��1la. Boreow� ent� {uy aN ttxte� tfNSSmenq� Che�pes� nP
<br /> ,�'�.r
<br />_•,:,fn,� � whbh nxy al�b prforitY pti'�sr thb S�curty InsWm�nL �nd Iwcahotd paymo�►te or 8round rents, M any. Borra+var shall pay those .
<br /> `�1'`���'���� obYputbn�tn Ih�mmner provWed h �tanproph 2,eP IP a�tit pafd b th�t tnanner, Borrowx ahall p�y th�m on tkne directty to the person
<br />-_'`'.:'�r'��y� owod p�ymeat. Borr�wK shil prort�23y�:mish to L�na1�r aN notfcM o!e�nounto to M patd under thb Ra�o�9h• U BaROwer mtkes
<br />_•.�:-- • .
<br />'"`."='�i;?� ,, ihese paymw�b dkrcty.Borrow�r ahae�rompty tumi�h to L�nd�r nwwpts widsnatnp th�paymonts.
<br />=..IF�l,���f',•
<br /> =_ BertowK thal prompty dbehaiye a�ny 11en whbh�as prtorUy o+rK thit Socurky InsWment untess Borrower.(�)e4rees in wrR y ro
<br /> :=,:,vti�:�'rir�
<br />=.� ;�;;�:r,� the paymint of th�obltp�ttOn s�cund �y th� Ikn tn o mannsr acc�PtabM to Londor: (b�conteste fn yood teRh 1ha 1lan by,or dehnds
<br /> —r— �y�htt infofClrrliflt Of tt»NMI t�,Mpa!preCMCirys e�micn ii iiw i.'w�'ua::.p:t�:.i:�'a:�!4¢rnwr�t th� anlorcemsnl of lhY Ilen:of(0) ,
<br />'�'.'�-+���.:�w�t�
<br /> --_.��'�;�,,.^t- - secuns Uom th� hokNr ct th� Nm an agrr�n�nt satlsfactory to �ndK subordfnatir►p ih� Ikn to t�b SecuNty Instrument. If Lender
<br />—_�:_:�._�;� detertnhes thAt any part of ttN Pro�aetCy l� svbJoct Ya a Nan whfch maY att�in prbrltf' over this Qecurky Instn�ment, Lender may plw
<br />""�" °`�"� BoROwK� nol4ce Identityhy th� Wn. Hortov+�r shal sa13�1y th� Non or Hk�one or moro o}the aatiom set torth above wkhtn 10 ds+ya
<br /> •:_ll.IT.-"��.
<br />�Aii.�flG�1i6�R'� Q��M.Q�0f nO�N-•
<br /> � - 6. Hezud or Pra�e►tyl lnwr�nce. BorrowK eMN k�ep tho h'.provomenYa now wcl6tinp or ha�eafter erected on th�
<br /> Prop�rty In=und �W„�bas by tin, hWrds InCMid�d wKhin thr tKm 'roR�nd�d cov�ap�"and my other harards,holudhfl Hoodt or
<br /> ==.,.:.,.�� Caod:�p�tac uhwh Lasc�r rcRUE�► [nsurence. This Insurince �Mll be m�htalnod In th� unaun4a end for lh� peRoda that Lender --
<br /> --°-�"�"' - nqutno. 1'M hsunnc�o�rcMr provldir►G tM intunnc� �htl!�ohoasn by BarowK subJ�ct to t,erxlar's�WProval wh�h �h�N not W
<br /> = unnasonaby vclMhNd• U Borcowor hNt to nwint�b aowrW� dKCrbod abuwa���Y�at L�nderc oplbn,obtaM cownp�to
<br /> - prot�ot Und�s rqhri �n ttN Prop�ty In�ocoM�nc�wkh p�fpry>h 7.
<br /> —v. .. v !UI Bwr�pobM��nd�wwak ehaN b��xapt�bM to L�nder�nd thaN fnclud��ahndord malp�qe elwso. Lender shAN hew
<br /> - th� r6pht to hold N�polciK�and n�aw�N. M I.�ndK nWtM� Borro�w►�haN proM+pty phr�to I.�ndr U rocNpU af patd pnmiums
<br /> - �nd rwwwal notfc�e. M th��v+nt ot bte, Bortowu shal pN�prompt notk�to th�hsunnc�carriu�nd L�ndK. l.�nd�r maY�sk�
<br /> pr0of of bs�N not m�de�omptN by Bortowor.
<br /> UnMss I.mtAr�ntl Ba�oxr�othMwfw�in wrllb0�„�x�C�P���h�M l��ppli�d to netonlbn or copaY of ih�Prop�ty
<br /> drme�ped, N lh� niAxstlon ar aWP k�conanlCaNy fMSbM�nd I.ind�f� alCUrky k not Nt:uwd. II th1 resto•rallon Or nWY b not
<br /> economicRt�r t�a�bw or Lenders e�cudtY would b� Isss�ned�th� Irtsunna Proc�d� sha� 6e iAP� to tho sums s�cursd by this
<br /> S�curky MsMUm�nt, wh�th�or not than dw.wkh �r►y �� p+�id ta Baro�w�r. If Porcoww xbaedent th�Propsrly, or das not
<br /> �naw�►wkhH 30 daya a notk� kom LandK that ttw hsunrwy c�nMr Ms aM�nd to wttM � cMM. than Le�nder nuy coM�ot th�
<br /> hsunna procMd�. Undar rrky use tha procMd� t0 hQIM Or Y�tton th� Propwty or ta pay sume sec�r�d by this SeCUelry
<br /> InsWmmt. wh�tMr or not thm dw. Th�34d�Y PKiod wM bptn whmn th�notiCO f�Qivan.
<br /> ----�" Unbas UndK�nd Bortow�r other�viea�prM fn rwltUW�mY�PP��o�P��s to Arfnopal�ha1 not wctond or poatpoae tRo
<br /> -� duo dtb of th� nwnthy p�ym�nt�rakm�d to h pdnpnpA� 1 �nd 2 or ohanSp ths�mount of the p�ymmta• tf undor puaprsph 21
<br /> -_-=_�� tho PropKty k�cqut�d by LmWr, Borrow�'�rlpht to �ny in�unnc�pcACMs and Pmaads rosukinA trom dnm�pu to th�Proporty prbr
<br /> �,
<br /> — ���- ta th� �CQukkion �haM pats to L�ndar to th� �od�nt of'th� wms c�curad by thi� 5ocurNy �nsGUmant hxnsdletery pdor to the
<br /> �":_�:."-."'; aCQuhkion. -
<br /> _��-�:�� 6. Qccupmcy� Preseev�cn� Malnt�nance and Protectton ot the P�operty; Borrower'a u.rosn
<br /> =_�%���` IIC�Q7�]f; Lfli0110ldR Da��caror ahil occuPY. �stsblah,�nd us�ths Proporty �ta Bo�rov�sh pnc�bnl �gsida�ce v�kr�tn alcty .
<br /> ``=-a.��� App --
<br /> �y°;�;l�", dpys aRw tM aoac.vtton ot Mls S�curity Inshum�nt md aha�continua to occupy ths Prapa�rty�o Borcovnr's prfnolp�l ntaida�co 1flr at _
<br /> �=;r.�.�;}�! 1KSt on� yMr �Rar N^re d�ts ot oacupu�ey, unMea L�ndK otMrwia pna h wr3u�p. Whbh conLOnt shtq not bs unreasontbly -
<br /> -_-:.-�:�,'�L�'r+: � wkhhNd�or unNa�ltrnualfp oY�cumsLnc��ocist ev�ich�n b�yand Borrow�s cvnTr�l Barower ah�M not�los'ta�;r,dama9e or fmWr =__
<br /> , t:--.
<br /> -,i:t���<, th�Prop�ty,allow ttw A�op«ty to�bnN.or aammR w�sM on th�Prope�ty. BortowK shaN bs h dahuk��ny toAokuro notlon or _--
<br /> ...,..,...,�w. W►�.en.r�rr�or crtnY�aE.b Moun that In UndMa O�d hkh Judprrnnt co�ki n�uk h fnrfoRu�of the Prop�rty or otherwMe
<br /> -�;,= �-`'-.':- �� mate�hy 4nptir tM !hn cr�atod by thk S�cudty Instrum�nt or Undws aecurity htc�esG eorrow�r maY cure auCh e aerourt ano __
<br /> � ��M,•. � rehstft�, ef prmrkNd tn L+ar�praph 19.by cwsinp tfis ecHon or procMdY►p to bs dkmtasW wNh �tulinp tftnt, in LOndor's p0od tflRh �_�
<br /> -��'�:r.''.
<br /> =�*g`.y ..;., detertnhttion, pnoludM tat�kun of tM Borrow�ts Y�t�ntt h ih� Proprty or caT>;rr mat�rv{ inpaYment o} lt� 11en crettod by thls K"`.
<br /> :a;i'_{ '4'a.i'•� -
<br /> • `��:; Sacurity InaWr,�nt or lsnd�s teaurky ht�nst. Bomow�r �ha�ako bs h dslauic k Borrowe�, �urhg Ihe ben oppibatbn process,
<br />��';°��r •'•' ' p�w rt�tv�YN hia or Y�aoC►+nN hlormttfon or tt�bn�nta to LmdK (or hlMd to Provids Lender vutlh anY matorial htormttbn) In
<br /> :;,.=,.:,:�.��� _
<br /> -,.:.,� ;..,,;,F conr►�ctian wkh th�b�n �vid�nc�sl by th� Noh.Inoudinp,dut not Nmk«f ta, ropnser►tatlons concemhp Bortow�s occup�nay of the �
<br /> •;�•�r�' Prop�ty �a� pr(nob���s�dence• �� lhk Sacurky �nsburt�nt it on s Masohoid, Borrowt,r ahnA aompy wkh nU the provisbns ot the
<br /> _ --°;�;.. • Wase. It Barow�r acquir+s tN tiiia W Gw �r�:.-�f, t`::a:.Ro� :std th: !e*t�M�h�M not rr+Mge u�bss the Lender agrees to lho "�
<br /> , ��„ ��Q. Form�OYd YNO �;
<br /> � .. �!!.,
<br /> �' �LV�a►« ���1�!'�.� '-4;!..
<br /> �,._a�`s�i."'•"�. FtO��.LMa(Y1l6) Pao�9 of 6 ��;�:.
<br /> Y�.'• �.
<br /> �c,:i -
<br /> �
<br /> 1 7tt
<br /> ""_ _____'___..__._.�_��...�-..��..—�.�r-��,....�.u-e. �r...—r.�'rs :.W:fT..—SJ::.�—C:L�.:_ -•-:.a._:w..�..:.�_.____.—..1..._�'.u.Ll$-{5'�ir.'m�.T�.—uJ'iR58_�'""iiG6Ti.�....
<br />