<br />g~_u~i2833
<br />- _--
<br />MoRTrwGE LoAx rro. L 23.949 _.
<br />[(aVOtV ALI. MEN BY TNFSE. PRESF7V7S: TMt James F. Cr3St12bELY]+, lll'i11alTj.edy and taml M. ALS10}ids
<br />UIE[Idrl'1t3C1,
<br />Mattl~, whether oee of mote; in couddee`of the i1t~06
<br />r'ifty TktousaPld and NO 1 0 -__ ~ -~ - Dt1It5== -
<br />barred w srrid rrrostytgot by lire tTquitabk 8trfldirg wad loan Aaaaeiariar of f'>raad Nand, Nebtaata, , upoe -- 50U ~i[tcf flaiidfDE-`--. - -
<br />said ASSOC{ATION, CMifitate Nn. L 23,999 . ~ hertby gtmt, rxnney and rrttartpge unto the-saM ASSSOCIX[H1M'tha folluatht6.~- -
<br />diTtaitstsi real estate, sittnted is Hafl Cewnty, Nebraska: - -
<br />Lot 7~*enty-Seven (27) , westroads Fstate5 Third Su}~divisi.on, Ha21 Caulty, Nebraska
<br />to®ether with afl the Eeaerrrnts, treteditaments and apptnienancrs tfiercuntn tsetorgeiog, irxludittg atittrixd floor tbvetarga, $ sviodov aerates,
<br />window shatkz, blinds, storm windows, swnurgs, }tealarryt, au wrrditinnirtg, and pluatbiatR and water txtaiptncnt wad inl:!>0~3 tlteteto,pumpa,stmes,.
<br />rcf'ri fleratora, and nthrr t'txtures usd cgaipment rww rx ttereafttt atuc#ted to yr wrQ in runrtec4at with said tea! elate.
<br />Arrd wltereu IM swirl mortEagtx tus asaeed and dots feeretsy aaree true [fie mortpgnr sheik std will pay alt tears and aaaea®enta levied m
<br />assesa:d upon sa=.d prttnisrs arrd trprm Iha xrurt~tr and the tsonl securrd thrrebY befwt ttrc snare shall become deliogtstrnt; to ftunia6 appoved
<br />mwrarstx upon the htrlk{6rgs rm :ssd paernrss wttuted m the snm <d 5 50 d0~.Q0 paYatsk to sad ASSO('IATItNI and to tletivar W acid
<br />AS'SOC{A'll(NI the pnkieies tm satd rrtsuranct. sttd mrt to rvmmrt or prrrxri~sny wsae nn or abort said premises:
<br />{n case of detatilt m t~ perfarer+anrx of env nt tree terms and s:<xsrtnrnns of the rswsrip~tr or ttre tsnrtd srx~ued lreteby, the rttortgttBee shalt,
<br />.m derrnnd, be rnutkd to imrrtrdiatr prrsessirm of tlic nwrtFafgel premises ant the essantyaypsr hereby asaigres, tratadtm and sets over to the
<br />rnortypgte all tttc rrnlt, revenues aruf to xxrse to he derireri irnm tfse rmxtat:µri pre:tmta dtuir~ sudz trmr as the murtp+Ae indebtedaraa the rem
<br />wtpaid: urd the rrsxt~e ~ have the power to appoint any spent n. -~rrc is r.vy dc~re fur the purptsae of rrepssurrirzE said pnssnises and tr'rt~
<br />the eartm and rasikrttns the reams, re~tues anti irrasxse, and tt rsaay pay +sut ni said isaastrse a6 expenses of repaving ssid premitet and nOp7gty
<br />tsrsmiss+ntes wad expertsc incurrtef in rrntragt and nsutagng tftr sarsat and ..f [nlteettrt~ rentah ttterefrota; atre batanx remainYls, if lay. to be
<br />applied terwud the discttuge of said rssurtgsgc :rxiebtetPneas, [hear regitts.~t thr uax[itrgttt rrny tx exercised a[ any time dutiag the estiMesme oC wrest
<br />default, €rrrapeatnY of any trrupaxary xarrcr of Fhr raaae.
<br />"Phew lhesents, hnwc.rr, err apses the t'rxH{ruxr, i"hat rt ttx sari MaxtYs, per shah :spry said burr un ns befwe t}re maturity of said shoes oy
<br />PaYrnent; pay rmtnhiy to sea{ ASYOC'tATI{)N .N the surd spe<stied m ibe &srsd atz;urrd txrrby as interest amt principal on said ksao,on or 6eforo
<br />the 'Pwerttietfi day ut each errs every month, ante said keaa rs fully yard, pay ati taxrx and aasrsvaenta kvttxl against said pmmixs std tm the Mtrrtgage
<br />and the Ikxsd seratrrd ttrrrrhy, tsetcwr .kkirtyurm:y. turutsh apprrrscd rns+uanrx upaus the buildings i}sercrsn rn the wm of S SQ, 400. a~ payable
<br />to wits ASS()CIATIt?N; repay w aril ASSt.1C'tATlt)N stpwt dutuml all rraurcy ley rt peril tar awls tastes, assesatntnts and utsutantx wish intorest at
<br />the trtaxsnrum lapel rate tlserrun team date of pay nrrrrt ail of whsh Mw [g~tx ttercby agrees to pay: permit tw wastetm said premises; keep an~i wnrp[y
<br />with alt the agrcemens aril taxrdrtrurrs uF ttrt Nwui f.. - iSt~~Q _Qp thrs nay raven 6y rite ;aril M~tgrxor to rain AS~(7C{ATION, and wntply
<br />with all the rrytwrracnts of tttr ti tusstrtutrnu aa{ By-{Yws a tAl7tllV, then three prtsrnts dull becorrte null and void, ntharwise they
<br />shall rtmaia ~ fu{f ftxx and rev} tee tasecbsrd ai the npiwn of the sad AS"SCX:tA"IltNi after Faiime for thrct tnatths to make any of said
<br />payments :x ht [hrce rrWnths m areas m rrukrrtg ward rsrunfltly payntrats, en w ktxp and sxxopty Kith tfre agrceaxnts attd conditgas of said Bond;
<br />and IrkxtFygut agrees [as have a rrcrtver appointed forthwttfr m str:h fweiltrsutr paa.r~dnrgs.
<br />if there n any eharsge ire aswnerstup of the real esutr rnurtgaget trucrn, by sate nr otherwtse, rhos the entire rcmain{og irtdebtedaeaa hereby
<br />sacmrri shsq. at the aspittxt of "the t:tluitabk ltuddusg atsd l.em Aawcatsrsn of grand lskmd, Nebaaslu, bewrne immodnte#y dm a»dpayalsk witltnut
<br />ftuthu nntrce, anti the xnasunt rcmauutrg due tusde[ card brsnd, acrd anY other {sots[! for any additiorsal advantxx r»adt tlrertumlor, dull, from the
<br />da4c of turavc of said t-ptiws, treat mtrrrat at the ausmaun k~! rate, and thu maxtg~e ;ray then be (wtt{ottd to satisfy the araanutt due as said
<br />brrnd, am! aaY other btsod fw addttansaf adrasrm, ts>gether wiN all sutas peed by raid 7'fie ! quiubk Btrilding end loan Amnciatioa ofa^,ratd lsiand,
<br />Nebraska for insuratscr, saxes xtu{ ass:ssutenta, anti absiractutg extetrsasn lutpex, with +nttrest therwn, irnm date of payment ai the risastimum
<br />{egal ram.
<br />As prnayded ut the t{oud stewed tsetcby, wtrde ttrn uxrrtgagr [etisanss rn cffct [he ntn: [gager nay herralict advaaax eddiiwnal sotto to tlst
<br />makers ui sea! {fund, rhea nsargru .u sua4rssr:rz ,n rntcrru, wtu<h swiss stsafl be wrthra tart atcw ¢y of this tnurtgagr the setter u the funds nrrgirullY
<br />aeurred [hereby, the twat antasuat <tt p[sucapa! 3ebt teat to exrxed at anY ttmc rise ur~ina! amntrnt of ttus trwr[gage.
<br />lletai the, 1st daY trf June A. t~., f v 8I "
<br />_- _-_ -games F Castle , ~ '~
<br />S'fATk: t~ NEBRASIGi. { ss- f)u Itus r y_, nt !9
<br />CO{r'N'PY OF' ttAl.l, t( ls.. s Junt 81 . t+afwt mc,
<br />the turdersrgnett, a Nntaxy Pubhr to atsd tnr said Ctstmty, prrsnrufly tatme
<br />3a{xss ~'. Castlebt:zsy, u{~[tarriett;, and Czar~i }t. laxrtolci, :uynarrit~r wlrn are peraunat.y kttnwn in
<br />else iu be the rdns[rca! tsrrann S wfsuae rester 3 ~'rr attixed a: the atn_:re msi+urrsn't`as [nurtgagnrg and t.i1F?}, ,erversllY
<br />adtnrwkctgrat rte srtiaf srsrirurrxut to be their v„;[rotary a.-r anct;~1- f~~ \ i
<br />yi+t i'Nf:.€„*, my teatu{ seat Nutarral St+tl t}et date afurraaf ~,~'~ J f ~ , /
<br />My €'zxnntSrwxn rxputs
<br />rrAraraar ~ Y, l~~~-- r...,....... _
<br />V ~FC4Ef!.tl ?tytk . _t kab s.t
<br />- '" =-'-~ : - - i
<br />;~ , .% s«,F M~
<br />