82-- OQ2822
<br />f10R7GAGE - -
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. _ T. 23948..
<br />KNOW ALL MITI BY THESE pRFSEATlS: That John E. Pfeifer and IAis A. Pfeifer, eactl in his -and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other, ,whetlte: one a [[tote, to ootdtlerWae of tCfo a~ ut
<br />o:..~,.~r..t,t- mt...,a~..a ~„a w,/tnat_._ -mt.r.ac-.
<br />loured-to sa+d-rttttrtgsgor by The Egtritabk Bt~ding sad Lout Aaaociation of f:rand [>Jaad. l~Lebrats, Mattpsee, apoa -
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certitiate No. L 23948 , do ht:reby pant, aoaxy sad tnatgrtee ttato the ad i
<br />rnl estate. stinted k hall camrty, NehtsUdca:
<br />HAI.i, , iY~RASKA.
<br />d-rmoeitoG'-- - --
<br />together with aB the tenetmnts, hercditatnems and appurterrsrtcn thereunto txlonging, ercluditrg attarAed flax wsering, aB window-sctenu,
<br />ariadow :barks, blinds, norm windows. awrtittgs. heatitg, air wttditionirtg,and pdtrm6iag and wateregrripment aodacaaories ttre[eto,pttropa,atasea,
<br />rcfriyaatars, and other fatures and equipment now err herafter ntached to w trod in connection with said rest estate.
<br />And whereas the ssid rttortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the rrrortgagor stn8 and wiB pay all taxes and atmsaments keied a
<br />aseaed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and tls bane! secured thereby before the carne shall hmome detiogomt; to fittnish approved
<br />itmeaoce upar the broidirgs on said premoes :lusted in ttx sum of S 68 , 000.00 payabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver [o said
<br />ASSOCIATION [tae policies for said irwrranct: and mu [o commit or permit arty waste tin or altar[ aid premixes;
<br />In case of default is the pertorrttaace of any of the terms and rxwdAions of this ruxtgage or the botd seared MtebY, the tnortp¢e >h+dl.
<br />ar demurd, be emitkd m imatediate poaeaion of the roratgafted premiss and the mortpgur hereby assigns, tramfers and tats aver to-the
<br />mortgagee aft the teats, revrnttes std ina~me to be tiCrired from the irortga(acd premiss during such time as the movigage iodebtedaea shag remain
<br />tr~aid; and the atortgagoe a1taB have the power to anprrint arty a¢nt ur ~rrt it tiny dears for the ptapwe of repa¢iog aid prurmea sad reatiog
<br />the same ud collecting the teats, revenues and income, sad it msy WY ow of said inatme en cxpemes o€ repaiting said premises and Deasy
<br />Dom sad expertsa inctrrrcd w renting sad annagns the same and of mllectieg rental[ [h~teftom: the balaaae rerofirtbg. if my, to be
<br />a~ dd tewrud the disdntge of said mortgage irrdebtedrrest: these rights aC the martgger troy be exercised at say tune dmieg the eAStena of ..3r
<br />defasdt, irrespective of any temporary ..niter of the same-
<br />Thes Yresnts, however, are span rite Cordition, That i{ the said M«tBagr%r shalt repay aid loan ar err. before [he maturity-of said shoe by
<br />pyrttvnt; paY monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified of the [iortd xscraed hereby u interest sad priadpal ar said loan, oa or before
<br />the Tvveattth day of each and every mmth, anal said tsar[ ¢ fatty poet; pay ail taxes and assessmeata levied against said premises sad ar [bin Mortga~
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before detirtqueacy; fwneslt approved irtsvraoee upar the buildings titerwa io !!ve sun of s~$, 000, 00 snYa~
<br />to aid AS3oCUT10N; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon deeaaad aH money by it paid for strdt taxis. sssemnenis raasrarta with interest at
<br />tha trraxitoura legs[ me thereon from date of paymrnt all of which MortUgor hereby specs to WY: permit no ovate ar aid premiss; kmp and aotvply
<br />with stt the apeemeats and conditions of the Brmd Car S 68 000.00 ttts day gitaeo by the said Mortpigor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />wsth alt the requeemcntz a( the Cotutitution and By-Laws a~ said ASSOCCATION: rhea these presrtts sbaD becorts std! and void, otherw:x- they
<br />dtaU re[aaet ~ Curl (ova and may be foreclosed at the optiar of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make arty of said
<br />pays[cat: or be [Mum munt}g in areas is making :sett _'vtmhly payments, ar to keep amt comply with the agreements sad coadilioos of said Band;
<br />sad Io~rtgsgor spins to has a receiver appointed [orthwiib in suede Cweclasrtre proooedegs.
<br />- If there is say change in ownership of fire real mate atartgagFd lteceia, by ale err otherwise, rhea the eatirc «tnsisiog indehtedaat hereby
<br />scored sing. at the option of The Equitable Budding sad Loco Aasrsriatian of Grand Isimd, Nebratka,heame imtoediately due sad payable without
<br />fmthe: nruice, and the urswnt rcmsuterg due ostler aid band, sad any other band Cor any additional advances made thereunder, siaU, from the
<br />dale of exercise oC said optiar, beu iatercA :t lire anxiraum lrgyf ntc, sad this mortgage may then be foreclosd to salidy the amount due ar aid
<br />hood, sad any other bond for additional adr..rras, togettrn with all sums paw by said The Equitable Bwldiug sad Lana Asaodation of Grand Nand,
<br />Ntbraska Cot immmce, [aces sad assesaatents, and abstracting cxteosion with imercA therear., from date oC payment at the aYaiowuo
<br />ltagal rate.
<br />As provided m the Road secured lxr~y, whde this rtto[tgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advaoa additioaa! sr®a to the
<br />rockers of said bond. then astigns or suaa~us is interest. whidt tams shalt be within. the security of this mortgage the sine as the funds orignaBy
<br />mrued thereby, the total, amount of ptiacipat deb[ cot w exceed at any time the original amotmt of [his: tnottgage.
<br />f tha day or Jtute A. n_. 1481 '
<br />l ~..~.
<br />I
<br />Lois R. Pfeifer
<br />STATE OCt Nt'sBRASKA. ~ o. Oo thix 1St day of June 1481 , trefore me,
<br />i;{XiNTY OF HAll.
<br />the u~~a Notary Pt~c in sad far and Cottaty, pers~LLy [}ate
<br />3otut S. Pfeifer aru3 Lois A. Pfeifer, each in his an overt n * and as spouse o P.aCCi
<br />6td't0r, who are pmsoaafly_itaawn to
<br />tax tp he the etiaatitak Petsue s wltaae attme 5 are affixed to the abrm_imtrarourt as mortpt~r S ~ anA they +a+c+~r'
<br />_.._ .,
<br />aAusenrleeigpd the sFid il~tataGa4 m be-- t11L'ir x>SuatuY act amt dad. _ _
<br />WfTAila~*i raY Maruzd snd Notarial Saalthe date xfaresaitt.
<br />".J ?n expara /'"~'~ t 'F ~ ~ ; f - i ~ r` _ f
<br />~~~
<br />