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81--UO2816 <br />M4IaTGAGE <br />THfS IrfORTGAGB is-made thin....... 29th ............. . ..dap o[..... Ma$.....:.............., <br />14. 8?, betwe~t the Mortgagor,.. , ,Charles Po Bish, a, single person ................ ..... <br />.- .......... (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee <br />State Bank ~of ~i)anxrenrog. . a ration <br />under the lawn of.......Nebraska ........................ .whose addrean ice. Dannebo r_ 6883]. <br />..................................................................... . (herein "I.etrft~''). <br />WtteaBas, Borrower rs indebted to Lender in the principal sam of. R~!enty, seven ,thousand four; , , , , , <br />.. hundred. and No/100ths------------- ..... ~~rs, which in~btedneas is evidenced bq Bonowa's ttif~e <br />dated... ~Y. 29,. 1981.......... (herein "Note"), Providing for monthly inttadmenta ofQrieripal andmterent, <br />with the bataoce ~ the indebtedness, if tmt sooner paid, due and payable on.. June .1, .?.. 1 . <br />To SECURE to Lander (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with inreaent thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of thin <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the rwvettanu and agrcetttenu of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repymait <br />of any futtue advances, with interest thereon, made to l3orsower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2Y hereof- (hetan. <br />"Fotute Advantxa"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to I.enikr the follatving descn'bed property. <br />located in the Cormty of...... gall ................................ State of Neltrasta: <br />Suite Ido. Twenty Sevee i2i), "C° Windsor Squaze COltdom;n;~a property <br />Regime in tutit Three (3), Lot Two (2), Block Eight (8), Replat, Continental <br />Gardens, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />which hu the address of....3027. Ytest.S:apiltat .Avenue .a2T ....... „ ......Grand .Island........., <br />tsu.ut [cart <br />.. tU'...68507 ................ (herein "Property Address") <br />(aLM.snd z"w coat <br />lktoaritEa with art the improvettxnu now ar hereafter erected on the property, anti all easemenu, rights, <br />trots, royaldes, mineral, oft arrd gas d`hu and profits, water, water rights, and water stack; and all <br />hRn-ttt.t t~ ~ hereafter attached ro tht property, a[i of which, including teptacemenu and additiotu thereto, shat! be <br />d~rnait tc 6e aced retuait- a part cd the property covered by Ibis Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, togettur with said <br />property (ar the leaneiwW sate if t(ta ~ b on a leasehold) :re herein referred to as the "Property". <br />]iiorro~rer oaveaattts that Hotr~rer ~ ta+riutty zeittd at the errata hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grater attd eottvey the Property, that the Property a n+terrcu~berecl, and that Borrower wilt warrant and defend <br />~gst~rat)y tht thle to rift; Prisppertp itgairrat art clairru Grit} demaruis, subject m any dxtaratiQns, easetuents or crstrictions <br />Ulktcd `art a ~ of exxptions to coverage in any title ensurartcc policy insuring lxnder's interest in the Property. <br />1>f` 1f 81 <br />