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Form 808 A <br />46800-1-18 <br />MC)RTGAGE <br />$1--(}U2814 <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made~ht lst, d~+ of June <br />Tto~ie'r't ~$: 't3iurisviick' aisd ',3: ~iFo in ;3xiiriswick',' titit3ban$'and eiif}e, <br /># 9 ~k . , between the Mortggagor . .. . .............. . <br />jointly and-each in t7teir own right ................................................ <br />.... ... .... (herein "borrower"}, and the Mortgagee,. FIRST .k'>~D1=RAI, .... <br />...SA~INOSi .A~. LOAN tiSBQCIAT.zQ~t .Qlz. LxNCQLN ............... „ a corjigcat#on organized-and existing- <br />under the laws af..the . Sta.C+; .~~:. ~1ebFs'~z;kA ................. whose address is. ~3t}? .~s :N . $Ate~k& :... <br />...LipspJn~..Nebraaka...48508 .........................................(herein."Lendet`"). - <br />~r Thirty-One Thousand Ti-o':Hundred and <br />00/100 HEREAS, Bottower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of ......... . ........... ........:... . <br />............... <br />........ .......................Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note- <br />dated.....~W.le, 1,,, 1~8?......... (herein "Note"}, providing for monthly installments of principal and interest;. <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not socmer paid, due and payable on .....J.t~g , I,, 20x,1 , , , , , , , . , , , , <br />To SECURE to Lender (a} the repayment of the jndebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agrecmena of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />"Future Advances"), Borrower dces~e~ty mortgage, grant and Canvey to Lender the following descn'bed property <br />located in the County of ........................................... State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Four (4), in Block Thirty itiTiae (39), in Russel <br />Wheeler`s Addition to the City o£ Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />209 Bast 12th Grand Island <br />which has the address af ............................................ ..:........., <br />liehzaska 68801 [Srreett [atrt <br />........................... (herein "Froperty Address") ; <br />[stile ana Zip Goael <br />TQ4ETHER with ail the improvements now or here;rftcr erected on thr. propertp~, and a[t easements, rights, <br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stack, and all <br />tititures naw or hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall Ize <br />dcctripd tot br and remain a-pa_rt rr( thr prapcrty eavered by this Mortgage, and all ctf the_farcgt#ng, together w$h said <br />property for the teaseha#d estate if this Martgage is un a leasehold} arc herein rcforrcd to as the "Property". <br />Bctrruwrr tovenants that Borrower is lawfully seised Uf thi: estate hereby conveyed and has the right to nturtgagr, <br />grant and cnttvcy the Itrcrpcrty, Ebel--the Prc3p4.riy is uncncuttiltcred. slut that Burrower will warrant and. defrtrd <br />g~tturalfy the title tCi t2te Property a~ah~t ai# claims, arx# diimand~;, subject to arty dre#arations, eascrncnts or restrictions <br />lixtwd in a xched3ilc of exeeptimts iii cascragc irr any title insurance pali¢y' Snsuring l.rndcr', interest in the Prypcny. <br />~~-"I tc $ r~.ty---£; YS-~-Ft41bt;~riliM$ [tN#'ttit#d iltStAUAj~Nl <br />