<br />9. CondernnMbn. The procceJs of any award nr alarm for Damage+, direct or cousequenlial, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other Inking of the PropetYy, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned ,
<br />and shall tx paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall lx applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Tntst,
<br />with the execs, if any, paid to Barrower. In the event of a partial taking u( the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this [had of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />ax is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this DecJ of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market valor of the Property immediately prror to the Jute at taking, with the balance o[ the proceeds
<br />paid to Barrower.
<br />ll the Property is abandoned by Borrower, ar if, after noice by lender to Barrower that the conckmnor of[ets to epake
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower faits sit respond to Lender within .1tf Jays after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect. and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, atelier ro restoration or repair of ilia
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower athetwix agree rn writing, any such app6catton a[ proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installmcros referred to m paragraphs t and ?hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such insta[Iments.
<br />10. Nwrower No( Refeaaed. Exten+utn of the time for payment or modification of amoruzaUOn o[ the sums secured
<br />by this Died of Trust granted by Lender to any suca:essor in interest of Barrower shaft not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability u( the original Fk+rn)wer ant Borrower's sucecssors +n interest- Lender shall oat 6e required to commence '
<br />proceedings against such strcceasor ar refuse to uxtcnd time for payment sir utbcrwtx modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured 6y this Deed of Trust by reason of any Demand made by the angroal Borrower and Borrower z successors in interest. _
<br />1 t. Frsrheaaace b7 !.ender NM a VVaivcr. Any R)rbearance by Lenzkr ,n exrrcismg any tight or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwtu aNorded by applicable taw, shall nut rte :i waiver of sir pre lode the exercise of any such right or remedy. ~~
<br />The procutrrtent of insurance or the payment u[ taxes sir other hens sir ::barges by 1_ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to aecderau the mamrttp of the mdebtedncss >cc.Vr4•tt ~hy tht> [yecJ nY "['rust
<br />12. lttmedkx Camrtlativc. Alt icmeJtes provtdcd'in-th,sChroJ of Trust .,re Jatmct ant cumulative to any other right
<br />or rurtedy under flits [had of Trust sir atturdcd by layy or eywty, .,na m:ry tx ex~rasrJ concurrently, independently or
<br />srrccesslvefyy
<br />tJ. Socctasarx and AsstRra Nuuryl: Johrs and yevrral Liability; ('aptioas. The iuvenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shat[ 6tnJ, and the nght+ herewtdcr +hal{ mttn tu, the r•spraa"c +u+~nson ant assigns of Lender and BotTawer.
<br />subrcct to the pruvlxtuns of paragraph i? hcreut All coverrat> .,nJ agreements of Horrowrr :hall ix faint and several.
<br />(ate cations aced 'rr:adind sit the pangrapha sit ihu DeeJ ,rf Trust art for c,mvrmence only ant are oat to he used W
<br />interptet or define the provtsmns~hereof. "
<br />Id. fValice. f:xccpt far shy noucc rcgwreJ under apphzahie law ro hr gn~mr ul another rttanner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower pravrdtJ Ear rn rhrs [lied of Trust shaft kre g~vrn f*y matting such nuucc by +rnificd malt aJdressed to Borrower at
<br />the Propcsty Address sir at vrch other addrea ~s Burrower may Jcsignalc by nuucc w Lender as provided htrem, and
<br />dbi any noGcc to i_ender shalt t>c given by .erutied :nod, return receipt reyueslaxl. w Centers xddrcss stated herein or to
<br />such other address as Lt[tder may Jesrguate 6y twoee ro Horrowrr as pntvtdeJ heron Any notice provided for m this
<br />peed of Trout efts!! he ekemcJ to have peen given to Burrower or (ender whco given sit the manner designated herein.
<br />tg. Uniform ITred r~'frust: (:oreraiag law; Severabtlfly. leers form sit ,lrrJ sit !rust combines untfurm covenants for
<br />natiotuf use and rtamum[orm covenants wnh IuuueJ )-aoauuns h} fwuJrcuvo n, cunsutote a uniform security ntst[ument
<br />-•averrng reef property. T'hrs flied of Trust shat! ter guvrrneJ h}" the taw sit the iur+>Jrcnoa in which the Property is located.
<br />In the event that any provuwn sir a.iaux sit tttu DceJ of Trust or ttk: iJols ~.untha+ with uppliwbfe law, such conlhct shall
<br />oat alfe+ct +1thCr ~OYlaraft; :rl Iola [)eCJ of [ tUSI J7 ihC Natr which laR t>e gt+"[rl CttrCl wllftaUl tftr cunltrcung provision,
<br />and to thu end t pruvtstunx sit tM Decd of l runt unJ the Nutt are JecfatcJ to he sevcrabla
<br />fb. Nrtcrower`x Cody. Bunuwer shalt he turmsheJ a +unturrned acrty' of the Nate std sit thra Decd of 'trust at the time
<br />trf sxra:utron ar afar rrcardatran ttercat
<br />l7. Ttt»tr[a sit the Prapeny: Ataarwrpthw. it elf sir aln }cur: ,a the Pwtx~ity or ~n tmrrcat thereto is said or transCerrcd
<br />by lforrowu wilhWtt L.eaJer'a prtur ,vntien con>r:nt, c.~ludrng tat rt:e ueanun sit a hdl o: encumbrance subardmate to
<br />this P.erxf .:{ Trust, ; b) the :rcatcc+n ui a ~ _rrchaas iuvucti +cauruy t::teie,t fur h.nrsrttutd appitantas. iU) a transfer by dev;sr,
<br />Jrsxent or by operattat of taw upon the aScath sit a ;uini tcr,am or - .
<br />t enter n:ay..,t i cnJcr's .rpnu:+. Jctf.rrc el4 the xtnt+arCUrcJ by {his Deeif of Trust l_..tr
<br />3mrrrafratNy dos and pa}able I rnztrr ,hail have w *cJ sus:h +,puun t., :t..rtcrate J, poor w tits sale sir transfer, [_ender
<br />aMi the perwu to wkom the ; ropcny is t.> or auW .~: trensfeneJ rca.h agiecinrm u, writing thni the creel uC such peraau
<br />,s aat:stacroiy !x, letulrr atu3 that the uvercx payable .rn lets +unss +.;.urcJ t•t ~ht> IfeeJ ul }[oat shall t)i: at such rate as
<br />Ltrrske shalt reyudl if I,ruJer teas wrrveJ the otHUw to ac~rlrsatc pro+,JcJ tit thu S...agraph 17, and rt Barr~wer's auz.ceswr
<br />.n ,ntutat etas rxc.utuS a written assumpoun agterrnrut a.ceptrJ s:t ,+r,t,ng icy 1 enter. Lender steal! telcasc Borrower from
<br />all ot+frgauurta sinter this Iha.-J of [cwt :inJ the Note
<br />[( LcrtJer uercrsr> such up'. tiro to ac+elcrarr, f rrt>Ir. .hair tnatE ISorruwct nuucc sit a~celerattun sir accordance wnh
<br />paragraph t4 herrot tiuch twlicc +fi)a11 ptuvtde ., }xr~.xl apt ,;,,t ire) than ?t: Jay: tram the Jatc the ounce is marled wrth:n
<br />which Barra+wer may pay leer wins Jc~+IareJ Jur l! Burlu»ar la~tr I.r p.:} 4u+h sums prtur to the etptratiau of such prrtuJ,
<br />Leader stay, woMwt furttur o.ettco or dratrnJ on B:rrruaet. ,ns „t.e ant trrr rrJ,es pc'rmutcJ by paragraph 18 hereof_
<br />Aiok-U rvtroas+ Govt-v~tvis. kiurtuwcr seat t antic: turthcr .,=.rnar+t sett agrcr a+ to8uwa.
<br />!g. AcrekraUua;tismrdirs. k-xcept as pru•idrd is parrrgrapk .' hrrrut, upon BurrowePs breach of awy covenaet or
<br />agreeasswt r>f &rsruwer in tints f)erd of Trust, irxtrrdKrg !hr cwrnaals to pay when dos any surrss secured by Ibis Dyed
<br />of Trw1, lxrlder Wir++ to acrrkratiau elute oral! aotkr to Barrower as pro+ided 'sir paragraph :J bsreuf sprcifyitt(r: ill the
<br />Mstrch: tJl the actiaa reyuued to curs swh brraxh: tyl a date, nut less than 3V da}s from the dale the notice i+ mtuitd to
<br />Narrower, by whkh sorb Wcach must br cured; aad f41 Fhat failure to cure such breach op or before the dots specified
<br />fn the rmtlxr racy rtsrrU is acarkratiua of alit sums sccurrd by this Decd ui Trust and sale of the Property. TAt nallce
<br />shall ftrrthcr iafurm Horrowrr of the cartes w rria+tase otter .ccckratimt aiW the rfgbt to bring a coon actiao to stsscrt
<br />the auo-cxateatr of a dslauB sir any titter delerssr of Burrower to acrckratiou and olds. If else lxurch is nut cured
<br />uw ru trefare tk drat specified is the rwrticr, Lauder at ltorlrr's upturn may declare alt sit the surna secured by this !seed
<br />of Trust W he immediately der wed paytibk withuW fartbar dcmawd and au} in+uar the power of stilt sad any tN6er remedies
<br />permGted by apptrraMc law. !.coder shrU tic ewiftkd to collect aB rcawnabk awes and exprnxs incurred in pursuing the
<br />remedies presided is this pualiraph Ile, inciudirxg, bw nW limurd tu, reawnubdr atturnry's fm.
<br />if the pawn of sak is fnsuked, Irtrsyc shaft erazuq~~d~ a notice of default in carte county in which the Properly or sortie
<br />ptvl thereof u !orated and shall stall copies ui sorb rwitrr in the manwrr prrxribed by applieabk taw to Horrowrr and to the
<br />rrher psswas prescritred by applicable taw. •ftrr the !spec of s:aab time tss may & reyufre+f by appiirabk taw, Trwtee sh~I
<br />pits pelafic notice tit sale ty t4s persons and in the moaner prrur%bcd by apptkabk taw. TrYSStrs, without demand on
<br />Narrower, shag seB slit PrxrpcAy at public suctwa la the hplhest bidder at the tinrr and ptacr sad wader the tuna dr:sigrused
<br />in Ilre rsattcc of saM in one sit rwm•e piuceh and in such order w Trastrc may drrennirx. "Crosser may pwtpontc wlr of aB
<br />m ray prucsl of tYe Property by public aawrruncaroent at the liars and plaza of my prertoualp scbedaled sak. Lender sir
<br />lender`s dcslgrres may purchase the Pro rty rt say oak.
<br />upon rncipt sit paymrnl of tier peke Girl, "1 costae shad rirtiscr to the purchaser 2'risstci s decd coaveyhrg the Property
<br />sa!@. Tire rccitnls in the 'frusta i deed ;full hr grins tacit e+idracr of the truth sit the a{atemeuts cootie thereto. Trustee
<br />drill apply the proceeds of the safe in the fptbw' order: (ai to aB naaauabk costs and exprasrs of the salt, irstluditeg, bas
<br />na( Ilydled fu, 'fruslat'x fees of twt mwc than ~ J L O f 1 `~° of the grass sak prier, rrawrwfrfe Wtotnsy's fees atrtt cvsls u(
<br />tflie arirktwt; f61 W aN scans +n~urrd by this Deed of 'l~rust; and tcl the excess. if say, fu the psrsoa-sir perwas tt><aany enWfed
<br />tAltMa.
<br />i& Narrower's Rplbt to ltetastate. `vtuu-:thstnndrng i.rr,Jes's .,..icreratn*tt sit ilia +urn> +ca urrd Ly thta !lied o[ "i rust.
<br />13c:. r€swer aRzf. essay t~ rigid ter hate soy preccs:Jing, txgu)4 !ry f e€)aict ra cntai.r rftts L~.va at ['rue! dtscummutJ al
<br />any surn tutor to the rarfrer iu uGtiur of 0) the flhh Jay tw-err the sate irf the PtU{xny F=ursuurn ar ilia lnawrr of sale cuuianxd
<br />:rv rho ihrJ of Tn»t sir (;,S attic;~ tJ a ten#gnwnt u,tuning this f]ea^J „f Trt,at J tat Burntaer pai+ t eo.kr off sum. w-hreh wuulef
<br />iqe ttren due ussder than CyrccJ of l7nst, the T'Sute aril torts vr.urrng [~uturc AJ+anac+. a any. h.t i na uvakrattul+ .><:a'at~rrrd.
<br />tb! But r.'=mar n,roa oft hrd~trra irf any ,titter a`uvcndnts .+r agrcrnrcnts =t'.' ftorruwet atatan~d m this [)ecd ++f Trust.
<br />rfir Hrbrruw;r pay~f sit rc¢axr.natJc ctprttass rrts:urreJ try 1 CnJcr arW Trrre.tea t-. rr uzrttg ter - venant> affil ajtrciriurtts of
<br />lf+xrr.nrcr a+.asrairtc,f to et;ts C3vad +.f t'ru+t and rn cnts,rrng CrnJer'v .+r+J lre,tc<~. n•;tscdtr+ )+ pro+tefcJ ext paragraph tx
<br />bstcof, ire, CaJrrta, Gu! na.:t tiutttrrd iu. reaairr>atsk a_uauncq's leek. stet tJs [Surr.+wrr t.r.e-, +u:: t: aatii,a :ts ! a•+tJcr ittay reasaatabfi
<br />reslwre tai xsaurc :her tfrc icq;a ea[ ihta C1etJ .rf (root. I eaaales ~> certc tgst m tt?< Pr..~:ry art fiurruw rt'i nhhYattuo tc+ pa}
<br />