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<br />SI- 1f ~1~ tVti <br />together with all rights, iaterests, tsstmcnta, hcrcditaments a« d appurtenances thertvnr~ lxlonging, the rents. issues, and <br />profiu thereof and revenues and income thcrefrrnn, .7 improvezntnts and personal properxv now or later ateached thereto or <br />reasonably ner:casary ro the use theretl, including, but not limutd ta. ran es, refrigerators, ciathts washers, clothes dryers, <br />~ csrpeeing purchased or financed m who3t ~ in part with Ivan funds, aU water, water rights, and water stock pettairting <br />thereto, and all pavmtnu at anv' time owing to Stmower by virtue of anv sale, Rase, transfer. conveyance, or cons tmnation <br />of any Bart thereof or intetrrt therein-aEi of w :tux ur herein <aUed "the property". <br />TCT iiA16E Atilt) Tt] HC)LD the uret4erty unu? tht C;«vcrntrrent and its assigns foxcvrr in fct sinrtrlc. <br />FiURRC}WER !or Aortawer's sill, lis>rn+wrr`. ilexes, exe~utr+rs, admtnsstrators, su.ctssurs seed aaaiitns WARRANTS `t'NE <br />TY7`LE to the pntperty it thx C:t~vtrnretrr:x a~+atnst ai! Iawf-uI :laksns anti >;emands whatstrcYtr czccpt anv Lens, tncumbrances, <br />rasrmen[s, zcsrrvation>. cx ronveyancrs sgrczhed hereinabovc. and t:()1'~:NAN'1"5 AND AC=REFS' as follows: <br />tI; To gay promptly when due ary indebtedness to rht C~avernmenx hereby securest soli r~ irrdemnifv and save harm- <br />less the Govtrrvnent against any :ass under its in,..rancr of gaymtnt of the na[c by reason of any default by Borxawer. <br />At all times when the Hatt is hdd by an insured holder. Aarrowtr shall evncinur xn make payments ern the note eo the t:ovrrn- <br />rrient, u eraUertmn went foe the holder. <br />ill To pay €a tlrs 4r©mntaen€ such feat and other charges a maT nv-x .,: hertafur he raquirrd by rcgulstions of the <br />Farmers Nntnc Adrninistntion. <br />(3) If rt~uired by the GoYernrnrnt, ro make additional mantl43y payn4ents of !; i'_ of ctrl estimated annual tsars, <br />assessments. inswarxe premiums and other charges upon tlsc morn-;,4gtd prcmists. <br />{i} Whether or not the Hatt is insured by the government, the C:ovexnmrnt may st any trine pay any a[hcr amounts <br />required. hereto to be paid by 8oerawu and no, paid by Rariawtx when dui, as well a any lusts and exprnsts for the pre- <br />servation, pracec[iosn, oc er?tr3f{Cn4f?Ft of this i?tn, a3 advances for the at..ount of tiarrowcr. Ali such adrances shall bear <br />intarrst at the rats borne I>v the note whrch has the l+ir~tae ixsttrrsc rate. <br />(5} AU adrances 6y the govtrnmtrr: as dexribed in this instrument, with tnscrest. shall be immcdiatrly dui and payable <br />by titxrower to the C:irvernment without dert4and at the plait drsignatcd to tiro latest note an3 shall bt xcwed htxeby. No <br />such advance by the C;overnnunt shalt relitvr Harrower frorr4 brea,.h of Fiotrower's vvtnant xo gay. loch advsrrces, wish <br />interest, shad be rtp~laid feom tilt f'ust available collections received horn Horrawcr. Chhrewise, any payment made by <br />Ilortower maq bN applied on Lht Hate ~( anY fndebttd Hess LV Lhe goveinminT s2: UtCd Srtrttiy to wFiY i%dtr the C3aYtrikmrnt <br />detrssrssncs. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />