g~-- OQ2"791. 1V~~R~'~~~~
<br />` This aurrtgage made trttet enitsed Into this 29th. day of Mav _~,
<br />19~11Y, by and btKween Frontier P-ogertiea Corp.
<br />{hereinafter rteftxrtd to as tnoetgagory -and Cotttmercta! Natianal Bank and Ttwt Company
<br />~fta€ rcf,l=tis>;ss - -
<br />tnortgsgoe), who maintains an office and place of busirttss at 4g4 N1eRL Third .street In Ciiptdig(epdi
<br />-Gouaty, I+kbrasta.
<br />Wtrtt,-that far the cansideratioa hereinafter stated, reee}pt of which is hereby aekntrwkdgad; the mottgagtK
<br />does herebp mortgage, sdt, grant, asttiga, aiad convey unto the tttortgaget, its anctxssors std + all of.the fol-
<br />losirittg.dest>ritxd property situated and bring in the Cannty of Hall
<br />5tatt of hlrtrtaska.
<br />Lot Five t5}, Kallos Subdivision in the City of Grand Ssland, Nebraska.
<br />together with a#! the tettemertts seed appunrnar:zrc tlxvetn belonging, a#! the rrnts, issues and Drofits thereof, and a(t
<br />ertsarrtmts, rights, ropaities, mineral, ail and gas eigl3u and prafits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />all hating, piutnbing, refriguation, #ighting, equipment and al# fztures of every destrip[inn belonging to the
<br />mortgagor Haw ar hereafter attached thereto or used in eonrreeeion with the prem;ses herein described and in addition
<br />the[eta the fo#lowing described praprtties which art and shall tie deet~d to be fixtures and a par[ of the realty, and
<br />arc a portion of the sauri[y far the indebtetfttess herein stated. {[f Wane, state "Wane"}
<br />To-have and to bald the sarut unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided;
<br />The trtost~or is lawfully seized- and possessed of and 'has thr right to salt and eonveq said property; that the
<br />same is fret front atl etrcumbraruxs except as htrtinabove rst:ited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />def+ead the tick aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whamsacwer.
<br />ThSC tttstttrttrent is given SO Secure the payment of $ prcrwissoty Hatt dated My~+ 29. 1981 ___
<br />in the prittc~$1 sum of S 4-fan-ao , signed by Donald H. Kruse, President -
<br />1n b~lf of g~yntiE±r Prnnertie~ am ~---
<br />aba, as latch tsote ax trop fttrm titoe to drat be modit"ttd, renewed or tztrnded in writing.
<br />to the ev~tt.the tiEit to caul rrn! euatt is transferral, or contracted [o bt transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />retstes at bg soy method whatsoever, the entire principal stem and accrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />p4lrable a[ the e~ of the holder hereof. Failure to cttraeist this option because of transfer of title as abos•e stated
<br />itA-tom! ltuesacx shall-trot constitute a waiver of the right to exereite _eht saute in the evrnt of any subsequent transter.
<br />1. 2'he ctav~anta sad agrem as falktws:
<br />$~ -Tar l'~ ih4 ' tvideaeed by said promissory note at the titmS and in the manner
<br />ihe~tt pr4risfud.
<br />' 6, Tts pate tell ts~tras, amts. water rates: dtttl otlra gavertunenta! ar municipal charges, fines, or
<br />~, fop ieh pravis~tt lSrrs trot hurt nttdr txirsabtfort; and will promptly deliver thr nff4ria# receipts
<br />thtata*or tit the said tsar tom.
<br />t. l`a pay- xrr~'lt e'spenstS std -fees tae easy bt itacurrtd in the protretian and maintenara~e x±f said property,
<br />#ht rule's tbf any a:trxnoy ~~ by the morte for the cnt#~tiorr of say c,r a## of the indebtedness
<br />ftstc~rY seS'wcrl, e+r frrt~s~utt t» trtortga~ce's cak, rsr court prsrauings,, nt in any .~€her litygntion r,a pr,scek~ciinia
<br />alfcc~argt aril f+r(speti).
<br />