s~--~o27s~ h~C~R'~G~~G~
<br />i`his ntsyrlgptge shade ens erttKed in€o this ?9th daq of Mao ,
<br />1?-~i-.:-, 1~Y fir! leett Fromtiet• Pr-~rties Cdrp-
<br />(hfksr refaxa! to as tttr} and Corrtrr~raal Ntitiaaat Bonk and-Trost Company
<br />tbtCFted tp
<br />t~tt~gte); w+ho rnaltttaltts'atfofftce aitd ph-a of business at 424 West Tfii;rd street fn C3~tmd Island,
<br />lial[CbuAtY; Ftetsraska.
<br />WtttTtt, that fors the cansidoratfaA hereinafter stated, receipt of which- is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor-
<br />doea i~t!ebY tttmt~t~, sett; grant, asaige, and convey outs the mortgagor, its sgctxasars-and assigns, atl-of the fol-
<br />(owing iiefl property sitwted acct lacing. in the County of Hal l
<br />-State of t+kbrasita.
<br />Lot Two f?l., Kailos Svbdivisian in the City of Grarut Island, ttebraska_
<br />together wilh a[! the teatetnettts and appurtettartces thereto belonging, ail the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />ettsemettts, rights, rpyaicws, toiwerai, oii and gas rights and pmts, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />ail heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipmett[ and alt fi!ttures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached thereto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereta the following described propetties which are and shalt be deemed to tx itxtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a ponion of the security for the indebtedness herein stated. (tf nant, state "none")
<br />'t'o have and to hold the same uMO the :44ongagee, as herein provided;
<br />The Atatttragtx is lawfuity seited and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey said propetty; that the
<br />saute is free from ail en¢ttmbraaces except as hertinabovt recited; and that Mortgagor ex~enants to warrant and
<br />defend the title sioresaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of ail persons whomsoever.
<br />This ltwtrumettt is gives eo secure tho paytnertt of a promissory note dated _,1~LY 29. 1481
<br />iA rise prinrcipat stuA of 5.~~`~~:Cp ,signed try ~ortald H_ Kruse, President
<br />iA btdtaif of ___F.7'fltt~ i~Lt'~Sttier„ Carp.
<br />afar:, as sttett ntxe or t-atas trtay from time to time be modified, reAewed or extended in writing.
<br />to-€~ evaut the tide to said real estate is transitrrrtl, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />rat9n-. m- bY- ~ method wtratsoever, the eAtire primapa! attttt-and accrued .interest stroll at once bocome due and
<br />pale a the etottioa of the holder heroaf. Faihtre to exercise this option tsecaose of transfer of title as above stated
<br />iA ire lnttanec shaft Aot eoAStid,+te a waiver of ttte right to exercise the sts~ in the event of any, subsequent transfer-
<br />- f. Ilse tgpttga~r covesatns-and agrees at,tallaws:
<br />s. Tot proolptty pay the lt~s evidotic~t€ by said protttissttry trots at rho titAes and in rho manner
<br />l
<br />h. TD pay alt tarts, assesstttortts; water rates; slat othor govertuttental or muniapal charges, fines, or
<br />iatgputlana~, tsK which ttirtK'i~n has not bey tAade haseinbefore, slut wilt-promptly delver the official reL~eipts
<br />thtsirfar to rho said ~.
<br />r. is Ray iueh expenses attd fees as rosy bo incuned In tits protection and maintenance of said prnpert?,
<br />>t~ ttie feos of any atitrtistiy ctsptpyad blr the irort~ Fat tits coltet~tittn of any. cr all of the indebtedness
<br />hetetty srX'urtd, oc forocfusure by nEOrtgagee's ale, :,r court f+r~x=tsedings, or in ant athsr iitition a?r t~r.'sccetlin
<br />affta`tittg said itFC+persa.
<br />