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i <br />'1`ltis titottgagi4 rtTede'aad entered into tkis 29tYr day of M$ <br />~ tg_..33'i~.rbYtttfd'beteveon Front=ier properties=~orp.- <br />-i. - _ -- - - - --- - --- ,- <br />-~, <br />(he*~~'~~' refetYetl-ft- as tnorfp~gar} and Co~iiineretet`Natiortal' l~i+n)r anet'tTUSt t~ompany <br />(treraitrit8ter rte tp a#: <br />3. who rttaittains an office and`piace of business at 9?4 t--~tixd _ - - -s_trsxt to 4~r~1=_ISi; <br />Gtttrtty, 1+3ebtastta: <br />Wl'FTI•r, that for the cot-sideratiun tierelnafter stand, receipt= of wh3cli is hereby aaknaatlcdgedt ttie m~tgager <br />dens y ttgt, se11, grant;. assign, and convey unto the motYgagee, its sucxeasers and asttigas, a!t of rite- fol- <br />towing described Property situated and being in the`County ofi Ha17 <br />- Suite°af Ndiraska. <br />Lot One (l}, Rallos Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:: <br />together with all the tenemrntc and appurttnarrces tttereta belonging, ail the reins, issues and profits thereof, and all <br />eaeeateots. rights, royaltits, mittersl, oi3 and gas rights amt profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and inc3uding <br />al!' treating: plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipment and alt fixtures of every description belonging to the <br />mortgagor now or hereafter-attached thereto or used in connection with the prerttists herein descriixcl and in addition <br />thereon the fo3lowing described properties which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the rea3ty, and <br />are a portion of tiro secttr{ty Far the indeiztedttess herein stated. ([f none, state "none") <br />Bo have ate to ttoid the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided: <br />?tea tggrigagor i; lawfu33y seized and possessed of and has the right to se41 and convey said property; that the <br />saute is free Runt-aN°eneutnbrarrcts except as hereinabove recited; atut that Mortgagor covenants [o warrant and <br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against [he c3aims of aU persons whomsoever. <br />This. io9irurn~tE is-given-o secure.the paymsv-t o£ a promissory mete dated t~y~ t a81.~ <br />in rite priueipa} sum of ~~,~,~ QOR On ,signed 6y Ikurald H. K~tse . Presidgnt <br />in behalf of Fr.+nntier Br4Bertzies ':aro. A <br />afro, aa_~tcl- ngte--or nttts.~ may -item time to time tx tttodified; rertewed or extended in writing, <br />[a.the tw~rt t3tG-tiff to said rest extato is trattsfttrat, err contracted tb he traasfcrred, from the undersigned for any <br />r4pslott tit. §1t ttpty rlwtlt4d w3fgt#soever, the entire principal swn attd $ccctsed. interest-shall at once txaane due and <br />payable at the ~ of tlm.hotder hereof. Failure [o exerci~ this. option,ixcause of transfei of title as above stated. <br />iA tine inpta~x st~1lt~c constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />!. T`~. cchhvewuuta and agrtxs as follows: <br />~ ~• ~¥` P#y ~ tltJSr' t:vidertcted by ssihispt~ssory note at the times arut in the rnanrter <br />thereia ptsw'd: . <br />b. Tt. pAy al#° taut. d1FiIheats. waioF rSta. attd Qihta gc+vea'tsmcntel or tnuni~pai c3rarpes, fitus, err <br />inspc3aitiotts,, ft3t< xd'~grp~w3~loa itas not (~ insult hersinbefore, atsd will protnptly d~ivcr [1:e official re4-eip[s <br />{ttoRfor to t!~-satt#t;, <br />c. to pity t ex@rets+~ attd ftxs ;ts• mu} lfie incurred in the protection and maintenance of said property. <br />irscittd,rgt ~E farKi of suAfF attt-Fnef ~ ray the t~r#gxgce far tits roliprtion cif arty ur all a£ the irtde3atedness <br />= hereby ~tc~trsx3. or foteclocure t3y tnsartgaacc"s sate, car court prolittga, or in city -other litigAttian o[ ptckeediny <br />afeting ~aid.Qa'atrctty. <br />