<br />
<br />Mpit~`GAGE
<br />
<br />This farm is used in connec-
<br />tion with trrortaages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the Plational
<br />Housing Aet,
<br />7't$IS[ttORTGAfiE.ntade;;nde?ctetrt€dthis 28th day of MaY .A:D:
<br />!4 B1 .byatsdbetwetn BRADLEY W. SHEARER AND PATRICIA G. SIiE}1RER, hnaband aad-wife
<br />of the Craarnty trf H a 11 , xrtd State of Netua_cka, party of the first part; herts'tertatkd
<br />theMortg~or,and Supericr Mortgage, inc. , ,
<br />acoepot"afianprgattiudatu[existinguntkrthelawsof the United States of Aaterica
<br />party rff the secatd pare, hrreittaftrr ca[ied rhr Mortgagoe,
<br />WITNESSFTIi- That the said Mortgagor, far and in cansideratian of the sum of Thirty Two Thousand 'Th=ree
<br />Kundrefl and Noj100ths--------------------Ikttlarvt5 32,300.0.0 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. the receipt of whie[t is hereby acknowledged, hax Granted and Snld and by these preserus does Grant, 8ar-
<br />gain. Sell, Gonkry artd C.anfirnt ants the Mortgfigee, its successors ased axsigtt4. forever. the faNawing-described
<br />real estate, sirtrated in the Caunzy of K a 11 ,and State
<br />of Nebraska. fo wit;
<br />Lot One Hundred Forty-Five ilA5), in IIuenavista Subdivision, an Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />aftlscSixthPritscipxikderidian.cmtatnmt,inafi City Property :ccresacc~rdrngtc,t~ovrrn~
<br />zrtenf xurv~ey:
<br />TU [{AVh ~1NO t'f1 lfC1Ll3 the prrmavrs.st>uoe de+cntxv#. uuh at# ttte appurtrran.:r, thereunto hrlungtng and truiuding
<br />.dl hrauttg plumtaing and lighung tinturra and ryutpmcnt Hale ar eereafter arts, hed to ~r +r,rd ut ~unnc.tian w tth veld teal estate
<br />ante its Mtxtgugrr, amt to its ,u.rr+.,w~ .;nd .:+.ign+, f;,re.rr fhc 'tf..*rtrFasror re}.rr.ent.:,+, :+nd ~i+srnarts u ith. tltr ~Llariga-
<br />grs, that [3ue Mortgagor has gv+cui right to ze#I and cR~nvev +aid premiar.~. that >.tfrv :ue free [rant eneun+hranee: and that the
<br />Mortgagtx wi[[ warrant and dr/end rhr same against the 4aa fu# cistms of :tll prr,ons u hunts+jrvct; ,tnd the wid 4tortttagor he,r
<br />by rridttrpushes al[ regbas aF twmestead, seal al# maztta# nghty. r,ther €n ta+v =x to ryuitq..:nd a#i ,~thrr cvntingrnt mtrrc~ty ut the
<br />Mottgt€~gxx in and [v t[x atxtveiir~ rtiard prrmtua. the tnrenanm i~€ng i++; +rn+ rr furrhy an :thwv:ute title. infer virnpk. tnrhrd-
<br />ititt a1[ rryg-tts of hwnrstrad, :tttd other ngitty and :ntrxe.tz a.: atore9ek}
<br />PRt2WID1~p Rt: d'etY~.:md thex per>rnt..:er eve,: uteti :+nd ueiivered up,m !hr fo;In~ing ~„ndit€,:nv. to u n.
<br />"[he?,lt~rtg»~tcrr:tgreost.PagtottxMartp:.rgcr.:srnrder,tttrpnn~tpaistsmuf Thirty Two Thousand Three
<br />Kundred anti [daj100tha----------------°--thtiar„~ 32,300.00 ~.
<br />with intgrr#tFrtup dttEe at ihz me at Fifteen and one ha 1 f ~€ rentum r 15 , 50 <;,. j per annum an
<br />t[trunRaid~:usttfitpaid.~[hesaidprincipalandintrtr~t~haiit*epayxbkatthe,[#hceref Superior Mortgage, Tne.
<br />~ Grand Zsland, Nebraska or at suchu[herp#aceastnehoideru#
<br />the€wtrsnrydesignstteinwntirsg.rn€tzvrnthtr€ntit.tllment4,*t Four Hundred Twenty Cne and 36j100ths
<br />_,.,.....-_--_- - -- tA,3#at;a t5 ¢ ~ 1 . 3 6 =. u>mntrndmg sn the tir5t day .rf
<br />July--_- -_----- !Y $1, +nd an rhr tirvt day+rf ee,:h n,anth thereafter a€ttii the prtftetp.,l and tn-
<br />trrest ~~ frs[[y. paid, except that the fins) a ,nrnt ,.rf ,-rt€tt,pai :.nd u:tetrst. ii nut .,st,nzr Hard, ~ttai# br due end
<br />pyya~e aat~e first day of 'ltlne , 2~F it ;di az: arding to the terrrt~ of a rcrtztn prumn-
<br />vary rxur of Gvrn rtatr herewith executed hF the 4aid v9artgagiu
<br />The Mar[gbgtat in atdrr tnurr tuifv to prate~a the seiuritq :.rt this Martteagr. attrre~
<br />1, 7'traf he +vilt pay the ittdrbbrd.^.rsx, sx hercur[arfcur prow tdad. f'natirgr €. revervrd tar pa: €hr dept rn shale, <*r' €n r€n
<br />a#aaunt r.luai tack car merarnulrUtty paytraents cnt ihr pnncipai that are nest due ,+n rhr m,tr. ,+n ihr hest day of .env n€,nxh
<br />tt, rnsturity: Ftti+vnlrN. htr€~r.rr.'['hat written mrtts;r of un tn[entiun to racr4irr .urh pnvtkgc t+ given at lra.t thuty € +tti
<br />d:ayx prctt€ td #E,rp~ab,tee&t.
<br />a [hxt„ ita~thcr with, and in Krrfditton +{~. the €tsanihiy p€~yrneni, +~f pna4zpai :end itttrrryt pay.sia#r under the teeters ,+i the
<br />Heft ~€kiut>rd hrfrtby, the h4ctrtt6?Yfw wi#t pay tv the Mc>xtgagre. on the first tiap z,i rash month unti# rite ..m9 c,rtc i4 #,€it) p.u.t t e
<br />[o#k,wis~ ~txtis:
<br />(al Attx*~>`stt z#ffe~tat to prrsttt the hta3dur ftatratf wittt ferry tt5 paq the next ttartgagr tnsursncr paetntutn tf tiers
<br />tEtrrxrWrfte¢tt attd - rtcXe -~xrts t# he-reh-~ are truuftd, ,ar :t :rrctrtthiy cb~trgr r srr #rru ,+? ,t rrrkrnstaa~ge €rrarmn. ~,• r,rr~-
<br />nutwrr{ tf ttaty 9r0 frede lay tSr't fieecrrury etf ifut+twtlt and llrtasn tiaar[opntartt. as #v#Gawv
<br />f[) 1f tt#xl +rsx ltltig ~ itt~ir txf r+wn citur and thrr in#trtrHx-tat :tee tnsurrtif ,*± zt,~ .r,ns++te.t .,~aciez ,err t,,.:.
<br />vtsirvtf et tht tunYxareal f~lettestng. r~¢t, art arixwnt suff~~k#ertt a! ac..uttMSlath to rite harMfc,a rhr hrt[drr ,=nr
<br />~'MA~.?t~Yt w* r++q tie .r.ar r*.w.:. c awttsy +s t~tavArra€! iT 1?'t': t,F ~'}"tfit 1'_+11.1
<br />