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81- [)02754 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23r 44~ <br />IfNdW ALL MEN BY THESE tvRESENTS- That Eldest W. Nowwka and Carol L. Naaka, each in his and her <br />owls right Arad as spouse 4f each other, Mortar, whether ate or rnwe, in a~idesation of the sam apt <br />Tmrsi-ate Frasr T4vtiiaa*vi Rtrrht- Flt rrtrirx+rt ants isVS/1fl(Se-____-----___-_~--__-----..~-~..-..ev..r .oo <br />loured to aid mat®rgctr by The F.quitabk Bttild'mg and Lawn Assttt9stion of Grand Island, Nebnsfca, Mortglte, [tpon 24$ >d~ of story of <br />ASSOCiATIOA+I, Certificate No. L 23 r 947 , do hereby grant, mnvey rtrd mortyge mto the said ASSOCiATtON the fo4bwiol <br />deserr'bed real slate, sittmted i» Ha6 County. Nebraska: <br />LQT T4A (2) , Ilti BIACIC NI6fE7fET~fil (19) , II3 E,AICER'S <br />ADDl'PICl1 TO 1HE CITY OF GRAi3D ISI1-PID, HAIL, <br />tn;sthtr with a6 the tenements. hereditamrnts std appurtenarttes thereua[o betottging, itxl:ding attactxd iktru coaervtgs, a6 wit[dow sweats, <br />stiodrrw dtadcs, blends, storm windows. awnirga. heatutg, au arrditiunit[g, and piumbutg and water egtripntent and actsaotiea thereto, pumps, stores, <br />refrigmton, sad other Factures and etptiprrterd now a tternftec attached to or +awi in s-emnectarrt with said real estate. <br />And rhaeu the said rrort6sgot has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgtRor stia6 and will pay all taxes and assetsmnts levied a <br />aseesaeti upar said premises grid upon this nwrtgagr and the bond secured thereby before the sarnc stall become ddi[quent; io fttrmsb approved <br />iasuraam upon the buildatgs cm aid pretises situated in the suer ref S 24,$00.00 P=y~k to said ASSOCIATION and to deliser to said <br />AS50('IATfON the prtli4zs for said insnranR; and not to a>mtnd a pa>rot my waste rw ur about said premises; <br />In case of dditrlt in the performmae of any of the terror artd curxtttwrss of this r~rtytge or the ixtrd secured hereby. fire moRgsgee .&.yll, <br />un drmud, be entitled to imrtterliate poaesrioo of the monga~td premises and ttre niatgagor txrehy assipas, tramden and sets ova tt+ the <br />tteort~gve aU the runts, revrenates zed inor~ to 6= ~t^trvrst flora tlx mttstgsgcd pa-trsiss dairy srxh lime u Lire mcsttga{ge indebt~ass shall terrain <br />unpaid; std the mwtytlee shalt have .:.t power to appoint my agent err agrnts d may desire for the purpose of repairietg said premiss and rentitrs <br />the' mtte and crr9ectirtb the roots. rerennes and inatnte, std it may pay out of said incurrc all expenses of reptterir[a said premises std rtttt>avy <br />ooaitsiaaioes std [rcpenrea ioenned in rrntictg and ttattaging the same and of colkctnt8 rrntals therefrom; the batana renaeoertE, i( my, to be <br />ap(~ toward the discharge ref said tnatgge ndebtedttess; these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised ai any time dtviag the existence of strch <br />deTauh, isreapew.ire of a»y tampotary wai+er of ttte sasm. <br />7'ltex fterenis, lanvever, art upon the CondHi»n, Thst if tlx said Mcx[gagor shaft repay sad ban on a before the maturity of said slates by <br />payment; pay monthly w sad ASSOCIATION of the slim specefrA in the Bond secured hereby as interest and prindpai on said ban, on or baforo <br />the Twentieth day a(eadt wad emery mciuth. until said loan is fudly plaid; psy all [axes and assessmrnts levied agaittsi said promises andoo this Mor[gagF <br />and the Boyd scored thereby, ttefae detmgtrcru-y, ftu»istt approved imiuanrx tiptxt tree buildatgs ttxrtun in the sum of S 24 $00.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION tµrtn demand a6 money by d pad For such taxes, assessments ardtr[stuamx with interest at <br />the maximuat legal rate ttterenrt from date of payaa:»t alt nt which Mactgaguc hereby agrees to pay; permit m waste on said promi>es;tceeg a~ cotttply <br />whit a6 the agrtenient:and eonditittns of thz Braid far sJ_4, $00.00 the day given by the said Mor[gagiur to aid ASSOCIATION, and oompiy <br />risk a6 the requiretrcnts ut the Constitution oat By-Laws of said ASSO(:lATI()Fl; then ttteae presents shall ttewtrrte nub and vod, othrrise they <br />~ rema~ w fu6 fora and may bt faedusd at the nFt--•- of elx said ASSOL"tATitRI after failure fa ihret titonths to main any of said <br />pay~~teols or ba three months u3 ucears d [taking sad tnonthiy paytnenu, a to keep and comply with [be agteetoents std condition of aid Bond; <br />and llorigagur aq-noes to hoot a reoeiter appointed fortltwit6 m sudt foreciowrc groscedutgs., <br />!I these ss a»y ~ m owtterat»p of the real estate ctia[galed heron, by ale a otherwise, then the eotue remaining iodebtedaea hertdty <br />RL4r6il shah, at the npdion of The GQntabk Iliidamg and Lwn Assocattat of 4ratd tsla»d, Nebraska, become ut[toedatel due wad <br />further twtioe, and the amamt r due order said bond, std m othu hood for Y payable without <br />ettaietmg Y any additional sdvawxs made thereunder, aha6, from the <br />date of exwcrse oC acid option. bear interest at the nisximum kcal rate, std Ibis rttortga7ge may tlsen be foreclosed W satisfy file srmwtt due on said <br />bad, and any outer hood fa additional sdvaoaxs, together with a8 sutra plaid by aid The Equitable Bn[idistg and Loan Aaorlsteon of Grand Ialwd, <br />t4ebntka for iaairsna, taxes and sraeamerus, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon. irr~ date of ~yment at the rtaximwn <br />kpt rate. <br />As ptavded in Ute Bond secured hereby, while this ratrtpapr rernaens m effect the traxtgsgte may Iweafter sdvana addetnral sums to the <br />ttsakers o€ said Boad. their ami4ns a srtea>:saocs in enterest, whu:h sums shah be within the scurity of this mortds$e the same as the foals urigitaBy <br />seated tbrreby, tht total vncarnt of principal debt not [u cooed at any torte the aigitisi antouo[ of this mortgage. <br />~~{~.tom.~ g9~ ~Y ~ ~Y A. t~., tv $1 <br />c.~aro1 L. ~alca <br />$fA'&E tIF I#CeI'rAr } rt t1n tliut 29th day of May 1981 . befara me, <br />COIJAYtY QF NALL (r <br />the [roderailried, a Notary Public io oat fur aid Camry, pasonatiy nma <br />P.7,tic>sa tr7. i~taltdcl+ isiXl Carol L. 44otttka, each 1n his afad her own right and as spouse of each <br />tstktBtr -.-., who are peraowBy ttaorn to <br />sm ~i 6a the idtatfatl person 8 whose rotme6 ~ atftaed us the above fbetremtoa! ~ rnatgatnr & a»d th~`mveratly <br />#~ laud ~umumit to be tjaeir xrluntaty as std decd. ~ „~ _ <br />f~•TNI~ lay htrnd oat Nntaaasil Saul rite date vosesaid. _ "'"~~" 1 r~ <br />My Cumnirssu,n oxgaaa ~- ~ ~ _ f <br />_... ___ i _,...'~ <br />"'apt' ° ~' _ pc~f+flt~tt r~t,~r~~-x ~ trta+utt <br />~-"`•t.;:"'a kq Cn:~l. Eip, ktrr, lt. 1419 <br />