83-- 00272
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 a9d(
<br />KNOlYALL!aENesY't~r~sErlti=s>;Nrs:Tlffit Carl E. Edberg and Agnes M. Edberg, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other , Mortgagor, whether tree ~ more, m noon d the tam of
<br />Ttrenty Thousand and no/100 -------__-------- - -_ l~sas
<br />locoed to said mortggasr by The Equitable Bitdtlata and Limn Asaa®tion of Grind band, Nebraira, Glortgttgt, upon ~d0 s~araa of mark of
<br />acid ASSOCIA71oN, Ceniftate No. L 23 , 946 . do hereby graei, oouvey std reortgage rmto the said ASSOCIATION the faBuw~
<br />deaabtd red estate, sitmted in F-aB County, Nebraska.
<br />Lot One (1) and the Easterly Sixteen Feet (16.4)
<br />Feet of Lot Two (2), Block Fifteen (15), Boggs and
<br />Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />together with all the tenements, hcreditamrnts and appurtcnanm thereunto bebnging, inctudirag attat~ed fba covering, aB teiadosv ataam,
<br />window shades, blinds. storm rrindoxs, awnueg, hntutg, ale corduioairtg,and plamtbvag acrd watzr egtriptnent cad aazaories thercto,pump,stava,
<br />refrigerators, and other features and equiprtrent rases or hereaftrr ittactaed to or trod m connection xith said coal estate.
<br />Artd wheteu the said rtarrtgagor has agreed and does hereby agrac that the mortgagor shall acct sril! pay all tun acrd aaemaeeta les7ed or
<br />asseaed upon said premises acrd upon tha rrtortgsge and the bond ,reared thereby before the sane shall become delirptsmt; [o fatrttiaFa approved
<br />insurance upon the btulding on ad premises atwted la the sum of S 20,000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION cad to deliver to aid
<br />ASSOCIATION the pdities fa said iasuranx: and cwt to wmmit or permit any waste on or about said premises:
<br />in eau of defidt in t!x performarue of any of the terms and conditions of thts mortgage nr the bond xcured hereby. the roortggee slap,
<br />mr drer3srd, rte eatit~! fn imsreediale po~sa=wr. of the mortg~ed prernisea acct tM .neert~or lrrcby assts, traders and :ts oxr W the
<br />mortgagee aB the rents, rzverttres and istwme to be derived from [tx mortgrged pactnues dtairtg sorb time as the mwtg$e adebtednea shall re^nea
<br />wyatid; std the mortgagee shall have the prover to appoint any agena or agents ii crest' desue for the purpose of repairing aid pmstines cad rooting
<br />the came acrd wllecting [he rents. revrntres aril in~rrr, and it maY WY out of said irreurere all axpensea of repairing said premises acct oeoenary
<br />coaeoiaions and ezpereaes incurred is tenting acct rtrart~rrg the ame and of culkaurg rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, it my, to be
<br />applied ttaxard the di:claarge of said nnr[pge rrrdebtrriaes:; thex riairts of she mortgage may be eurcised at my time durirrg the esistenoe of strr3t
<br />akfadi, irrespeOive o[ my temporary waver of the sarre-
<br />These Presenu, hovrevrr, aze upon the Csrnditioe, Tfmt r( the said Mortgagsrr shall repay said lwrt on or before the mataity of said shares by
<br />pyrrreat; pay reirtrmry to sad ASSOCIATION u( the win speafini in tlse &xd secured hereby as interest and psiacipal on said boa, oa m before
<br />the Twentieth day of each acct every rrnnth, eaatd sad bin s (idly past: ICY sot taxes acrd assess:raeats levied said premim a~ am thg Mortgag
<br />acct the Mond scarred thereby, before detirtquency: furnish approved ensttratrce upon the bauldings tttawn m the win of S 20, 000.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; rcpt' to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all contort' by it paid for such rues, assessments and iswumm with interest at
<br />the maaimum Eegat rate elaereon from data of paytrcnt all of which Mortgagor herchy agrees to pay: pemut no wale on said premises; keep and comply
<br />xiih all the agramrats acrd amtfitiom of the Bond for 3 20 , 000.00 this day goon by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />vrith aB the requiremrnta of the Currssitutioa and Byd.sws of cad ASSOCIATION; rhea ttxse ptaaenb shall beastsse auB cad void, otherwise they
<br />shall remain in ftr0 force and may be faechixd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for throe mtm~hx to ,cake arty of stud
<br />payrmnts a be three months b actors in makitrg said rttonthty paytrtrnts, ur to keep and armpit' with the agreements acct aoedilions of stud Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith m such farccbuue pcwxedirtg_
<br />If thtre is say tdrange b uwaarsbip of the real estate matgaagad herein, by sale a otherwise, then the rnti2 atmta®iog mdebtednea hereby
<br />~ shaB, at the optin of 1'he Egtusable Bttitding te4 Lom Ataociatio:t of Grind lshmd, Nebsa~ta, become immediately dm cad peyabk without
<br />fathn rraeioe, and the snrowtt remaining due under said bad, cad say other bond for any additioeal advanaa made thereunder, abaB, from the
<br />dt~ trf t:ttaa~e of said option. bev bterest at the ttaaitttaua tegl tact, and this rraatgag ntay then be fored+>Kd to atidy the amoue[ due am and
<br />bo~,aad ay r:thea Good fa athiitional adrsatcrs., together vrith all storm paid by said Tits Egtutabk Sa7ding acct Wan Aaotietion of Graad [abed,
<br />Nekrarta for irmeaece, Iaxa and aaeaarents, std sbsaractiog extauaott clurges, with interest thereoe, from date of pyment at the muimum
<br />kgtd ~ate-
<br />As providad in the Bond xa[ad hereby, while this mortgage remains N effect the rrrortgtgee tiny hereafter advance additional Haas to the
<br />amen of said &xd. than assgirs <x succesnxs in intrresi. xhieh sacra sha}i 6c within tfx security of this mortgage the same as tht ftmds origietaBy
<br />,correct thereby, the total aerouat of principal debt m+t ao cat>ad at any tune !!% original sawunt of this mortgage. ,
<br />the ~f~~`~.(J(~~, S dayof '~; - pjay A. B., l9 81
<br />L- A ~
<br />rg LW~-__.. - -- --
<br />Agnes M. Edberg , /~'
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ oa tAra 29th day of May t9 81 , before me,
<br />c'ouNT'tr of IIAI.I.
<br />the ttndess~rted. a Notary PabGc m cad Ca aid camry, peraonaBy came
<br />Cer2 E. Fdberg and Agnes M. Eclberg, each in his and her own right and
<br />98 Bpouse Ctf each other , wtm are persntaBy kttowe to
<br />tee w M flat idetuioai psvsun S xbae acme 8 are alTuat fir the abovo•iagttueeat iia matggor s and they svetallY
<br />adtatftviedgad eha vtut+. i+~frtrmptt to ba their voluntary act cad dtrd. ~ -~
<br />M7TNP~4 ra; hand ~ Notariil Seat the dace aforesaid..
<br />II7r ('oatxtsnaiae tapirs,
<br />raaa.er u ~.,, `.
<br />~,
<br />i'
<br />-. __- 5'
<br />~f;IftfRU tfOtaq S.str et Not+rssa
<br />'~"- Abtf~ A' L1i St3fG
<br />ar, Cann fro: w~ 12 .9l3 ~
<br />