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<br />Form FmSA-. 443-3 <br />8I--UC)2745 tRero. 1-9 ~) <br />Agar WiT<t l~'!-1. ssxa~. col~rRAC~ ssla.~xs AND stnrsRs <br />WHE[~AS, William G. Hensel and klOala NI. HeusEtl: _. <br />husband and wife, (hereinafter called "sellers"a have sold- to Dauq$.att D. <br />Thompson and Dianne L. Thompson h::aband and wf€n~ <br />(hereinafter called "buyers"), under the terms of a certain real estate <br />inatalloant contract, the folioMing described property situated in the <br />State of Plebrsska, County of Flail to-wit: <br />Ttte 6~te8t Half of the South Half of tr,e 17ortheast ~'}uarter {SD1E3t) <br />of Section Twwsrty {20}, Township Ten {20} North, Fangs Twelve (12), <br />West of the 5th P.M., Hall Cot~ity, Nebraska, together with rights <br />reservc~3 ltJ Sellers over, al~g anti across the South 30 feet of <br />the Fast Half of the South Half of the Altrtheast Quarter {E~S~N~.) <br />of Sectic~ 'tWersty (20}, Township Ten (10) Nora;, Range Twelve (12) <br />West of the 6th P.M., HaII County, Nebraska, for ingress and egress <br />to the said W~S~,NEti, subject to eas~ts of reooit3, restrictions. <br />and ~cistincr ~xs. <br />for the sum of Ckie Hisx3re3 Tweaive 'i'housa2xl Dollars {.eli2, 000} said agreement <br />being dated, executed and acknowledged on Dec 27, 1 79 sad <br />STBEB€R.S, the buyers propose to obtain a loan is as amount not to exceed <br />'~~~~`~ '~-~~ Dollars {$ 32.000.00 ) from <br />the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration, <br />United States Department of Agriculture, and which property will be mortgaged <br />to the Covernnaust to the extent of the buyers' interest as security in <br />cotmectioa with said loan, <br />tad, T7il'i3EFOFif, fa consideratian of the foregoing, the sellers or <br />their represeacativea, agree that they will comply with the terms of said <br />contract except as modified Ftereby and thae in the event of default on the <br />part of bu,^•era under said contract, sellers will judicially foreclose the <br />saws sad seek deficiency judgment if necessary, ~"w"~' er <br />reaedy accorded co them by said contract or by larl:°i~,,~} th81r <br />rapreseatatiroes, give their consent to the buyerm ro=mortgage ra' <br />iatareat under the above-csentiotsad real estate coa[ract, In t'~ee event that <br />the sellers, or their representatives, determine that judicial foreclosure <br />under the real estate contract is necessary to protect their interest, Le <br />is hereby agreed that the State Director, €araera Home Administration, Lincoln, <br />Nebraska, will be pravi..;d thirty {30} days written notfce prior to such action. <br />~~ ~~ <br />