<br />6J .L~~7+21`fci (Rev.f~1 9-76)443-3
<br />AGfitfi.WZTIC EtL~AL 1A~ Ci7I2TRACT SEI.L£~ AFii} Bt7YEltS
<br />HfiERF.AS, Lofton G. xeusel t a" slhgle p£~son--
<br />=41~!lA~C7lf~7M&~Il, (hereinafter called "sellers"}, have~sald to Aougla~. i3.
<br />Thompson and z3ianne L. Thom~rson husband and sfi#~,
<br />(hereinafter called "buyers"'}, undo the tercls of a certain real estate
<br />irtstallausttt contract, the follosring described property situated in the
<br />State of Nebraska, County of Bali to wit:
<br />>+ic_~.t [ialf ai *_.'3~ ScS:lth i'.aif c~ t2t~ k3rttlcx3.st tarter t~~SN~)
<br />of Sract.icrt ':s~~rlty '~0) , .27wrxshi,~ Text ~YkD) ?°7o~h, 1~nge ^.welve {12)
<br />West :7f rlln ~it.h Y~.,S., hall €Xauskty, :de~arasira, `c3ce>the~' with rights
<br />rese:^yeri :;y Sell€yr ~:~-~*~, al.tmq .3nt? across c-h~ ,~n:;th 3rD fc.~t of
<br />thA -~st !?al_`' 7: ':. v_ :~:r..th rYalf c1: ±he3 ;~r±h~st ~lartei- iE:'~sS;sNE?s)
<br />c:f Srx;t~~ "tre-ncv 27; , ":~:kxlshiza T~ ;iC; '~±;-, !;. ;?ange iWei:=e i12,
<br />r:~st E *;rr r ` .., :31i ':r.^ .. ryas,.:, :,~r :_;rzress arul cgr~ss
<br />tc: r"lu ;-r~~ci i~~~~k:>;~a, .`;:r.rr.'. -- ~z..~~r;1-r.•s ,~ r~crt-u'. :-estricticros,
<br />for the stm of `~`= €i;;l.ar~r: _~~.1.'~= t'Str:;:°~: x::iat's :-5'tl<'.iv+3, saki agreement
<br />being dated, executed and ack^a+ledned .,r, '*'~':r'~x=:" ~ i J7 ± and
<br />HHEF~AS, the buyer: propos€ to clbtair. a Ivan in an amount not to exceed
<br />`Ptsi r! Y-'?Saei 'i"!`c~'~3._~`.txi :1v : i ~ rs - u~? y,~ 1 from
<br />ttfe United t~:tes X31 hmerla - ~ezir.;{ Lhrc3x:r,3? she 'arsa~r~ i?ume ldminigtrati~n,
<br />theited States Department of ~grisuiture, =snd `.hie:t -"ropcrti• will :1e rr>artga;cj
<br />to the Covernmerit to the extent 3f the buyers ~tet~`st .ls ~;ecurity in
<br />cocmection xith said loan,
<br />'_', 'Yl~R£Itr;, ~,= caTtsiuer.~tluc. `r~ .a€=_-~c~z~.;;, t,,. .. ,ier~~ yr
<br />tlseir repres@ntafi.ve:s, a}~ree *tiat zhcs ~..".? efK.,;° ~azh ,.._ :eT~ of salt'.
<br />crnltrac3 a~:ceyt as ~udifiec~ '."ertt~,r _.__ ..,, ~.. -n=_= 3_ X~nt --.fault ~"a zhc
<br />Bart of kuyGrs unsier said s:;~tttruc.t, ~ei_~x~ ,_~ ~:;aic.ai>. t_srrelose the
<br />a3amm and seek defieiency 'udgat~nl ii e~cc€,~s~r.'a =ad v;.l': 'vre~+c" .at.y ether
<br />r'!~li~V necOLdid tit fh~fii :sy S.YiiS ~~tiC rzlc€. =3r .iM, ~-:le ', [;22fr~ r,r Cl'1ci['
<br />represrntativea, ~i'•e ;brit :inseatC r.. -+,se "'.rv~rra -v .urtgage the buyer<'
<br />intetrpt tender tike .xhuve-saec>tlc=ned .sat ~zsr;lt!` -__:ntta~[. i:x she ~veat Chin
<br />thE: .'3 a: ;.iCr!'~, ,:ir ::RC 3. :' Y'Cyr NKrr:taCl ='C5, ~-:C t.Y r."`Lr2,3 °tt3i ':tcl lC :ai f~UZEC lUYltre
<br />k1nclEr tF1g rF. t3i l`S ta[~' _a?.1C r9tt ;. :~ ^et@SS~r~ ..., <^-r'^tCft `hC 3Z a.ate Zest, -lt
<br />:S :iC re3?ir a~'TCYtI Ch.~C t~xC `ZStC iTl S'C,.'. CSYr, i•'A [°!r_Sb ??{)t1l: .4dm1[klstrst 10:1, ~.lri~~ai: ,
<br />t#cbe~arkn, w:?: ~e x+r~vi•aad tturtg ,'r?i Cay~ yr±ttr~ r=atlce ;~riar to sorb a'~t~' :• ~~ti,>~
<br />