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. __._.~r......_,. <br />Form FmHA-~~ 443-3 <br />Rev. 1-9-76) <br />.i. _.._"__~_...-.~----. <br />AGREEMENT WITH REAL ESTATE CONTRACT SELLERS AND BUYERS <br />WHEREAS, Gerald L. Hensel _and INildred M_ Hensel. <br />husband and wife, (hereinafter called "sellers"a have sold [o Douglas:.. <br />Thompson and Dianne L, Thompson husband and wif-~' e, T-- <br />(hereinafter called "buyers"), under the terms of a certain real estate <br />installment contract, the following described property situated in the <br />State of Nebraska, County of Hall to wit: <br />The west Half of the South Half of the Northeast {Harter (WNF~a) <br />" of Section Twenty (20), Township T~ (10) Pbrth, Fange 'Twelve (12), <br />West of the 6t1: P.M., Haii County, Nebraska, together with rights <br />reserva3 by Sellers over, along and across the South 30 feet of :,. <br />the Fast Half of the South Half of the Northeast Q+aarter (F}TS'~NF};) <br />of Se tion Twenty (20), 'Ibwnship Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, for ingress and egress <br />to the said W~S'~NE;, subj~t to ~sanents of re~rord, restrictions, <br />and Misting roads. <br />for the sum of ~e H~drECl Twelve Trnusand Dollars f$li2,OOOjsaid agreement <br />being dated, executed and acknowledged on Dec~3nbes 2;, 19?~ and <br />WHEREAS, the buyers propose to obtain a loan in an amount not to exceed <br />Thirty-T«~o Thousand Dollars ($ 32,000.00 } zrom <br />the United SCateB of America, acting through the 'r'anners kiome Administration, <br />United States Department of Agriculture, and which property will be mortga.;ec <br />to the Government to the extent of the buyers' interest as security in <br />connection with said loan, <br />N05i, T11DR£FvRE, in consideration of the foregoing, tre sellers or <br />their representatives, agree that they will comply with the terms of said <br />contract except as mod ifi.ed hereby and that in the event of default on the <br />part of buyers under said contract, sellers will judicially €oreclose the <br />same and seek deficiency judgment ii necessary, and will ±orego any other <br />remedy accorded to them by said ~antract or by law. The sellers or their <br />representatives, give their consent to the buyers to mortgage the buyers' <br />interest under the above-mentioned real estate contract, In the event than <br />the sellers, or their representatives, determine that judicial foreclosure <br />under the teal estate contract is necessary to protect their interest, it <br />is hereby agreed that th^ State Director, Fanners Rome Administration, Lin~oir <br />Nebraska, will be provided thirty (30) days written notice prior to such actic:c. '~ <br /> wa ~;~ <br /> _ Qp <br /> ' ~ ~ ~~ <br />'4? ro I o' <br /> c.c `8 <br /> <br />.. . <br />~ ~ ~ <br />~~ oa <br />D ~ :, "i ~ " <br />3 <br />t" ~ . $ m O ~ ill <br />~ 3 ~ ~ <br />'R <br /> " <br />-.". <br />~ <br /> <br />'~ y <br />W ~ <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />y,~ ` <br />fdt ~ <br />~ ~ <br />3 ( <br /> ~ <br /> O <br />