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81--0(?2'74I <br />(6} To use the loan evidenced by tnr note solely for purposes authorized by the C,.,urnment. <br />(7} To pay when due a71 taxes, liens, judgments, enctunbrances, and usessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />against the property, including all charges and asusamenta in connection with water. water rights, and water stock' <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and :!1 fazes and assessments-levied" <br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hueof or of the note bt'of <br />satd indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and prampdg deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing. <br />such payments. <br />{8} To keep the property insured as regnired by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government. <br />(9) To maineain improvements in goad repair and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property in a. <br />good and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such farm.conservation practices and farm and home management pls~asas- <br />the C=gvernment from time to time may prescribe; and not°to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessermtg or <br />impairment of the security covered hereby, or, without the written conunt of the Governmene, cut remove; or lease any <br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purpous. <br />(10) To comply wig ~1t t. d' ~,aad reguhrions affecting the property. <br />(111 To pay or reitf~h "' 4.GYVetpmenr foe ex enses reasonabl net <br />P Y e~ary oz incidental to the protection of the lien <br />and priority hereof andsi reaiieitt of or the compliance with the provistons hereof and of the note and any supple- <br />mentary agreement tw6ed~'fff"S~fbi•'def3iitE}, including but not limited [o costs of evidence of tide to and survey of <br />the property, cosu of recording this and other instruments, attorneys` fees, xrustees' fees, coutt costs, and eapensEs of <br />sdveFtising, selling, and conveying the property. <br />(12} Neither the pproperty not any portion thereof or vttcrest therein shall be Lased, assigned, sold, transferred, or <br />encumbered, voitmtarly or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sole <br />an,i ezdusive rights as mortgagee i:ereun.ier, including bur not limited to the power to grant conunu, partial releases, <br />subordinadons, and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall have any righe, title or interest in or to the lien or any benefiu <br />hereof. <br />(13) At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the property to ascertain whither the covenants <br />and agreements contained herein or in any supplementuy agreement are being performed. - <br />(14) The Government may taf extend or defer the maturity of, and renew and rexhedule the payments on, the debt <br />evidenced by the note or anv •indebtedness [o the Government secured by this instrument, •b release any party who is <br />liable under the note or for the debt from liabifiq• m the Government, : cl rcleau portions of the property and subordinate <br />its lien, and td; waive any other of its riQltts under this instrument. Anv and all this can and will be done without affecting <br />the lien or the priorin• of this inscrumrne or Borrower's or any other parry's liability to the Government far payment of the <br />note or debt ucured by this instrument unless the C:uvrramrnx ;ays otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any forbearance by <br />dte Governcttent-whether once or often-in exercising arty right or remedy under this instrument, or otherwise afforded by <br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver of ar p,ecludr the rserciu of anv such : fight o: rrmedq. <br />(151 If at anv time it shall appru to the Government that Borrower !nay be able to obtain a loan from a production <br />credu usocuxion, a Federal land bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms <br />for loans for similar purposes and periods of time, Borrower will, upon the Govrrnrneat's request, apply for and accept such <br />loan in sufficient amount to av the note and anv indebtedness secured hereby ..nd to pay tot any stock necessary to be <br />purchased in a cooperative lending agent}' in cannetzipn with such loan. <br />(16) Default hereunder shall constitute default under ant other real estate, ar under anv personal prcpern• ar other. <br />security utstrument held ar insured by the Gavernmcnt ar:d executed or assumeel be Barrawer. and caret"cult under any such <br />other security instrument shall constiwte defaul= hereunder. <br />i17y SHOULD DEFAULT occur in the prrfermancr cr discharge „f anv abiiYatian fir. this fir,;trutrent ar secured by this <br />instrument. os sltauld the parties named as Borrower die nr be declared an incompetent, or should anv one of the parties <br />named as Borrower be declared a be^krupt, ar aft msolvent ar make an assignmtrt tar chi benefit of creditors, the Govern- <br />ment, st its option, with ar wtthaut notice. may: ~; aj declare the entire amount unpaid under the note and any indebtedness <br />to the Government hereby secured immediately due and payable. 'b; far the account of Borrower incur and pay reasonable <br />expenses for repair or mamrnance of and take possession oE, upprratr ar rent the property, (;; upon application by i[ and <br />production of this instrument, without other evtdencc and wirltaut ::Drier of hearing of said application, nave a reeeiver <br />appointed for the propert}', with the usual powers ot` receivers in like cases, ~ d forrrbse this instrument as provided herein <br />or by law, and re? enforce any and all ocher rights and remedies provided fi:crrm or by prssrnt or suture law. <br />ti81 Tile proceeds of foreclosure sale shall be applied ih the fallowing artier ro the payment af. s': casts and expenses <br />incident to enforcing or compplying with the provisions hereof, ''bi any prior liens required by taw or a con:Qeteat court co <br />be so paid, cY the debt evidenced by the note and ail indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, rd) inferior liens <br />of record- required by taw or a competent court to be so paid, -ej at the {;overnment's option, any other indebtedness of <br />Borrower owing to or insured by the Government, and fit; any balance to Harrower. At foreclosure ar other sale of aU ar anv <br />gat[ of tb+1 Property, the Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a stranger and may pay the Government's share <br />of dte purchase price by ere: ding suck amount on any delis c1f Harrower owing to or insured by the Government, in fire <br />order prescribed above. <br />(14j $orrower agrees drat the Govermncnt will not be bound by anv present car future State law,~(aj providing for <br />valuation, appsisal, homestead or exemplion of the property, ;bj ncohihiting maintenance of an autcn far a de£tciency <br />judgment or limiting die amoun[ thereof or the evne within which such action must 6e brought, cj prescribing any other <br />mstute of ltrattattons, (d) allowing say rig~tc of redemption or oossessioa fal3owing anv foreclosure sate, ar fie} limiting the <br />conditions which the Govectvnent may 6y regulation impose,~includiag the interest rate it maX charge, as a condition oC <br />approving a transfer of the property to a new Borrower. Harrower expressly waives the bentttt of any such State laws. <br />Borrower hereby relinquis}tes, waives, seed cwtrevs all rights, inchcatr or consummate, of descent, dower, card curtcsv. <br /> <br />L.~ <br /> <br />