<br />iJ$DA-FmxA Pos~teon s
<br />t'ottn pttt~ ~x~.i f~;g g ~ _,.~ 0 2 74
<br />(Rsr. 5-1.19) REAL ESfATE ;1[ORTGAGE FUR N~$RASKA
<br />T~iS btOiETGAGE is mach and entered into by •---Doag~;as .A~.-..Thompson-_and-. pianne -L- --- -------
<br />-~...<...:~:..e ~`tsem..~ Tn : ~,us~ahd and -.W.~,~~s.._..._.-...._-••---_.-----------_._.......__-_...__---------_._~~....~.._
<br />regfdiag m. _ :.~...V.;._.~. - H&ll ...._--.--,- Countp, l3ebradca, whose post office :address--ia
<br />._..._.._:...._ ~~-.{~_3t...Wrx'StI, RiVeX'.._..__._- - ._....-° ---------- ----- -------------_..__.-..~ , Nebtaaka ---6~.8d3
<br />herehr called „Borrower,,. and: • ----
<br />iVflERBAS Bortmvss is itxkbted to xhe United States of America, acting through the Farmers Namt Admit©stntion,
<br />Uzrtted Starts Dtpartment of lkgticuhure, herein called the "Governtent," as evideaccd by one or more pmmissary asote~s}
<br />ar assuar3miptirw agreement(s), hnein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable eo the ardu of cite
<br />Gayeeshgeak snthorizea accekratian sf the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government ttpois any default -6y
<br />BotltovYet, ar+d-ia desxxiued u follows:
<br />.inrnad Rate Due Data of Wirral
<br />Date6~Cnf#rg+her+t - frrnaty>al.imcmvri ~ o !ntertst lrrrtallment
<br />Pfay l9'r 19$1 532,000.00 12.25 Jan. 1, 2022
<br />ifF the inmost caze is less Chan -----.... ;y tot isms ownership cu -.pcrating 3nants; s,°catc~+ by_ this insrrun2ent, then the
<br />rats may be clrarrg~ as prorided in the note.:'
<br />And the hate raidences a loan to $asrrssrrt, .nd the 4;avctnment. at any ;imr, may assign the note and insure the psy-
<br />menf thrnaf pursuant ro tl;e Corsolidattci Farn and Rssra} !)rvrEapts+rn: 1ct.:;r ritlr Y ~.f i#tr Hr;using Act of f 949 or any
<br />alter starste administered by the fTarmets fume Administration.
<br />And st is the. purprrsr and intent a£ This instrssmcnt toot, ausrsrsg <.tarr thir.+tt 3z aJf times .circn tae note is held by the
<br />Cwretnntent, or in the Trent the C;ovcrnstrtnt should auign this instnrtncn[ -.vrth.?ut .=+?urancr ~. <i:r note, rhb instrument
<br />shall sccurr pa}`tnent of ehr note: but wfs~n the Wort is f;tld i•v an insc_rrti zc+l•3rr, tfsss sr•.ar :unrnt z aL' not arcurr payment
<br />of the note ar attach tv the lebr evidenced t~crrhy, but as ro ;fse +..,tr nci .,., .. ,.ci:c shoe? _onstitutr .rn i•>drmnity snott},•agr
<br />to cure tAe Gc:se,^.tnsrtt against 1ws .;s:Yfr< its ;,~s::r-~t:ce rrratrae. =•t. rr+~rn :~,i any rFraiir %,y p;r;r;i,wcs .
<br />And thin inatturnent slats ae<utr5 rill rtx.aptuzr of anv intrzast ernii; +n suiss;dp which ,say to ttea::tel to the f;arrawrt by
<br />the f+atirtnmcnt putsusut :xe s~ US"".~. j f 44tfa.
<br />NV, TN;~RBFt)l~E, in cvnsiart.t,4rn ref err 'aar;s; an<i a; >t a:; times when the swtc u i:cid Ly tier t;uvrrnrurnt, or iu
<br />tine event tha fiovrnxrnestt shott:d assign tftis mars-,~'csrr.t without inss;ra~c- ~<i +_3sc t±ayrn€nt „E t!s< ncrtr. tL, srcurr prompt
<br />psyrrsrnt of the slate sad nay rejrcwals uhl cxrenstlns taerr<>f >nu 3n< aRt=-eneenrx <:tsntainfd thrrev;, ineiu.iing ary prwvision
<br />fist the payment of an rnsuxasttr ..r ot4trr <srzge; b; at ail roues waen the ntte :::srl.l la} ea ussyrrcl holler. so secure prr-
<br />farmance of Barrawrt's agreement betels t..s in:rensnsiy an<i assn .seresiea, tis_- i:<:v=~rrmrnt against €.ess unlet its istsurancr
<br />contract by twwn of any default by Beur.sv.~er, anei ... t it arty evast arc: 3t ai times ro srctste tier p:xxnpt payment of all
<br />advaneu an.l esprstliturrs rna.,e } tl:c Guarrrsnsent, will; irreec=;_ xs :ere suartar .rscril:c,;, an.; ti.€ prr.armancc ..i every
<br />covenant anal agreement oaf tksrrwrr ,Snuirszl hetev^. ar sn any .upptrmrutarv agrertnert, I3oxrowr_.r .lots hereby grant,
<br />bargain, sell, tottvey and sleigh, with general warranty, arste rise C.vvernasrnt rase fallowing property -ituatrd in the SLatr of
<br />h3ebraska,Cauntyiray of _ .... _..61$ll.. - _ ._.. _._. -.._ .... .__ -- _
<br />'I`he West HaYf pf the Sputh 8alf pf Northeast quarter (W~fi~jNE~i) e€
<br />Section R~t?anty (20} in Township Ten (10} North, Range Twelve (12}
<br />He$t o€ the 6th P.lt!„ Ha12 Count., Nebraska, subject to a Land Contract
<br />with Hensel, Notiee of which sale is recorded as IIoctxment No_79-008332,
<br />Hall Countp Records, and which Contract borrowers pledge and assign as
<br />r~eCUrzty for this lean pursuant to Consents for Assignment executed by
<br />said Sellers.
<br />FmfiA des-2 NB (Aav. $-i5-34i
<br />
<br />
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