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<br />$1- 1)(~27~5 <br />Leader's written agreement or applicable taw. Hormwtr shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />maemer provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amotmts disbursed 6y Lender pursaant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indttbitxlftess of Berrawer seeurtd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payincnC, such <br />anvatnts shall tie payable upon notice fratif Lander ra Bisrrawer requtstiag payment thereof, and shat! hear interest from the <br />dale of disbursemt#rtt at the rate payable from tittle to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interns; at alien-rate waU(d be contrary ~o apptieablc law, fn which event such amounts ;hail hear interest at the highest raft <br />permissible utedrr applicable l:.w. Nn#hiAg contained in this paragraph 7 snail require [.ender to incur any expense or take <br />any action tiereutttkr. <br />~• l~ndtr may make ar cauu to be made reasonable entries upon and inspectrnns of the-Property, provided <br />that lender shaft give Borrower notice prior to any Bach inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related fo Lender s <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. CoeAetweatisn. The prnce_eds of any award or claim for damages. direct or canstqutntial, in.eomttctian with any <br />rondsmnatian nr other taking of the Property, nr pan thereof. ~ Far conveyance in lieu pf condemnat'ren, are hereby assigned <br />and strati be pai6 to [xnder. <br />fn the event of a trial taking of the Fraperty, the proceeds shall t?e applied in the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Harrower. [n the event of a partial tatting of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />orher^xisc agree in writing, there shall I>c applied to the sums securod by this hinrtgage such propwtfon of the proceeds <br />x is uryal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears !n iha fair market volt=e of the Property immediately prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bixrnveer. <br />[f the Property is abandoned by Horrower, or if, afar notice by [_ender to Harrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Harrower fai}s to respond to-Lender within 1(1 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Leader is authorized to calltct and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage: <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in .vnrine. any such applicatirnr of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or pastpant the due date of the monthly irstallments referred to in paragraphs I and 3 hcrcof or change the amount of <br />stxh irrsta!Iments. <br />10. Barrnt+rr Piet Released. rxttnsion of the time (or payment nr modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this ?Nnttgagt granted by t.ensftr to any successor in in[erest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner, <br />tht liability of the original Bottower and Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not trt required [o commence <br />proceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend time far payment or rthtrsvise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured hr this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the urieutal Rorrs~wer :md Borrowers successors in interest. <br />11. Parbeanmet fry l,endtr Nat n Waiver. tiny forbearance by Lcsdcr in cxtrccstrg am' riche er remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise affordtd by applicable law, snail not be a waiver of or preclude the cxtrcisc of any such right or remedy. <br />The arocuremtnt of insurance or the payment of :axes tar other Dens err chasers M~ Lender shall not he a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acccteratt the maturity of the indcbtcdnc<s secured by thi, ti4angagt. <br />1L Reirmdias Cumnfative. .AI! rtmedies p:caided in th+s bfortgaec arc ,iistmct and cumulative to any other righd or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded hp law nr cyunp. ,rncl mry lx r•trc~•_r.l concurrently, independentfv nr successively. <br />13. Suertssors sad Assigns Bonnd: ]eini and Several f,iab#fety: f'aptitxcs. t?se :.cvenantx and agreements herein <br />contained shall `ind, and the rights hereunder shall inure ta, the reslxccrve sncctssot'S arr.'::t.,igrn of Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to the pzayisiens of paragrap;. i? irercoi. .Alf envenoms and arrcrments oC Bar rawer shalt 6c joint and several. <br />The ::aptians and headings of the paragraphs of this Martgatr ate i:~. :onmm~ctrce +=nlv :and ate net in he used to <br />interpret or eftfine the pmvsians hcrcof. <br />14. Nsu&e. Except 'ar any notice rays»red onckr appiicablt Ia:v :o ht g,vrn ,.r ^nothcr manner, ta) any notice ,o <br />Harrower provided fat m this Mortgage stroll tx gtvcn by mailing ,uch ++.,hcr ~y .ertified mart addressed kr Rarrower at <br />the Property' Address nz at such other address as 3arraw~tr may c.t=.,tnate t,y s,rxi~e to Lender as provided heroin, and <br />(bi any trailer to 1_cnder shalt fx ~tvcn by .erirfied roast, rruun revc~,*r reyucsted. '++ l cadet s address stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender may desit;natc by nati.e to Bas:.=xcr as priwtdtsf htrtrn. Any notice provided far in this <br />Mortgage shall t?e detrntd to have bran given to Harrower r+r i cndtr ,w h^. r•, {riven in iht-mantras designated herein. <br />IS. Uniform Merq;age: Gavernlrrg [aw; Severabi7#ty. F*.is intro r! ntrrigage combintir uniform covenants €ar natiaaxl <br />use and tiro-uniform covenants with limited .artaucn; by iuri,Jsctxrrt ..-, ~ n57ittne a uniform security instrument covering <br />real property. 'fl'tis Mortgage shall [x goyerrted f>y the law .~i thr ;uc,.dret~e,a :~t which the Property is located.- In the <br />even; that any provision or rlau>t =.rf this Afnrt4age +~r she !start :vnflicts ~~,rith applicable law, such cantltct shag oat affect <br />other provisions of this Mortgage nr the Nair shrch <an be g.v~•n rt}c,a ,+tdm+rt the cunt7icting provision, and t~ this <br />end the Isiovkions of thr- Mortgage: and :. - ^lnit =re .#ec#arad to he v:ve+ahly:_ <br />16. 13orrowtr's F.opv. Borrower shalt l*e furmshtd a contoerned ca+pv .,f ~hr Vote and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution or after ncnrdatian':ereof. <br />17. 'transfer of Its PraMeriy: Assamptioa. 1f all nr any ,rata rrt the Prc,ptriy err an interest therein is sold nr transferred <br />by Ilorrowcz without Lender's prior wri:tan conxrtt, excluding t-st she :.reation art a lien cr encumbranec subordinate: to <br />this Mortgage, (bi the crcatian cf a purchase money sr.urity +nterest for hnuxhnld appliances, fc) a transfer by devise, <br />descent or by operation of tau upon the death .rf a joint tenant or ~ - <br />Lender ma}. at Lender'. option, dt..lare ski the sums secured h~y this Mortgage to be <br />immediately due and payable. I.cnder shall ha.c waited s t.:b epuan ;,e accclcrate if, prior to the snit or transfer, I.ende[ <br />and the person to wham the Property is ro t+r sold er :rartaferrtd reach ogres-;ncm in wr:iung fiat the credit of such parson <br />is sarisfastorv to Lender and t:tat tare interest payabkt on the sums stored h} this ;<fnrtgage :half 6e at such rate as Lender <br />- shat} reytitsi~ if Leader iron waived the option !u accelerate presided in this paragraph f7, and if Borrower's successor in <br />- tattiest has executed a wzitttn assumption agrco:ment a~crpied i ;writing b}', f.crtder shall release Borrower from all <br />obligations under taus Mortgage and the Vete. <br />' Lf Lender exercisa~ such option to accelerate, Lender anal; mail B;uraxcr aortae- of ac•_rlerauan m accordance with <br />- patagr;aph t4 hcrcof_ Such notice snail p+'9vide a pcrtod of nut Iasi than 30 days frctn the date the naric~rs mailed within <br />- which Sorrcxwea may ,pay the sums declared due. tf Harrower Faits to pay sun ,nms prior to the expiration of such period, <br />Lettdtr:may, without. further notice nr demand - . &xruwrr.:nvake an} rcmcdtcs permiueri by paragraph IS hereof- <br />Ndpr-[lNfFpaty £nvar:srrs- #3errowcr and Lcndcr turthcr covcrant a u ,,grec as Isrl3uws: <br />Ig:- Atcrjerss;fitn; Remedies- Fatcept as provided in ; aragraph 17 #ttreof, upon Borrowers breach of any covenant ar <br />agrasimas; of=,1?{erravru in this yftutgagt, iucitrdiag the covenants in pay when due soy stint. secured by th#s Aiortgnge, <br />- ieitdar print! f0 sectkralfirn slmdi itiail nWlce to Borrower as provided iu paragraph t4 hcrcof specifying: f 1) the breach: <br />fly ffx atNo#s requfrad ca care such breach, f3) a dads, not lass than 3U days tram the date the notice is tootled to Borrower, <br />fry vrhfeft nosh broach roust ba raced; and (i) that EaBure la curs such breach tin ar before the dale spetsfitd in the notice <br />- miry rasitU fn aceekrtifian of the auras securod by this ylartgage. fararlosiue by judicial proctadinR and seta of Ina Pmptr[y. <br />'Tlyt at{N1iFe s~FSp further intern. Burivwtr of the tight !a reinstate afar accclaratiurt slut the right to assvri in the foreclosure <br />- j~aci tfie nun.ntistanex aF a dc[aatt ar any other daftnsa of Harrower to acealeratiarr and faractasare. If the hraach <br />- bt ptyi t#rrad+a#s ax haftue tltwt data sparred in tlrtt notice. Lrroder at ixndtrrs ap;itui may dertare all of the soma savored by <br />tftltl ~/agt Ha bee ta#tgtrdla;aly dwe and paytieae witMiut tuahar daneand aad may famcfmc by judicial pratecdin$. Lauder <br />- - ,wag tea atstkfad to calfaet ip :wth praraetfi>~ al! expanses of forectusnrc, indading, but .wt firtiiCed ta, rants of dacunranfarv <br />- evt4it8ca. abait'acls and IiNa rapar[s. <br />f4. Bssrrearer's Rigbi to Rcit~tafa. Nu.witnstandirtg t_endet's atceittai<n i ;ire sums ses:uitd 6y this \inrtgaga <br />- ftavtxiwer vttatt have the r[gbt tz= k'sa 't ling prrsr.arcdtngs t+ogurt by i fender to ra let. _ the sic rtaaga rtisctaaUnued at airy runt <br />