<br />81~--tJ02722
<br />4. Casleattaller. The proreeds of any award ur claim for damages, direct or cont<quemial, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lira of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shad bt >w~ to tender.
<br />In the event of a fora! taking of the Property, the ptxtceeds shall be agplird to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the extxwt, i[ any, paid to Harrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt tx applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Ttmt such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as k egad fta that proparttan which the artrount of the sums secures! by this L)eed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bars to tTte fair market v31ue of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the halateee of the proceeds
<br />{ €a Borrawee.
<br />ff the Property is abartdonal by Barrinvrr, or if, after notice by Lendrr to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a ctairrt for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 3Q days after the date such notice is
<br />ttaalkl~ Lender is atRhoriz~ ro cdkct and apply the pmcreds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the soma secured by this I)ecxt of Trust.
<br />tJttkss 1_ettdtr attd Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shah nest extend
<br />or postpone the dtx date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />sett installments.
<br />1@. Ba-terra Not Rekaasi. Eattension of the time for payment or modification of attwrtizauon of the sums secured
<br />by this Lleed of Trust gaamed by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shad not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the ariginai Borrower acrd Borrower's sxcissnrs in inixrest. Lender shall not Fx requirLd to rnmrnence
<br />praceedirtgl agairat such srtcessor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Y]eed of Trust by reason of any demand made lay the origins! Barrawe: .,~d Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. $arieattrce by Levier Not a Wafter. Any focttearance by Lendrr in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise adortltd b5` appficabte law, shalt oat he a'waiver of or preclude rite exercise of any sttth right or remedy.
<br />,1'he pracartmatt of ieauntxe err the payment of taxes or other tiros err charge• by Lender shall not be a waiver of L.ender's
<br />right to aasterate the maturity of the indet:tedness securrM by this Deed of Trust.
<br />12, Reaeedlea Ceaeedrtht• Aii rrmedits provided in this Deed of Tntst are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy ttrttfer this Decd of Trust err aBordrd by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />setecrtxai y~
<br />i3.~tirrrstots tend Attat®ee Based; dattet sad Serena [.iablBty; Caption. The covenants and agreemems herein
<br />c<sttisiped shah bind, attd the riglus Fxreundcr shat! inure ter, the respective successors and assigns of (.ender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the prisvisiom of paragraph (7 fietmf All covenants and agrretneatts of Borrower shall tx joint and several.
<br />Thee captiam and headings of t(se paragraphs of this Ihed of Trusr are for camenience only and arc not to be ustd to
<br />interpret or titSne the ptorisiota fsermf.
<br />t4. Naliet. Huept for any rtotrce required under applicable ;aw ro he given in another manner. la) any notice to
<br />Burrower provided for in this Decd of Trust shalt Fx given by trtaihng such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such other address as borrower may desrgna[e by notice to t_endtr as oravidcd herein, and
<br />fb) any rtattre to t.eader shelf be given by certified ,.all, return receipt requests!, to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such other addttas as leaflet may rtatgnate hY iwtice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in [his
<br />Decd >~ Taal seat! tx dtxmed to have been gtvw to I~rmwer err C,ender when given in the manttrr designated herein.
<br />IS. LlteNarm Deed d Ttrs6 C~rnttieg taw: SeretrhiYty. Fl±is form of deed n[ trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />rutiotut ere axd Hatt-uniform covenants witA limited vanations try ,urisdicuon ur constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering teat pp Tha Deed of Treat shall tx governed by the taw o{ the )urisdicuan in which the Property is (exerted.
<br />to the went t}iap~~ vrston or clatwe of this Thtd of Trust err the Nate conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />neat affect other the Dyed of Trusr or the Note which can tx given elect without the conflicting provision.
<br />and to tttis end t pt •aia„peed at Trust and the Notc arc dtxiared to tae severable.
<br />tt4 Basaersj'ss ~ r. B .~_Iurnrshed a eanformtd copy nk the !vote and of this Deed of Trust at the nme
<br />of eaecagion or I~ '4trtot. '
<br />11. 7Yatm[er at tie - - AMtlalspfio, if all sir any pan of the Property err an interest thereto is said or transferred
<br />taY Bortoartr without L.endee's - te~etstaeot, rxclttdmg ter) the creazian of a lien zit encumbrance subordinate u,
<br />this Dta1 of Treat, f b) the crc,Fitaet nt a pi~2ltaea,rrtoney suunty imeresz tar hotnehald apviiartces, ',ci a transfer by devise,
<br />deacdet or by apsration cif taw upon the death of a j nm tenant err { d) the grant of any teasehnEd interest of three years or less
<br />rMM oont:tnrng an option to prrrhate, !.ender may, at terxter's option, doelarc a!1 the w.m secured lay this bred of Trust to tx
<br />+rnmediatefy due and FwyaWe. [lode[ stall( have warred such option to ac:ceterate if, peer ro [he sate or transfer, Lender
<br />and the person to whom rite Property rs to ere said or transferred reach agrcerrtent rn writing that zhe credit of such person
<br />is satwftidory to Lrntdtr and that the interest payable un the sums xxute+! by this IJeed of Trust sha[I tar at each rate as
<br />!_ander shah regttmt. if [ender has watarcd the uFnian to aceekratr prondaf in this paragraph t 7, and if borrower s successor
<br />in i~rest tens ener.Wtd a wntsert astsramptton ajreement accepted an wetting by F.e+eder, Lcttikr shall rettax Borrower from
<br />atf abliEa~tt~unda thw Deed of That and the Note.
<br />Ff exstrisxs such oFtfwn to accelrratr, t,ertakr .hall mail Borrower notisx of arcelnation in accor[lanre with
<br />paaaRraph f4 tteteof. Such notate shat{ Fxovide a period of soot less than era days front the date the notice is maiitd withir
<br />wh~h Borrower may pay rite swro declsrei dtee. fi Harrower farts to Fray stub sotto prior to the expiration of such prriad,
<br />I.erttttr may, without further rtolitx nr aierrrap.+ an Bornwtr, invoke say retatedies ptrnriued by paragraph t S hereof.
<br />>tiaw-UtvtFCaasf ~QttENAiVis. Barrawer arW !.collar further c<ev~tant attd ages as fatbws-:
<br />Ig. ArcdYads=; tteteadks, t?s•Ypt err 1r'ertftas le pt 17 !terse(, espaa Jtsrsawe~'s breach of any coreeaW w
<br />a~a~a~y at Ilartewer k His l7!sd of "ferret, ischMhtg tka carettaefr to py when due ~y weer rieettred by this Deed
<br />err Trsa1, I.enOu prier to aecderalion sirY wait tsotice is Battawer o periled ~ pritErttPY 14 hereof tspecNyfog: (t) the
<br />teetwc#F (2) Cite adios rt~ritad b cris sad Gtsaci; (J) a date. tee/ Ise tiM 30 days inane tie dale the aolict i ttsdled to
<br />Btssweras, iy wWeh nett ireeci tans/ be rased; asd Hi fiat faliwe to ctxt seek btreaci axe er berme the date speeilted
<br />is the teatiu terry trsitlt is arcaietatwte sf He ttettea serried try this Drell of Top sad sale of the Preptaty. Tic ndite
<br />sieB ttttefier Fdtrre Berraarrtr of tic rimes y reJarMte after acrmYrttttos aed toe right to Lrrisg a corn actiea to esetrA
<br />cis esattdpeaca of a dtdaelt or rmy otitr ddeeee of Bsreowtr to aeasirrNiese ad teak. [f ties breve( is not erred
<br />tea et tsdets Ree dale tipetlied is tie taafiee, i,tafer of [sad,.r's s,-rsisa tray derlara a@ of ties state sectued iy this Ihed
<br />aE-Tarp N 4 iaefasdiafsiy lee call poyaitr wkiert fie[tier tteaaaad sad essay iaroie tit power o[ state ail ay aha resttdies
<br />patwilMd (try appBcsik taw. !,cerise siarB bs armed t• caAtxl all remeaaiie roses atsd txpertes iee.raed in prrsr3pg the
<br />ratsedier peeriW i fit pararsepi 18` iaclali4. br1 wW Used ter. rsastsaWe apareey"a flea,
<br />~R sae j!~ of sale k ierdtad. Target slmB traard a teethe et dsftwlt to tad cssaty le wtidd tit Property err some
<br />pelt ~ u focaitd asd siaB saes( a°spis ~ rash ratite ~ tht mrantr ptaeriiad try a;pFitaik Fmr to Bareawer and to tie
<br />aHp pettttrtas pwserlia/ if applkaik itw, ANv lltt tape of sorb title as may tit rsymrel iJ' appfirabk law, Teepee ttidl
<br />ptiic atslis td aide b lie prteserw ere/ is tit teetuser pmcrfbed i7 appRcaile taw. Trrepse, wttiaet drrrmrd on
<br />stee~.tttB sae l4Msitly Y petMic sttrtiea W tie iigitttt bidder of Eat iitae mad plats acrid ruder tie ttraw dnigaattd
<br />i• tit asllts of tale L ter or ears plea asd M ties( wdee ere Trrttee may lNereehte, Trfril[s tray paagwc salt of all
<br />~ a+5t P~ rf as !'espsiy b imi~Be ~rtt..tstxaawst r tit B.t sal place of say prtriars/y scitdtrtrd sale. i.t.der err
<br />Cesdet'a dsttigos- stay ptatciaas it tirperly N aag~ sale.
<br />(F~ rf MsTmoal d Het ptfrct ltd, Teepee tdwY dtdirer to tit psrriaes 7'nstec's deal roareyiag list RreptAy
<br />sail. 'fits call i Rte Trapsa's ~ai~ siaR it pism tack rriiract of tie trstett of tie staff made tiseseiit. TrrMet
<br />ailM taw ~ssaeai d fit rte4ls cis t fa) a aY reaaoeahie raaw (tad ertptaettai of tie saty lachrdisg, bet
<br />sat 9th tle. Tirpas~t taus of Hsi twws tirs~ ~ of Eis grwrr aa{t give, reasssgt4ir attarnty's Fats sad rusts of
<br />Ellis rte Ey at less slats saarati iY Hit Dsrd of TtrM: ad lei fie earses. if arty, to tie perrea or pereoas igFaYy etxtitled
<br />Navels.
<br />IE>G Bmtrrae'a IRi>~t 1e tipsetaie. Ntitwithalateding l.rrsda's acecfaatton of the sutra srsured try rhea LJrrd c1f "Font,
<br />Barrorts: xlteti (taut the rigiN m have any pto,.aedings begun hY Larder to enforce [his [7eed c>{ !'nest hscau[imied at
<br />asy +fRlrt prior to Qka sariitt W otxrr of #r) the Fifth day before the ask of the PnrpertY pursuant to the peewee of sale cantainrd
<br />ws itatt fJetdai Toot ~ tea) antsy of a " t enlatcartQ this L]asal cd T'rvu tt: ter) Borrower pays I.rtrdct art sums which wa+ikci
<br />ate tit~ps~~~file ttasler thta iSwtad xef Tntat, t iaTote and trusts acct+ririg f=uture Advances, ct any. had fro acrferation occurred.
<br />fFai ?~Ri3aM~at ettrC-i ttH brtasfta, of espy +athta covenants or agtsrrisr»tx of Btx~rowrr canlatutd ;n this L?rtd ai `i"rrw:
<br />~3 trwerti payer a!t seasoatraife etpsaaas iacurrtd icy tender artd "trtrstcs rn enfi,raing the cove-Hants and agrees»ents of
<br />ttarstwer cx~tawrtd rat taw 17tmd tat Tryst aodrn rt+forcirsg I.rrtttet's erred Trusics'x remmdies ac provided an paragraph i S
<br />banstaf, iacSttdi~gg, Fapf toot l ter. rstuburtab4a attagrey's fps; aced fdF B[rtiwzr takes astir at;(art as (.trader may reascn,abty
<br />+squiia ro arsurs tits; #be lis» of tiro IAmd rrt Trost, Lrnd,er'x rrttrr+Kt to the Property azrtt BenY,wr+'s .zhliFta[iun to pay
<br />
<br />