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I <br />8 --s~u2718 <br />Lender's written agreetnertt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all : ~origa ~ insurance prtmiums in the <br />manrter provided under paragraph 2 hetmf. <br />Any atttounts diaburxd by Leader pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intraes4 thertwn, shall become additional <br />indebtedtteas of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. [7nless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amdtMs shall be payable upon lorries from Ledder to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shalt bear interest from the <br />dote of dhbut~martt at the-rate payable from time to lime on ovistartding principal un~r the Note unless payment of <br />fttfasst at ttttrh rote would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amotmts shall bear intetrosi at the highest rate <br />pule under applicable Saw. Nothing contaim~ in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur anp expense ar take <br />arty cation heretmdsr. <br />a Y.ender may make or cattle to be mask rtastxtable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />[itat Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasnnabk cause therefor rtlatert to Lender's <br />intergd in the Pttspterty. <br />~. GeisstaN-p-, llte ptnceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or co»sequential, iti conntetion with any <br />conrkmnstion ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for canvcyatxx in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shag be paid to Larder, <br />in the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Harrower. In the evrnt of a partial taking of the Property. unless Aotrower and Lender <br />txhersvise agree in writing, there shall lte applied to the stmtz saluted by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is tqual to that proporiion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prier to the date of <br />rating bean so the fair market value of tht PmpMy immediately prier to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ea Borroaer. <br />Yf the Property is abandoned by Harrower. nr if. after notice by [.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Harrower fails to respotsd to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Leader ix authorrgd to collect and apply the proceeds. a[ Isnder's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propem or to the sums secured by this Marigage. <br />Unlus Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds ro principal shall not ezterd <br />or postpone the due date e'rf the ttwnthiy instaltrrrersts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />weft iturallmettts. <br />ft. ltessawvr Nat Tgsieaaai. Extension of the time for pavmrnt or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mtrtgage granted by [trader to any successor in interest of Borrower shalt rant operate ro release. in any manner, <br />the habilny of the original Borrower and Borrowei s successors in interest. Lender shall not tx regtrired to commerttt <br />proceedhtge xgaittst such srtccessor nr refuse to mend time for pavmant nr otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reasors of any demand madt by the ori¢ins' Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Fasiesseace try Itsier Nut a Watver. Any forhearancc by f_ettder in exercising any right nr remedy htrcunder, or <br />tsttrerwist afforded by applicable lxa, shall oat tx a waiver :rf :~r preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procuranert o€ insurance o[ the payment of taxes er rather liens or charges by Lendtr shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />reght to accelerate the maturitq of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage- <br />f2. Resseifa Cts~eWhe. All remedits prnvtded in this Mortgagt are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />carnally under this Mortgage ar atfartled by law nr equity. and may Fre eureised concurrcntiy, indepcndendy or successively. <br />13. 3aeeeeaese ad Awtgss Yoead: lest asrd Secant -3ab15ty; Caption. 'The covenants and agreements fierein <br />cimiaitted shat! bind. attd the rights htrcunaier shall mute to. the rrspetttve sttcccssnrs and assigns of !.trader and Borrower. <br />xtdrjeet to the ptavisioos of puagraph t7 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Horrnwer shall tae joint and seven.!. <br />The captions attd headings of the paragraphs of :his !Nnrtgage are for cnnventance ~.nly and are not to he used to <br />snterpret or dtline tlse provisions hereof. <br />1d. Noeias Percept for any natter required tender applicable law to be given m another manner, ia) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall Fre gtven tsy mailing strch nntitr by certi}kd mat! addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Address nr at such ether address ax Harrower may deseanate by notice to tender as provided herein, and <br />(tr) any rtot~c ro f.atttler xhalt tx gtveyt by ctret$ed Hatt. rtturn reretpt regttestett, to L.enJer's address stated herein nr to <br />stsch other address as tetrder mar dexignate by nattce to Harrower as provtded herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Martgaje shall tx deeaeed to have ban gtven to t3arrnwer nr I-scalar when gtven in the manner dasignatsd herein. <br />t5. Udhs~ htarlga{s: t:ovsraiL f.nrt Sa•arstWity Thts form of mortgage combines uniform covenants for national <br />ttse and last-uniform cnvenanu with )imirec# s°ariat:cwts try jur:sitchcas t~ costatttt:te a uniform sa:unty instruttten! cnvaring <br />teat property. This Mortgage shaft Cat governed by the taw cf the iurisditticm in wraith the Property is located. In the <br />avant that any provisiort tx clause of this Mortgage +v tht Notc conflicts with applicable law, such cont3iet shall not aflett <br />tuber prnvisipts of this Mortgage nr tt. Note which tin he f5even effect without the conflicting provision, acrd to this <br />end tlta provisions of the Mort;age and the '.ore arc detiared to M severable. <br />tf, latsewer's Copy. Harrower shelf be furnished a cnnforrtted copy of the Note and of this Morigage at the time <br />of exettttion ar after retardation heteot. <br />i7. 'fraaafer of the ittepttJ; Awratptles. If ati nr anp put of the Pn,steriy or an intermit therein is sold or transferred <br />by Btrrrtawer witbaut Leader's prior written conxcnt, axcludiesg Eat the creation of a lien or eneumbrsnce subordinate to <br />this ilortgaee, (bl the traction of a purchase none} security mtertst for household appliances, tcl a transfer by devise, <br />deatxnt ar ~y operation of taw apes the death of a jant rtttant nr fdt [}x grans o: any leasehold interest of three years or lass <br />clot contaiaia~g an option to purcftatse, ttnsker tray, at Lender's option, declare art the earns secured by this Mortgage to be <br />idly due acrd payable. under =halt haul waived sorts nptiao ro atxeterate if, prior [o the sale ar transfer. Lender <br />sat! the pentat to whom the Property is +u be sold ar transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person <br />is satirtaclory to !trader acrd that the imerest payable on the sutra secured by this Morigage shall be at such rata as 1_erder <br />shag rsgtftst. ]t Leaasdat ha3 waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if $orrtswars suceesxs in <br />interest lus axecttted a written aassutrptioo agreenteat steepled in writing by Cantles, ttndet shaft release $orrawet from all <br />abiiBtttiasss trader ttbs ~ sad tbt Nee. <br />rf t tnsdtx exercises sash optitxr to autlerata, Lander shall mail Borrower clerics of accxferatiott in accardante with <br />paragt ..,.:4 harspo#. Such rtatitt shall prtsvida a pttiad of not Less than ~Q e~+sys from the date the notice is mailed within <br />svltiCh Horrovret may pay the sums tlaciat~i due. tf Horrnwu fails ro pay such sums prior to the ezpiracian of such parted, <br />Lmdar easy, withosN further notitx at detttaad on Bwrt:wez, Invoke any rtxnedies permitted by patragraph f $ hereof. <br />Nora-ilwitw'taas Covastaxrs. Hotrawer and itatfer furiher covetsani and agrce as Ioliawa: <br />iii ~ Resasdistt. ~ r paevMed fs p~at;rapi t7 barest, rapes Pertotvars bnucit of eery raceasai or <br />eg Y Arta tlhsslgaBe, irdwilsg tb certteaw b pay whoa doe nay steer secaaed by thY MoelpgC. <br />LaItMI paler ~ ~ stalls saEka to liecrower as prarvidpi is peregraptt t< hersef apeaKyirt~ ti) ~e breech; <br />(,~ flee ac4as tart{Fi4titl is ease aa[!t 6assrht r3- • data, set ler tbrta 3t3 trey the date the aoAn Y arilaxt to aaate~wer. <br />itg asltlydr,stftc~t Mat M cattail rratl (4i tlrt tdiats ~ rate sadt taeerk a er hdare the date spaclNart to rile ssafiee <br />tptllf r+ttarslt tit ~ tie wa.s seatared 6y dais ferectetwnt b9' ~a#tI precea~ tad sale of Are is~reety. <br />11ta w~ti,aird tsaAtar ittfrgsaa ytts+a=as ~ Ate rJ~t to rsiastats tdapr tttsuiaratloa ad the rtyq b crest ip fls feredagvs <br />~. Aa ~ at a dptwtM eq M eAtu diAeawe of Rerr®rwa 4 r'asirstAsw tsad bsrccinare. R the hraee6 <br />ill ttit sstnt~ ea ar ialtttae AM tMta tyerdMd lu Acs aotkw faradte+ at Leader's e}tisa w,y daritse all of Ate stM scan!! by <br />~ttltiatrl4 M~ IM ~ sirs sled ~ ssftMersf taeArsr tittwad sad taa4t [ereabr bt ~1s3M Fracesil~. [.aier <br />ti1M ie. igfihFid ttM attlirsf pt ~ ~ ell sapWFaa st #sraratewe~ ~ iret art d te. sects et deatsy <br />~atatt <br />~ ~ 11EaiiMl4MS. Ns#vrithitY~dling i.atdar''s attelsratxxt of the wtrts secured b1` this Mortgage, <br />9ernesrar ttiaA hew tics riBiit ta; bave any pracctsdiogs Mgun by I-atsder a snfssrea this Mortgage disevntirtuad at any time <br />