<br />$~~.. U~~2~tjla
<br />f0. That the Mnngatn>r witl keep the buildings upon said premises in gaud repair, .md neither commit trot permit waste
<br />upon said land, nor suffer the said premises to be used for any tmlawful purport.
<br />11. That if the premius, or any pan thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />use, the damages awarded, the prpceeds for the raising af, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the fuq
<br />aeitoitnt of indtbttdnes upon this mortgage and the note wfiich it is given to resort remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />~~ t4 rhs 'afertt, and sheet be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the tatter nn account of the next
<br />mat~rirtgbtstallteenis of suchittdtb€edness,
<br />fem. `Tfite R#QitgagDr further agrees that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby not bo eligible fat in-
<br />ssranre un@tr the Nariotnt Housittg Act within s~Y data from the date hzrtaf twritten statement of any officer
<br />of the tkpartmtnt of Hntrsing and Urban f}evtlgpment or authorized agent of the Secretary of .Housing and- Urban
<br />f)itvtktpmrat dated sul?segtttnt sa the gutty days timc{rom the dart of this mortgage, declining coinsure said
<br />ratite attd -this' mortgage, beitgt deemed conchtsivt proof of such ineiigiE+iiityi. the Mortgagee or holder it€- the trote
<br />may. at its optittn, declare alt sums securrtd hereby immtdiatety due and pavabte.
<br />!?, That if the tifortgagm faits to make any payments ~ money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />ttigtry;y with any of flee cortdit at a~crmtnts ccxttained in rtsis mrx€gc+ge, or the note which it secures, then the entire prinei-
<br />patsum and acrrutd interest shalt at oats become due and payablt, at the eiectian of the Mortgagee; and this mortgage may
<br />thtrettpon be fortrtoEed immediately for the wttatt of said mnney. infertst. monthly payments, costs, ground rents, texts and
<br />the cost of extestding the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, attd a rea-
<br />sonable atisuttey's fitr, all of which shall he ittclnded in the decree of farectasure_ and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />and the :tnES secured hereby. chat! in all respern to governed, constnted and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska. wht2 tfte
<br />same is made.
<br />The cavtnants herein rorttained cwt}t h+euf. atxf t[x'tx,ttfitc and advantages shall insure to. the respective heirs, executors,
<br />admimstra€ors, ster~cecsors amf asvt~ts of the parties hereto 14'lktitver used, the singular number shall include the plural, the
<br />plate! the sitkgetlar. arkf the use +d an} gestder shall tr appticahte to :tit genders.
<br />Tht fart{;osstp auufitions, alt and +ittgtttar, tying ptrfarmed acauding to there nafurat and raga} import, this conveyance
<br />;hats tx vad and seat premi+cs rckaud at the expenvt of the Mextga{tor: otherw iu to he and re main in full force and rlfeci.
<br />i.`~~' WiT*jFS~ wHERE()F. the ltextgagrrrt,t eta ve heratnto set tau handtsl thedayand year first
<br />ahuvs written.
<br />in prrunre of
<br />>- p,
<br />'~" ~'
<br />Lloyd M. Marsttalek
<br />t s~.al_ i
<br />f, ,
<br />Sharttxz R. Nazsitaiek
<br />} SI+:r4L }
<br />s`'TAT~f)Fti€xRasK~4.
<br />~„
<br />C'(1Lr!sti'Y ~ KALL
<br />the tMe 22nd 4ay cd 1tSay ..4.11. Iy $1. t+rfort me,
<br />a try gtabl#.a in and ttx +atd i'wnty ~ ptrsunsdty lams
<br />Lloyd f4. lstxrshalek and Sharon R. Harsitalek, Husband ousel wife
<br />SE.41_ }
<br />GPO dlt-13t!
<br />personalty [n me known
<br />ra be the sdentrcat ptrsutH r<heru newt g era ;thced to the atsane and (ore-
<br />~'i~ xsstruttsens as !tQtx'.sa, atsd they leave ackncrwkdgtd the said instrument and the
<br />extcuucrn thereof to he their ss,tuntar} a.s ..nsi deed, for the purp.tsrs tttecein expressed.
<br />In tesritnarnti wht[tad. t have lttreutttr:.et my twra-! arnd afharf fey eery ral 7 Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />un the der and date fast abcrvr wrttttn. Q_ ~~~~-!.C~
<br />4iWrowwr<* v~rar~ R,htK
<br />~b.aat->N
<br />S'TAiF.. (?F' tiEHRASKA +>
<br />Hdtd fns record this dray u3 ;1. B. 14
<br />~ o'3s Nf., and ensered ir. tiumtttcal Cndex-and
<br />retstaded in t3oo3t r>i Mortgage,. czn
<br />r,f
<br />Register of Bec '-
<br />+~;rt a~t~ale r~ r3t
<br />
<br />