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<br />) This form is used in conrtec- <br />tian with mortgs irfsured <br />M~RTGACE under the one- to four-faintly <br />groviaions of th@ I3a_ liana) <br />8'1~""~V~ I~~" <br />'i'ii1S ~tOR7Y3AGE, made ,~ cttsentsd i#is 22nc1 dtey of f'~ay .rl:tk . <br />i9 gl , by ttad bertveea Y.logB t4. 9lartshalek -and- Sharon R, Marshale)tr HtxeJastttd and ~il`f~ <br />of the_C`oueiy of _ Ffa11 ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part; hercinaftercalkd <br />[hcllfortatigrw,artd Sttperiotr Hlt>rtytage: Iac. <br />a corpmatian orgartittd aad cxistitts u[tder the taws of Nebraska , <br />party ~ tI~ second part. hereitudter ralkd the hlongsgce. <br />W CCNFSSECC•i: Thu the said Mottgagnr, for acrd in considerstion of [he su:n of Tw~tty thausatut atad No/ZdOttis <br />_~~ _~_~.__~~°° potfars tS 20 r 000, 04 . ),paid bythe Mort- <br />f ffie tcccipt of which is hsrsby acknowicctged. has (irantcd and Said attd by these prtsentx dues G[artt. Bat- <br />gain.- Sc!!, C-itnrcy and Cam unto the iiortgagtc, its successors and aasigtts, farevcr. tht foifowing-described <br />real cr&tate, aituatod in the County of Hall .and State <br />d I+febtsaica. ro wit: <br />A ~sta3st tract of land described as fol3ows: Beginning at the Sou#heast <br />Cottyez of Lar P3ght of ttfoxwod's Subdivision of Part of the West Half of <br />idle NortYn+est rlttarter ({+~NiNtt) of Section Ten 110) in Township Eleven ill) <br />#flatsrthr Range Rine (9), Nest of the 5tH ~.~s., r.~~' County, Nebraska. thence <br />rtutsing hest along the Scuth lima of said Lot eight (H) orte Hundred Six (106 ) <br />Feet; thenrse North at right angles Two Htutdret3 Twenty Six (226) Peet; thence <br />East at xiq#at Angles one [Hundred Six ti06) feet; thence South at-right angles <br />Tpo Hundred Twenty-Six Feet (226} to the place of beginn~stg, texr.~epting the <br />F.asterlp Thirty Five Feet {E3;') thereof ?teretofore conveyed to John Torpey, <br />which deed is retarded in HHonk 73, Forge 679 of the rJeed Records in the <br />office of ttte Register of Det'ds of Hall Cotuttyr Nebraska <br />.rf tt~:c Sixth # hteridran. cc Marrrirtg m alt <br />tacnt wrvty <br />aaas ores€dtnfi to G~sern- <br />TQ HAVE A,aij7 7Ct Hf7!t_Ii the press-ixx aixrkr Ges.r,hcd, writ..+It !hc .,spur€cnan~:c+ thrreuntu t+eSungtng and tncttrding <br />a(3 heating, ptutabitrg asset ti,~htittg liature±. and equipment ;*.trs.::_ ;terc;rf ter :tt.,.. hex t,~.,€ u,ed sn iennrtttun with said teal e±t:+ke <br />utlta fAt Rtorljirgce, anaf to its sucr:t.svrs and a<srgm. icxe<cr the H utx rcprr<c;rt, t..,- Heil ~,-~senant. wrth, the \#artgt€- <br />gae, tha! the AAortgttg~ has good tight to utt arref cixrrey .aid prime-e.; that then air itet trrxn eacuntbrance: and that file <br />~ a:iU war[ant at# sHE#Crfr.t the sa~^ ~~aln-st its Ices tuI ~=a±m. of •i1 t±s•r+~?n- khs,n3<;,~r.~r, Anil the said Mortgs=gt,r he€e- <br />try rctitryuisbcc at# rSghrs of hornrstcatl, aatd atS mariraS rrgtrti. other ru tam esr !n ryutty..;nii aSS trifler , ~,nirng:nt interests c,# the <br />~ in a~ to fhe atw;e-dcsEt~d premise-.. tlfa intcntrun t,cing t.e s:enae} htreby :rn a!»ulate ittie. !n irr s=snple.:taa:,atf- <br />irsgalf eijhts of hirme+lssaS. ~! other rrgHrts ~ tiS tnters.ts as sfcr,sar.l <br />PftU~ #U$R Al_V1?1Ya,;urd these prtstni, art a sccuteti arnt ilcfriere,3 uf.,tn tha ire3tuking cvr~itaatts, to wit: <br />YHtc ittorirx agrsts to pay t+n the Mertyagee. cx .,rde€, the }rsrtaipaS -um t,f Twenty thousand and Na/100ths <br />________M,,,._.,.d~_~.....~r_.w____.. Ih>ztarv;t 20,000.00 !. <br />with iatereu from dots at tits sore of Fifteen and fkte-half per .tntunr ( 15.54 ~~) per annum =xt <br />the trnt'atd btrttitact trrttu psid. TBs said ~raiipat srisH interest s7trtfl t+c ryatrsie ai the st~ace of Superior Mortgage, Srie. <br />qr C.rEiid Islat~r ~ 68801 .,tr ore auclr ether ppSate x3 the huldte crl <br />the rrt>ke may designate is writing, in monthly rast.dfmcnis.~f Ttra ::^.undred sixty and 90/l0ilths---- <br />____,__~ _......__.._ fArturrs t.5 260.90 ?. i~tn!inendiog un thr het day ,>t <br />3tily tV si. anif :*a tfrc tint day .st e;.;:ft ?tanth tttere.rfter until the principal and irt- <br />tusst ,lac feffy pad, excepa tfust the finmt asmsni of prittCitrat and ioterest, if Hat u,nurcr na;;i+, <haii he due and <br />payable tsn the fiesH day a# Jtute 2U11 a13 a.a:t,rding its the ternt+ elf a cettam premi>- <br />sary tuxs oisvsa dste huewith txeetrted f+y the .aid Htutgag v <br />The Naxtgagtu in order mixe fully is prirtect the security of thra St.~rtgage, a~eey <br />#- ")ltat he wi8 Fay' the itxteb~d[xss, :~ hcreitri~#cxe pra~te#r-3, t'rt}itegc to € to pa: tf~ dsbt in ~:t,riF, sir in an <br />artroutft sifital tit one at mart +aesnihty paytaents un the ptiniipai that arc nrst Gus c,n tete notc..rn ihr tint da} ,rf :;ny €rtunth <br />pr~r w rrtalurity: Plcrcv}cd. Avxcts,. That writt,:n rotor of xn intcrrik=t, ;u t~erctss hush }xisiiette is givest at izast shuts t3{Ft <br />days ~ to prepayment. <br />Thal, tt!ht€ with, ata! in additiot= to, t#tt mgniHdy pay menu of priruipaf enc! :..^.kert>: pry able utidet tftt terms c!f ttx <br />dote stt~~ssElttrefty, thZ l4iartgaatu ++t`ti pay Sa dtc ~larte. on tFte first duy .sf tact! month until the +aii! note is fusty pctLJ. the <br />fu)Sowis~ ems <br />(a} fimtnt:tt strfftcycnt to provnk ttic tto#der frcr~~f wait tutufc €a pay itie ,text rtttrtlgage tnsurantr ptctruurn tf thtw <br />tnrtrttttt¢pt uid that nee ar4'tired rsby arc insured, ur a ntant3dy charge lir+ !tell ff( ;r mcxrr€r~te insrcnirt.-c. parr=. <br />hi if dray arc hskl sty the Secartarg of tiou.r~iz$ and Elrban #?svaloptttent: ss tcdtot4 s. <br />tl) hand ra ac ~~ +uRc err avt~ dolt ate this inxtr+tutcnt srt ensure=l err arc tetnsarev strSar tftc l:r=., <br />st€ rsf the Abticxtr# F#irrsittg Act, an ant±tttrtt satTir;xitt te, x::}-unF+slstb ut t}tor hanla cat ihr hut~yer :ant <br />!s"TAi'EtyF 1F,ltR.l~k.1 <br />F M A-.t tbtr w»,et, rvr ea utrsr a+n+i wtrzxr H.wt•-s>rstee <br />raisAg3t4.9ar to fps <br />