,:.~ _._ ~ :~,..Y...,
<br />f ____
<br />This form is utted in connec-
<br />- 7~~~ ~s~v •~t tion with mortgrigea istetaed
<br />1V1~~ l ~1Li1TE under-the one- to four-family-
<br />previsions of :the Nattibnsl
<br />Hout>iittH Act:
<br />~~-~~~~a
<br />THIS N10R'EGAGE. trade and cxecuttd this 27th day of May .A:D.
<br />19 81. by and between Darrell G. iYeber and Barbara J. `feber, httabattd" anti arife
<br />- '
<br />of the County of 111 ,and State of Nebraska; party of the first par[, tiereirafter caked
<br />the Mort~gar, and ,
<br />SiJP13tIOR 1!~RTGAGE, INC. ,_
<br />a corporation organized and existing uatfer the laws of Nehraska ,
<br />party ~ the second part. hereinafter salted the Mortgagee,
<br />W fTNESSE-TN: That the said Mortgagor, far and in consideration of [he sum of 7'ttirtp eight tiiotit3apd
<br />No 00--•---- Dollars {$ 38 , 000.0 1, pa y t ort-
<br />gaga, ~ rectrpt of which is hereby acknawkdged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Sar-
<br />gain. Se(i, Convey and Confmn unto the Mortgagee, ,its successors and assigns, forever, the fallowirtg-described
<br />real estate, situated in the County of Hall ,and Matt
<br />of Atcbraska, ro wit:
<br />Lot Niae (9i, Jatason Sitbdivisian, in the City of Grand Island, Hall Cottnty, Nebraska
<br />c$ the Si'sttt 3'!itx3pat ~frtr3€xn. cs+nt-amistg in aft .tares acenrding to C7oeern-
<br />rRent WttieY-
<br />TOHAVE; -AtiD h{i HS)Li3 the przmax. ai++=ne ilz.crihcd. x+ttt ai', nc~ .:r9pt€rtca: n.eti thareumrr aetongutp.:md inEluding
<br />ail heatirgt, pinmFang and iightrng tixturc~ :.nd z+rmpmztu no.. ++: hereattte .>ttS~FxJ t+; ,,r :€.esi !n lvntie~ lien a ith ,aid rrai estate
<br />unta the Mangagee. arni to tt..u~: e..,'r, .tnd .r~.eKn~ !++rc+ev [Yee 41,>r+.~:tt:+r re, re.ent~ :, ur;i _c.:rnanl, a ith, thr A•torta_a-
<br />gce, that the MtMgagcx hay g++od ri~irt !o .etf and _.+a~cs ~sre1 ^remi.e~. rh.:e tRrs .rr trrr 'r:rm encumhrancc. and that the
<br />Mortgagar wtti ssarran! and defand the +arsrr agatn.t the'tau.€€; ..ls.r!te,rf :t'; t+c,.+rm ~frvmsc*;~er.:+nd the ~,ad ~fartgagor hcre-
<br />by retirugnishty all r~Ah ut Mxnestc~d. inti afl +nartra? ngitt+. eraser zn !ate s +n z4wts .:rhi aE! ,+thzr amungent mtere-+ts r; the
<br />Mtxtgagsrr m eat rv the atwie-Stxnheet promrx-. €he :ntcatKrn !~tny, €+, .+sn.c~ tu! ens .in :ah+t,;ute tttlt, in ice jimp3e. indud-
<br />iergall tights of Homestead. area other ngirt. a.sJ mterc.t. 3, virxsru+il
<br />PROVIDED AL W 47' 1, atut tHex :+re+zar• ,xrr < se~urs:ai .xsra ,fe!r~ertJ utn+n fhe f Er{!,!w int; ~i;ndttk+n., an x it-
<br />The tifartgag.x agrees to pay to ttx Mz+rtga}tr. or +Kdrr the prrltcrpai .um ,rf 'thirty eight thousand and No~I00----
<br />------~~_._~___ I h,lint. € s 38 r 000.00
<br />with geteltltt fraars date at Siff rate at fifteen and one-half per :entum f 15.50 ~ 1 trrr annum on
<br />the unpaid bataocro untit paid The sard prin:ipat sn<i rnterz.t shatS he t+ayahle ,rt the utliie of
<br />SUP~tIOR Lt10R1R'aAGS, ZNC. Grand island tiebraska
<br />to ~ . xx at ;uch other eia~c .+ the holder +-+f
<br />rise ttcste may designate in wrutttg. m mvntHty m,taltneent. crt Potty httr>slred ninety five and 72/100-----
<br />Lisritars (~ qys , 72 i...rnmrnx'.tns on the first da} ++f
<br />J~v fY 8 j - ~ vre Ihz first day of each ntonUr fhzreafter until the pr:nctpai and m-
<br />trttst art fogy paid, txeepC tftat tlsz iirrl pasmznt of prin:"ipa; nttd rntcre.F. if €.ut xrxrner paid. -hat; -trey due _end
<br />payable an the first day of Jttae 2 ll a!i a.x ording to the term. xaf :. ccrt+sn pnrmts
<br />nary nixt at ruin date herewith execut~t the said M..xtgasx.r
<br />"i7te Mortgagor in coder more fu:iv to protret the szcurity of rHis if artituge.:xgrrrs.
<br />1. "That 6C wilt pay the ihttbt.;dtiess. as hcretntsetare ptastded- i'rivtkge rs reccrvcd to pa} tht debt rn whtrte, os rn an
<br />mount eSicral 6o atw ar eAatc mcunttriy pay'mcnts un khe prtmipst tiwt arc neat Joe on thz note. x>at the first da± ++f nns :north;
<br />prior to trtafufity: Hravidtd. htrweat. Tbat written twrtres of an ioteatien w r><zrcisz much prutlegz is ttivert:+t least thou t3ttr
<br />days pry to plttpaytraent.
<br />~. THat, Eagether with, anti to addttiun ta, tht rnontMy paymtnts of principat and interest p:tiahle urulee fire tams ,rf the
<br />twit sectutd htrtby. Litt Mttatgagtx will pas to the Mortg:+gee, an the fust da} itf caah m+rnth until tht sail note i, ftdty p:etd. the
<br />fit#~w°tfag stuns:
<br />(a,i Araaunt sittT3eEt3el to provide Rht hcsidtt itrteof wtth tunclr to prey= the rtax.t +rwri~age ea'uran~-~ prenuunt st td5rs
<br />tnstrunttnl and tht note stcurrti hereby art inurrad, ter a rnatrtHly cHart€e tin flew +r{;r rrta,rtrtr~r fnsr,rrur<e t>rr-
<br />rq~m~ if they art by tits' 5trtrtaty of Natrsing and tfrban [kvetapntestt. as fs~tiows.
<br />11~t if turd rKS kmg u Hale of ruin dart and tHil insfrunttnt art insured .rt arc !~rrsu;eu s;nde, rt.c ;rr:•
<br />rtaiana asf tier Natitrttai Ffltusing Ac-L art atnaant sutTcitrnr to arcurnuhstc m rite hands sa the htkdst one.
<br />~c+p Kti#~~tatlrl w+ret~r maq Gs ua4xi u~1a rufn~-v n exgnt%Sad
<br />FtUU?iZ14~41 i$ -'~tt
<br />