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:~,~ <br />~~.- 002703 ~rIORTGAGE <br />This mortgage trade and enttted into this 21st day o~ <br />ti#~ .h3!8rtdb~veert' t~r~id R. Iade and. try! F. Lae1e. Husbmnd azid ttife; <br />..,joint Tenants with rights of stirviricrship <br />(htteinafttr referred to as mortgagor) and Garnmttcial National );ark and Trust Company <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />ttttxtgageet,-who maitltains an office and place of business at 424. W. Third street in G~td Island, <br />Haq County, Nebraska. <br />Wt'l!M83sertt, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, tht mortgagor <br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, aU"of `the fat <br />lowinis described property situated-and being in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />Part of Lot 18, Geer Subdivision of Lots 6, 7, and 8 of <br />Garrett's Subdivision, apart of the East One-half (E~t) <br />of Section 9, •.t'ownship 11 North, Range 9, West of the <br />6th P.H., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as: that portion of-Lot 18 lying south of the <br />southerly line of 20th Street except for the southern <br />25 feet thereof <br />together wilts all the trnetnents and- appurtenances thereto belonging, all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all <br />easemenu, rights, royalties, ntitxral, oi! and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including <br />alt heatiag, plumbing, refrigeration, tighang, equipment and a!t fixtures of every description belonging to the <br />mortgagor now or hereafttt attached thereto or used in conneetsan with the premises herein described and in addition <br />thereto the following described properties which are and shat! be deemed to be fixtures and a part oC tfie realty, a,td <br />are a portion of the security for the insiebt~=ness herein stated. (If none, start "none") None <br />To have and to how the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided: <br />The mortgagor is (awfully seized and possessed of and has the tight to Belt and convey said property; that the <br />sa»x is fro from all ettcutnbrartc~ except as hereinabove mired; and that Mortgagor covenanu to warrant and <br />defend the dtk aforesaid thtteto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsxxvtt. <br />This iostrttettent is given to secure the paytnatt of a promissory note dated ~Y 21, 1981 <br />in the principal sum of S 38=QOi).00 .signed by C.etrald R. Lade and Cheryl P. Lade <br />in behalf of . Lhezasaelves Y <br />also, as stteh note tx notes tnaY from time to Nme be modified, renewed or extended in writing. <br />to the event the title to said rat! estate is transferred, err cantraaal to be transferred, from the undttsigocd for any <br />teasat err by arty ttsethod whatsoever. the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become duo and <br />payaE~ u ~ election of the hokhx herwf. Failure to exttc(se this option because of trattsfcr of title as above slats) <br />)a oats irattartoe shat) sot cronstitute a waiver of the right to exercige six same in the evrnt of any suhsequrnt transfer. <br />3'!te covetutnua soul agrees as follows: <br />it: Ta preatptty pay the indebtedness svtsktxed by said pratnissory torte at the titres and in the manner <br />h. Ta pay ail taxes, alst:asatcnts, water rates, attd other giivetnmental or municipal charges, f`ittes, err <br />iat~ats, for tvh3ch ptp?ri)R#on has rat been trade hereinbefare, and will promptly deliver the official re+:eipts <br />thercfot 4o the said ~, <br />c; fia tray suds expenses attd fekt as may bye lneutted in the protection and maintenan4~e of said piaperty, <br />inctti<dittg the fees of iuty attorney employed by the mctrttagce far the collection of any or all cxC the indebtedness <br />hrrdty secured, err farecktsure by ttttirtgagee'x satle, err court Prcreedin~, err in any athrr li~igatitxn ~r prc+c~•cdittt; <br />affix:tit~ said property- <br />