<br />~~ `5S-A-REAt_ EBTATE MORTGAGE-With lax Cause S ~ ~ /ti ~'~ ~ C~ $,(~ Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 6g~61 ~ ~~
<br />KNOW ALL MF.N BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Frank Kolar and David Kolar
<br />(Mortgagor )
<br />~ Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in wnefderaffon of the attttsd
<br />Twenty Thousand and not100---°-----------------------------------------°- LkjLLARf3
<br />in-hand paid. do hereby SELL and (~NVEY unto the State wank of Dannebrog- - - -
<br />{Mortgagee }
<br />-of Howard County, and state of Nebraska tltefollowiagdaltiR>~e3gr_dEEtisea -.__
<br />situated- in Hall County, a~ state of Nebraska to-wit: ,
<br />The intention being to wnvey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including alt the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with a!1 the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the
<br />said mortgagee and to their heirs and assigns, Forever, provided always, and these precents are upon the ezptem
<br />wnditioa that if the aforesaid mortgagor ,their heirs, executors, administrators ar assigns shall pay ar cause- to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee .their heirs, executers, administrators ar assigns, the sum of Twenty Thousand
<br />and 001100--------< ---_ --------------------------- Dollars, payable as follows. to-wit:
<br />IblIars an the dsy of 19
<br />$20,000.00 Dollare oa the 27th day of July lg 8i
<br />Dollars em the day of 19
<br />LMifars t=n the day of - 19
<br />lloilars an the day of 19 -
<br />with interest thereon at 21 per Dent per annum, payable bd days ~~~ all acx~ording to the tenor and effect of
<br />a certain promisxory note o[ said
<br />bearing even date with these presents, and shelf Imy art taxes and sssesements }evied upon said real estate, and all other taxes,
<br />(avian and assessments levied upon this nxortgage or the n+~te which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes
<br />delinquent, and keep the Iwiklings on said premises insured far the sum of $ toss, if any, potable to
<br />the said mortgagee, then these presents tc, `+e void, otherwise to be and remain in full force.
<br />1T I3 FURTHER AGREED (I j That if the raid mortgagor shah fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the
<br />acid mortgagee maY PaY such taxes seal procure au:h insurance: and the sum so advanced, with interest at 21 per cent
<br />shall be paid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shat( stand a» security for the same. (2j That a failure to pay any of sand
<br />money, either principal or interest when the same heeomes due, or a failure to campty with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shalt cause the whale sum id money herein secured to become due and enltectibfe at once at ttte option of the mortgagee.
<br />signed this 26th day of (,lay f9v~gl .
<br />In presence of !~ ..,F ~. _ .
<br />STATS OF._... AfF.RTr dR1fA,-. _ _.___ ..- . .. County of. Hoctard....-.
<br />..................
<br />Befsre me, a notary pudic qualified far said county, personally came Frank Kolar and David Kolar
<br />knowq ~+ me to 6e the identical Person or petsons who ~ acimowledged the e:etvtion
<br />thereof to he his. her ar their wluntary act nerd deed. MES t. 51M
<br />fAr tt"a~ Exr- June 9.1956
<br />Witnasa mF hand notszial leaf ou -.-.-...flag .26-._ ::- - - ~.:~. ~~. .
<br />~._.__.. - LLttff .y~~ °:' ~'i[.`'~.. Notary Public.
<br />i14p exPires~`,~d.t.R~ . f9..1C..1. -,. ^.,. !!1
<br />~'A'1'$ Q~<;_.__..._,.._....._._.._..._._..__..._........_..--.--.-- ] Entered an numerical index and flied foz re¢otd
<br />~ in the Register of~Deeds Office of said Cwmty the
<br />...,......._..._._...ebq ot_........ _. ...__...._...._....__..., 18 ............. u..... _....._... _ ...___-o'clock snd..,_._. ., _..._. minutes . _.._........_._.hL,
<br />sell rset+tdwl is Booh.. __...-...._._...._._......-...at:,-..,__....___...____.._.. at page..__ ___ ._.....__._. _ _ ......
<br />
<br />~ - . _ <_.
<br />_.Rag. of Deeds €
<br />_ .._Dayntty
<br />.:
<br />............. 1-
<br />