<br />8I- Ot12683
<br />I.ender'a trritten agteemtnt or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage itaurance premiums in the
<br />marmot provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounh dtsbut~d by Lender pursteant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Htsr-oever sxwt+td by this Mortgage. IJnkss Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paytneM; such
<br />ttttroutW shat! be payable upon notice from I-ender to Harrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />dine M dtsbtrrst:teent ~ the rate payttbk froth time to citric on wttstareifing principal under the Note un1e~ paytnant of
<br />intete3t at latch rate would 1x contrary to tep~icabk law, in which event such amotmts steal! tzar interest of the-highest ram
<br />perrrtire tttsder ~ taw. Aiothneg contaittcad in this paragraph 7 -shad require Lender to ineni anp t:xpease or faire
<br />any aetiuo hereunder.
<br />d. )~tleta. Lender tray make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shaft give Harrower tesstice prior ea any such inspection specifying reasonable caerse therefor related to Lenders
<br />irttertst in nets Propmty.
<br />9. Caedetarat6aa. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages. direct or consegtxrttial, in connectiote with any
<br />condemnation ix outer taking of fhe Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and ahrll tie paid to Leader.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Pralxrty, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums rc¢tired by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, it any, paid to Bwrower. In the event of a partial taking of ttte Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwfsc agree in writing, [bete shall be applied to the sttmx secured Uy this Mortgage such pmportton of the proceeds
<br />~ is equaLto that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking tzars to rho fair rrtaritet vsltx of the Prcgrerty immediatriv prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to lltxrxswer.
<br />If the Prapp~ty is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lctrder to Borrower that the condemnor offers to tttake
<br />an award or settle a claim for darrugea, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date stub notice is
<br />mailed, Leader h atxhorized to t:otlect arm apply the pt~eeds. at lender's option, eithtt to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Proptt:rty tx to the stuns second by this Mortgage.
<br />[Inleas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />a postpone the due date of the mottthty installments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such imtalttttents.
<br />t0. 4arowK fVst teleaaai. Extension of the tithe for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by tide Mortgage granud isy [..ender to am successor in interest of Anrrower shall hat operate to release. in any manner,
<br />rite Rability of the original Borrower ared Borrower's successors in interest. finder shall not to required to commence
<br />prosxeditegs drat stub stttxessor or refuse to rxtend time for paymxnt or otherwise modify amartitation of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage I+y rrtason of any demand made ray the original Borrower and Aorrow•er a sucttssors in interest.
<br />ll. !-arieanaee i9 I.sst~'.Vat a Waiver. Any forbearance by (.ender in exercising any right nr remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded asp applicable taw. shall not tee a waiver of nr prechtde the exercise of any stub right or remedy.
<br />cite procuternent of itarrr:nce or else payment of taxes or other !ions or charges by Lender chart not ix a waiver of Lender s
<br />tight to aesxktatt the maturity of the indetstednesa secured by this tsongage.
<br />t2. tkeaaesYs Cstsiafire. All remedies provided in this 'Mortgage arc distinct and iumutative to any Mher right or
<br />rctreedy under this Mortgage or a@ixded by law or equity. anJ may Lx ezercixd corteurrentiv. indrpettdetttly nr successively.
<br />13. 9trrearon aai Aasigaa Hs«yd: last awd Seseval IJabBfht ('aptitses. The rovcnanls and agreements herein
<br />eawtaiteed shelf bind, artd the rights tteteutitttr shalt inure ta, the rrspecitve successors and assigns of f_endtr and Aorrower.
<br />subject to the provision of paragraph t? :tetra( Ali covenants xnd agrrements «f lorrower shirt} LK iomt and several.
<br />'The cspt~ts aril teeadtnt"s of the pant=raphs of this Mortgage are for renventencY Doty and are not to tx used to
<br />interpieS ar de~e the prtsvrsiaas 7etcof,
<br />14. Melitx. Except for say ntsticx rcyuirts: under applicable la.z to lzc given in soother manner, ts) any notice fo
<br />Harrower provi$ed for in this Mortgage shalt 1?e given by madirtg such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property A~tess or st such crtticr address as fiorrt+wer may dtwgnate by rn~ttice to t-rndrr as provided heroin, and
<br />cis) any notice to l,etedtr sha31 tx given by c;xtilied mart, rerun rtt'etpt requesttxi, ro Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such other addrtwi as Linder may designate by notice to Aorrasver as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Mortgage stattl tx deenssd to have txeen given to Borrower cx Lanier when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />tS. Utdfwa !Mpelptgt; Gwreraia` [~tv.: fiasera~y. This f~xm of morti,age rombiaea uniform covenants for nations}
<br />eae sad nitre-rtnifarrn Litv.ti..:ua w iiretited varlatiOti3 h} ;our-s'.tacaa~ts to ctnstitws a vai[ornt se€urity instrument covering
<br />real propestp. Tlt~ Mortgage shah tx governed tw the law of thr surisdicticm in which the Property is ;coated. In the
<br />event that any provaspn ar ciatrse ~ this Mongsge x the Nsatr caniticts with applicable taw, such canfiict shall not affect
<br />otleer pravisiasa cd this Mortgage or [tee 'Yore which can be jivrn error wi€hau) rite coaRiMing provision, and to this
<br />cad the provisions of the Mortgage acrd tt+t dote err dalarra to tze rtvcrabk.
<br />)f., iasrawu's Ce~y. Borrower shall be furnisiwd a : onfarmed ropy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />s>r executiaa s'a otter tteatdation haoof.
<br />tT. Traarhr a' eke t4ogaty; Atwwpdar. !f all or any` put of [tee Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Burrower witiwut l.erder's prior written .zutscnt, excirtdittg fat the creation of a lien or etuumbranc^ subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, (h) the crtatioa of a purctesse maeey sss:urity interest for ho€raeftafd spptiances, (c) a transfer by devise,
<br />descent or by oprratioo at law tyson the dealt, of a joint tenon er tell the grant of say teaseleatd intermit of three years or fens
<br />cwt carttstiostg an option w punbase, tinder may, at Lcntkr's option. dtc3are all the sums secured try thix Mortgage to be
<br />immediauty due and payable. F.eoder steak hers waived such option to acc~ierate it. prior to ttte sale ar transfer, Lender
<br />noel else person Ea wtta® tree Property is to be sold or transferred reuh ag:etmrnt in w>iting that the credit of such petstm
<br />is ttatisfaFtary to Lcseder and that tbs interest payable an the sums secured by this Mortgage stroll be at such rate as Lender
<br />shall rsqut:st. If Lender has waived the option to accslrratt provided in this paragraph ti, and if Aorrowsra succeuor ir.
<br />itarereat teas executed a written asuanpiioa agrcensettt atacepted in vrriting by Linder, L.eoder strati release Borrowu from ail
<br />i~t-uudta• Pas Alortgsge asd the Note.
<br />if I.tndar exorcises such option to accekratr, fxndu shah mail Borrower notice of acceleration in acoordattce wide
<br />prrtysapft 3A tsettmL Such ttatlee shall provide a period of ncx less than si? days from the dart the notice is•rztat7ed within
<br />wltieA Hpaarowsr may pay the stress €fecfarcd a_rire. if BatrtTwer €arh to pay such suttts prior to the expiration of such period.
<br />Lender easy, withgttt further ttotce or demand oa Borrowtt, invoke any retrtedies permitisd bi' paragraph lg hereof,
<br />Ttetat-llstts+ostat Covgrrkxis, Ilrsrrower and i-ocular furcltet srovenant asrii agree as folktws:
<br />l#, AtS R l4tceat s paatri~ ie aph 2T istna#, rPett Eera+azm'a breach of any rovwart ~
<br />t at ~ let tttit . int:kaiirg tie care W pay wttw else say soma serrrod by tttttt •
<br />lid glie[ N sikaH t:>arice ~ Harsatrea as provided bs pzrs;r~t t1 local Wig: a) t>sa hseaei~
<br />~ tNte aegaat h start msdt tt~,wtt-; t3- a daate, [tat teas tier Jo days tress E`ie taro tie pollee k asrifa~ to ihtrrsissr•
<br />iM' ea~li ataels.irsrcia,.ttasrl is etgsh sad t1) drK tataer: la care st~i bsrnci or m borers tw tWs ha tie aatJca
<br />rtu3 Bradt it scglattii~atlie txatat st;trtad it tidy tancisaare ~ }edieLat ~ sled tra& at tie-Pa+aperty.
<br />lseYtrasla~ ktrlAYaa trtr~taa Hrrswser ai ~s t#gltt ~ raaNrta shat xrsfaratha sad rite rithi w swat hs Nra cwtrciaaaw
<br />lily, ~a et n.falraf~t se ~ oUar dataaae sf •arr,awet its aec,rhsatlat tad fer+elstrwra ff cis irsari
<br />sea rr it€laaa tits tllata tr~ARatt fa riot aotka, t.eathr a< t.snder's aptiwt nary dactare all a( fir arstsrs actsrad iy
<br />tilt[ t4 iM ksMSwsi daa trstE tt wWswt! testietr Osaund atad ~ faesdsas aX ~adicid psnsx~st~ Iwrdrt
<br />ttita~, ig tart k esMaat la start ~. aB sattrtlsas st ltsssdtrars, bye woe tkaitad tb, teals of daettaauWay
<br />s~e#ItwttxraFaireitaltltlrit a~aata
<br />-~tlaa~lsta'a1 l1i~t war, 1RaialYia. Nrxwitlr5vndsag Condo's accslrrati0a of else sums soured Isy this Mortgage.
<br />MsM eta ~ 3a tense any pts+c+ertdirrgtt begun ley L.eretkr to rntixce tha Moetgagt diroraitnuati at any time
<br />