<br />
<br />tJST)~l-~mxA aort~t s $ ~ ---tl t~ 2 6 7
<br />FotOt FatHA +4Z3:T !~1ffi
<br />(kev. 5''Y5=7'9y ~Ef4;L ES'T'ATE MflR`l`f;AGE ~(~R NEBRASKA
<br />1'Fi~-MpR'!'GAGH a made sad ettterrd into b Michael A Panowicz and Patricia M
<br />F _~._._.._...._ . ......... ......._~, ....._... .. ..._.... ...~.__.~._.._.
<br />itRdd is _.~,~..<~_..` ~83.j•.. ~_~~...~_..__..__--°-___:. Cortttp. ?Vebiaska, whose prat Q£~ae a~'iia u
<br />,;;:~;_.~~~;~. ~~.t._..GSatid _ Ysland........._..__.__.___-_._. _~.___ __.--__ w___ __-- , Nrbrask^ ~'~~
<br />beeebe t~td "Br~ecuwrr," still: _..._._.~..._ .
<br />1llkF,t1,4 lSorrowar is it~tebced to-the iJait~ 5utcs of America, acting ehr the Farmers Home Adminlsaation,
<br />Unitrd States >Yspartmettt of Agticuttttre, herein called the "Government," as rvldenced by one or more promissory nou{s)
<br />or F asltrtmenttaj, ltetrin calkd "note." which has beta exrcutttd by Borrower, is payablt to the order of ehr
<br />~e~tt, ata~iarize: secrlrratiaa of the rarirc ieulrbtsdttrss ac tlis aption of thr ~vtrtttneat upon any defsulr lxy
<br />IIptrw+rt. and is desa~scti xs follows:
<br />.4rn~el Rstr D~ Date of F'#w~
<br />l7rreoJfwssrratrtst t4inc~aal;~motant aftntttrest /nstaIbmevtt
<br />lily 2fs, 1981 $144.OUO.QO 5& Jan. 1,-1488
<br />(lf tie itttt5rrst eau is kss than ,_______..96 for farm awnrrsirxp or aperatvsg teams secured by t4tis instnunent, then the
<br />rate may be cfzanpted as proridrd in the ante.:
<br />Aad rhr na~tr eridenm a !Hari zo Bnrrn,tver, :and the G:*vernment, az anv trite. may asstgtt rhr note and imvrr the pay-
<br />ment titrneof pursuanx to the t:nnsoiidatrd Fazm and Rurai t)evrlopmcnr Act, ,>r ; ittr L' ::,t'ttxe tic using Act of ih49 nr any
<br />udxxer statute administrrnl by the Fatmen Huxae Admtaistra;ion.
<br />And it a rhr ptrrpnx sad in[ent ut this :nstrumrnt that. among rtrrr -"r+i:i~-s, at ail ritnr~ wizen the note is held by tht
<br />Government, or in the event rhr Guvcrtt€nent xh.ruld assign xh to instrumc^r «:r?uve u,suran;r ,i the Hutt, this tnstrunxcnt
<br />shaA srattr payntrnr of rite note: but wiser. tilt r:ctr a *elsi °~v as s.-su:cd },c-t.irr. thrs i,:stn.rtrnt shat: nut se~urt payyment
<br />of the taote ire attach to the debt cvrdrncrd t:rrrrbv, lint as t., zisr Hate az ;uc:h ~rbt sha3 ;~~nsu'~tr -an indemnity mtxrKage
<br />va xcsrtr rhr Gc+rmstnrnt agxinsa 3=_=__ ~ttdsr "srs ;ns,..a~r _,uttr~r °, ---.°- °* _ .' ~ci=.~(t L=, t;..rr,,,v;
<br />Acxi thissastrurnrnt alto securr.a±hr recap*urr •r( anv tnterrat :rcdtty(.t svbstdv wtti.,h tray rye t+rantc<i ro the dtornrwer by
<br />~et,.aercmment pursumxt to ~2 t'.S.C. ~3~F9t3a.
<br />l!(Llik. THER€FC3RE, in c.ztxsidrant:n ,Fi the ?-~:n~.-s. an.i ., ..F.1 rue>e. w:crs ;:;c nuts ax iiei.i ?) tar t~.3~~ert.mrut. or in
<br />the-went rhr fiovrrtUStetrt shawtid asstgn *itis .nstrurtxnt with~~ut :awratzs`e ors rhr pay:ncnt =-z tiro ;tote, ru secuzr prompt
<br />~Zaymeot of the note and anv renexvals ut>} rxtrnssuns threes}i a:eci ury .gzrrnsnts ccaataittrd therein, Including any prnviiion
<br />tot the payzuent of an ixtsuranse ur c*ttrcr cha:gr, 'v; a: sit times +v;rrn ;''r,r ^e:tr tx'.^.eia tt an insured lxaider, to secure per-
<br />fonnarxrr of Bcrttvwet's agrrrnxrut herein :u indemnify aa.i save izarr=tissa eht t.:uvrrnmen! agaanst 'stns under its insutante
<br />trill#tnct by rext+a$ of any drfaxilt by Bicr3+4r[. ami c ~n arty cvcnt ,u~3 as .ut rimcca to repute the ptnmgt paytnrnC o:- all
<br />advances and rxpcn:titurra rrxa,:c ';~ rhr (~tve-sunrnt, w:t;e rnrrrrst, as '':errina.tcz arrkzitc,i, an.i ,s:r per~tlrrnancr a every
<br />covattaxxt and agrrsment c£ Borrower ~untal..t1 herein art .n any ruppicresruzy a ~~*rrre:txrnt, Aottawrz does hereby grant.,
<br />4argain, srll, tt.extvEy and assign, with r Huai warranty, :tnt~.~ rhr G3verrataznt ?hc ft,ttr:bving property situated in rhr Stab of
<br />Nebrasita,C'txxary(itsjof _....._.Ha],3...____._.._..._..__..___._
<br />2. Lot Twenty Six f26} Western Heights fihird Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, subject to prior mortgage to 8cxse Federal Savings and Loan
<br />sad mortgage to FmHA.
<br />2. The South liatlf of the Alorthr~egt Quarter (S~A~l~} and the t3orth Half
<br />o€ the Southwest Quarter (N~SWit) of Section Eleven Ill} in Township
<br />2Wte,lge E1~} 21e3rth, Bangs Eleven (liJ bleat of the Eth P. M., Hail County,
<br />br~tska, ~nbject to prior mortgage to FmHA.
<br />FrnHA 427-3 ivB (Rev, a..1~-79;
<br />
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