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11~ORTIGA~E <br />~2`- ~C-~~.Sb <br />Thin form is uaed in connec- <br />tion with tnortgat3ea inbured <br />under the one- to four•family <br />proviaiona of the I3atitinal <br />Houeing Aet. <br />THi~hit}iE`!'~RGE,.madtendezecattedthis 22nd ~y.of May- .A.D._- <br />19 81 ,bymtdbenveen Michael R. 9c2ilaclxter and Pziscil-1~-A. Sch3.act1. I~Bb~nd artc7 wife- <br />of the County of Fdai11 ,and Stan of Nebraska; party of thi:firstpart, hexeittaf tucaned:: - <br />theA+lortgagar,atad. 3uftegior- Moztgager Isle. <br />a corporation arganized attd cxistingurrder the laws of Nebzaaita , <br />party of the second part, hareinaftercaned the titartgagee, <br />WPfNESSETH: That the. said Martgagor, for and in'consitieration of the sum of Thirty eight tTtoussnd nerd NC>/i00 <br />t2fs ~ ..__--_..~~__~ Dollars to 38, OOO.Ofl - ), paidby the Mon- <br />gogee, the retxipt of which is hereby aekrwwiedged,-.has Granted- and Sold and by these presents does C,rant, $ar• , <br />gain, Sen, Garvey and Carrfirm unto the Mortgagee, its uctxssors and assigns, forever. the fonowang-described. <br />rest tatate, sitaated in the Cotmty of Hal ,and Start <br />of Nebraska, to wit <br />Lot Seventeen (17) , Jatttson Sttbdivisiott, in the City of Gzand Island, <br />Hall Cotmty, Nebraska <br />of iht: Sixth Prinr~ai Meridian, containing in atf <br />stunt survcv: <br />acres according to Govern- <br />TO HAVE .4ND TO HOt_D the premises shove described. with nit the appurtenance, thereunto belonging and including <br />an besting, plumbingand lighting fixtures and equipment now yr hereafter attached to ur owed in cunnectiun with-:aid real estate <br />ants the Mortgagee, sad to its sacccssors and assigns, forever. The Nortgagur rrpresents tu. ;,nd covenants with. the M1lortga- <br />gce, that fhe lNortgagar has good ri~it to self and convey sad premises; that thty arc tree from encumbrance: and that the <br />Mwigagttr will warrant artd defend ttte same against the lawful claims of air persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor h`re- <br />by rciirtqusshcs an rights of homestead, and art martini nghis, either in law ur to cqutt}. ;uxi alI other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to theabovt-described pr; raises, the intentxrn being to convey tt,:teh} an shwiute title, in tee simple. incfud- <br />ingail rights of homestead, and other rights and inttreata as aforesaid. <br />pROVIAED ,1I,WAYS. and ttxse presenb are executed an4 delivered upon the fntlowitig cunditirrns. to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay ro the Mortgagee, or rider, the principal aura of Thirty eight thotasand and <br />Ito/;:OSTthB------,•-------..•...~----_,.-.. [bttara t5 38.000.00 i. <br />with interest from date at the rate of 8ifteen and One-half per centum { 15.50 `7c j per annum un <br />rite tmpasd balance-until paid. The said principat and intuest shah be payable at the ufhce of <br />S:tpet:ior Mortgage, Inc. <br />~ Grand Island, Nebraska . rir at such other ftl~~t+,e as the holder ut <br />the rtae may designate in writing, in montitiy instanmertts of Fouz httrtdzed ninety five and 72/ 100'~tts----- <br />-- ---_-----°-- Iktllars tS 495.72 t. utmmending on the tint day oi' <br />Jul}/ , t4 Bl , :end on the first day of eaa;h murtth thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terest art- Tuny paui, ettcept that the Etna! mayyiuenr of prirteipal and interest, if trot sooner patd. shalt t?e du2 and <br />payable vn the firstday of June, 2fl11 ;art according to the terms of s cerfain promis- <br />sory nwe of evw date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mattgttgor in order mart fatly to prottx:t thr se: unity of this Mortgage, egreec. <br />I. That lee win pay the itxkhtedaess. as hereinbefore prs?vidcd. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, rx in an <br />amount egtwi W-wee or mote mantitiy payments an the principal that are next due un the note, an the first day of any month <br />prtw €e maturity; ftavidef, huwevu, Tutu wrinen.ixitice of an tntention :u exercise .uch privilege ,s given at least thirty (3t)t <br />days prior taluppaytscrtt, <br />:• T@at, tuge;thu with,. and in addilian to, the mantisly payments of principal anal interest payable under the terms of the <br />rtiq+t s~sur~ heiiiby, the Mtxtga~ur win pay itstix Mortgagee, an fire first day of each-month until the sat$ note is furry pairs., the <br />Cutiotr3ng suirrta: <br />iaJ Airttwnt atfi3iclFnl-w-provide the-holder txrcaf with funds to pay rite next nwrtgagc insurance pre,uiutnti thts <br />iustrutttaltt Anil. the note smeared hereby arc-iristired; or a ttuutthiy charge flat Eieu erJ ~ rtre+rrgagr ntsur$nEC= ire. <br />stit~arijif-shey ara held be' the Smc:stiry of Hatzcgtltaad-Urban t3evetvpttecnt, ss trtltzivx: <br />(i) if awl so totttg as siEid Halt of coati date attd this itutrument are tnsured ,mare +cinauted under ttre Oar; - <br />t~agaat of rite ?titsiionsi Hou~tg Acl, an .atnorutt suffictcnt to at:riurnatate m the h+rrrds of the ttctlder t~rx <br />rlre~tOGltt ~t4fA-? 44~At wt+id3 CNfi' tM uw6 unto N+r+RtS' ~. s>it.+nratwt *+T'ATF; t tt' ~ @:fif2;iSK;1 <br />+atS#.7-B~tt~A4 t~=7$t <br />