81- O(126~4
<br />Lender's written agrcemertt or applicable law. Borrower sha-I pay the arttMtm of all mortgage inattrartce ptemiuma in the
<br />reanntr provided under pangrrtph 2 Irercof.
<br />Airy tttstounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to thin paragraph 7, with interest thermn, shell become additional
<br />indebtedaWS of Borrower aecuted by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other teems of payteeM, such
<br />atttoutda shall be payable trpcgt notice front I.rnder to Borrower regrtesting payment ther~t, and shaft bear interest from the
<br />data of dhbuniatrmt at the rcle payable from tutu to time ort outstanding prirtctpa! undo the Note unless payment of
<br />inixest at such rata would bt contrary to appticahk-taw, in which event larch amoums sett!! bear interest at the higltew rate
<br />partle rntdrr applicable ~. tVotiiisg ctsstuittett in this paragraph 7 shat! tcgttite teitdtr to incur trey eapmwa ~ take
<br />nay ttetion hesetrader.
<br />R ltrrgNeMba. leader !nay nuke or carne to be made reasonable entries upon and itttgitctioru of the Property, provitlad
<br />that7.fander tdiaN give Borttrwar notice prior to any such inspectrott specifying teasorrabk carafe therefor related to L.endet's
<br />irrtarsst in this Fnopeety.
<br />4. CatsdeysyslBnt. 7'he proceeds of any award or claim for damagm, direct or coetsegtrentid, in rnetneetlon with arty
<br />caautiiotr ar other tttftiitg of the Praparty. or part thereof. or for eonveyattca in lieu of cttttdannatioa, arc hereby assigtfOd
<br />wed shall be paid to Lends.
<br />Ta the event of a total taking of the Property, the proweeM shat! be applied to the srrr»s scented by thin Mortgage,
<br />with'ths aarxn, if aey, paid to Borrower. Tn the event of a partial raking of slu Property, unksa Borrower and Lender
<br />attrerwise a;tae in writing. tharc sMp 6e applied ra the sums secured by this Misrtgttgt such proportion of the pt
<br />r is aqua! hi tfiu propartktet whidi the arnottnt o/ the sums secured by !Iris Mortgage hnmediattty prior to tin dais of
<br />taking bean to the fair rttatka value o[ the Property immediately prior to fete date of taking, wkh rtes balance of the praceuds
<br />paid to Bcteower.
<br />if doe Ptoparry es abatrdoered try Borrower, or it, otter notice by Lender to Borrtnver thu the cardemnor afters to nreke
<br />as award or smile a claim for daass~, Borrower faih ro respond to Lender within 30 days aher the date strdr notice is
<br />nulled. [.wader a atnAoe{aed to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lendc's option. Tither to rratoration or repair M the
<br />Propeny or to flee sums escorted by thu Mortgage.
<br />Utskse i.artder and Borrower ottterwix agree en writing, any such application of prt+ceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or poatpoere the due date of the rrrnarMv itutallttsenu referred in in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or change the amixtnt of
<br />stech inuaihsteMa.
<br />lit Bstsysrtr !Wt Raisaead. Fattertaori of fete urrx for paytnenr or rttodiflrstion of amortintion of the soma ttxutsd
<br />by thu Mortgage granted 6v !seder tit any strtttaeor in intsreu of Bortowrr shalt not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the tia6ility of flu original B<srrrctsr reed Borrower's srstxes~rs in interne. !.ender shall not be required to catrrrunce
<br />procrxe~ga againsa sncli n+~[,tlfutp m'tstwrd time for paytnate ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />arct°°d br this 1Mttttgsge by raastsi.~1t7~tfaMe•hy t+e origraai Borrower acid Borrowe~a srreceaora in interest.
<br />i1. lNtynwss b fsrtrir tWt a ilrtiver. ny by ttridcr in exmising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />odspwAtee afforded by ttppticatile taw, strait rwd tee a waiver at or prxiude the exercise of any stash right or remedy.
<br />71st prorxrrcmdtt of irpotanct a tees pagmsnt of taxes or rxfier liar ar charges by f ender shad not be a wrivtt of Lender's
<br />ritirt to accelerate flu raaturrtq of the enskbtedtrese secured by this Mortgage.
<br />i1 Camaillra. AN remsdiGS pravidt:d in this Mortgage are diuiritt oral cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Montage or afforded by isw nr equity. and may be exercised cancurtrnUy, rode
<br />pendently or aucraasively.
<br />13. gttesusrsr and Aadgsw Bad 7tiet aM Severn t.hiiYy; Ctrgsitra 'ilte covrnana arsd agreements hernia
<br />contained shah hind. and the rights lxreunder shall rewrr to. ttx respeetisa succeaaort and assigns of Lender wad Borrower.
<br />subject to the ptaovisroas of paragraph t7 hereof Ali cavenanta and agrerrrteais of Barrostsr shell be joint wad several
<br />Tits ctptroat and he:dittgs of the paraBrapha of this Mortgage uc tar ctmvertrerxe tufty and ors not to be eased to
<br />it:ts?ptet es tfx ,~ss+easnsts lssrccsf.
<br />l+t. Isalics. $ttcept fa uty tiatice required under appticable law to be gives to another matsnsr, fa) atty notice to
<br />Borrower provided tar rq this Mortgage shah lie given by matlirig such notrce by castrfled mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Prtipeny Addtex cx ~ such ether address as &trrawtr nta} a#Gtvgnatr by nutlet ro t.crtder as provided herein, and
<br />t1i) arty twtice to Lerukr shall be given h} ttre.~i ma,l, rrtum reccapt rrgtrested. to t.ender's addrps stated herein or to
<br />aus4u outer addraw as tetrdtr may designate h} ncikice tee Borniwer as proriried herein. Any nvtite provided for in this
<br />Mortgage chaff tin doemed to have hero given :u floreuwer or t_tnder when g+vtn in the manner designated herein.
<br />iS. GIylBtrtw Mottpge; (ioreeyiag Law:.riwvtraieiity. This feirm of rtangage cambirtes unrform cavenants far nstianal
<br />we and non-tmiform covenants with timitrd vattaticm> try ;urtsdxtxin to cttrutitsnw a uzuform saturiry instrurr~nt coverng
<br />Tsai property. 7tris Mortgage shall he govtrtKd hs ;he taw of the jurisdsctran to which [he Property +s located. In the
<br />tvMl that any prareuan ~ ctaux nt thte i.~'atgagc cv the Nwe ctutflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall oar affect
<br />other provuioas of this Mortgagor or the Vote ~~hkh can be giaart effect withitttt the cortflicUttg provisiatt, and to thn
<br />sad tie pravistom of the Mongtrgs and the vale are dcelartd to be tevetable.
<br />li. Bsesrnsr's Capt. Boriowet shall be furnished r roofarrttcd copy of the Hare and of thiz Mortgage at the time
<br />of ~rctrtion ~ aftwr rscordatioa hereof.
<br />17. Ttterip at Hs PraputY: Asryrsptiea. !f all or any part of the Property or an intereu therein n told or ennsferrsd
<br />by Borrower withwrt t.etdei s prior written co+rstnt, cxtluding tai -the oration of a lisp or ertctunbrarsce subordinate to
<br />this Mattgagt. fb) the ereatian ~ a purchase tttotuy srcurit} +nterest for hauseboW appliances, fc) a transfer by devise,
<br />tiactat of by operation of law upon she death of a Mrar resent or
<br />Ltmkr may, at Lender's apsion, declare ail the sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imratdiatety floe and payablee. Lender shall have waivrd stuh ciptioat to secekrate if, prior to !tie sale ar traaafer, Letxia
<br />amt else peaaat to wttoba thr Prapctty is to be stele! or transtared reach agretttaent rn writing that the credit of such person
<br />is satiatsctory m Lendu aixi that the intcsru payable ore the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be aC such rate as Lender
<br />sisrN rrrqueat. if tender has sriivetl the option to accelerate provided in ttt~ paragraph i1, and it Borrower's successor in
<br />inierept has saecttud a w7iltep assumption agreettsettt aa-epted in writitrg by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower from all
<br />a3dig+iticma utidet this Mortgage and the'.siate..
<br />li Lturder exsrt~+»es Birch option to accdaau. Irnder shall mat! Borrower iuti~ o[ acceleration in accordaacc with
<br />paragraph t0.heranL Stich naticr shall prosndc a pcriud of rte-r less than 30 days from the date the forties is mat7ed within
<br />which Hstrasrsr easy_i?~ itu-xurne dpclarrd dot. df &uruwtt fa+ls ra pay curb sums }uiur to she expiration of strch period.
<br />l.asDsz may, without fitr[her rtotitt at demand stn ltorrawcr, invoke any rsmtdiea permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />Tfptt-Uistt•oai.t Covtreaxis. Borrower arrd Ltndrr lunher cs=venant artd .gret as (ollawt:
<br />tGarcBM as yse:~ le g+aragsapif 11 6srsot> trppa Btrrawer'a i of nay raverayt w
<br />tEt. locirdietg the tos~ash m Pty who dye atty w®s iercyrei iY tilt MyiAgage,
<br />tssl+ae Burt M ~ dtrli r~ troHte ~ Btaroseer as pwrkdsd ~ pna7lgtayi- 13 hereof rgecifyhrBt 11} tip bit
<br />(~ Bee acfl+Prt r+iBtiinrt ty arcs anti beasfckes f3i a fists, art las Nsar ~Y aLBs fears the dots the uotin le waged w Basrywer,
<br />~ wilbci+ cycle ltsrptat ttatirt M cask atad (e) err faflyre a tyre easel ieeaei oa a 6etsrt tie da4t sBrsc~1 ~ tin relics
<br />°B4' resyB4 ty ~ d tle ttytlta se;wrad ll' dtir ~. taretiassae -r ~ydlcbti ptyc~tdGtg y+rd tt~t aP tic lsryperty.
<br />'~ie- ryaleet tttpti kAt~er Lsiet• tarawsr sN ifs rlgif u rriirrtase aNer rttdtratfw wad tie, tight to Nett is ilte taweclatyrc
<br />prac+»dtitB; tic aoaEeakingsx at a dsKatiit ss ~ otfstgr detente st lNarrswa to aecekrttiaa sstid tsrseTotm[s. EI tit treat!
<br />k nit cyasd esi x isfarr tie data As tle atNte, ! coder at f.wtdu's o~iOq tatty detsae isB of -fire atreM secured i~
<br />flii'li~rrtgagts b k ~j dye rrI payable willtoW tap~sr and dey tareclyse lY JaeNciei Bwocwairg> Letedsr
<br />tt~ tit .y4ie111t1 eo coilaN i. ar~rl pt+.ts~ ail! trtpstwat d iareclwnrs, lrr! feet ts; tyws of tircasy~ry
<br />"~. il~stnrosn+fs Rig>yt tq- !+latwittittandiitgt !cadet's accakradan of tits xutttr secured by !hit Mixtgage,
<br />Bottaantr tBSaiM tuvc tits to bare am procercafirtga begun by !.ender to entotct thin Mortgage ctis+:ontintird at any time
<br />