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<br />8J.'°'t)02648 <br />MORTGAGE. <br />MORTGAGE (AAN No. L 23944 <br />KtiON ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Robert J. Raker and Mary L. Raker, each in his and- her <br />awn right and- as Spouse of each- other, Mortgttgetr, whtaha one or rtsore, is camiartetdias d the ate of <br />Thirty~fiue~itcxisand and Noll©^ ---- -~^~----DOt3JiRS <br />Itssrted ro said rrtttrtgagor by The Equitabk Building and !.tract Association of Grand Isisrtd, Nebraaio, Mortgagee, upon , 350- - ~ ~aena of stock of - - <br />said A53OCIATiON, Certifipte Nn, L 23944 . da hereby gent, tbrtveg and mortgage tmro the slid ASSOGiAT1OW the futiowYt~ <br />dexrtbed real state, situated in Hill County, Nebraska: , <br />I.JJ'P 'Iin1ELVE (12) . WEST REL AIR FIFTH S[JRDZ- <br />VISION, ZN THE CITY OF' GRAND ZSLANB, HALL. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditamepu and apptutenances thereunto hebnging, mcludirg attached floor cohering, a!1 window screen, <br />window shades, blinds. storm windows. awnirrga, healing, err conditioning, and p#txnbbtg and water equiprrcat and acxss«iea thereto, pumps, stoves; <br />refrrgentors, and other Rxtwn and egarpment now or hereafter attached to or toed m rxsnrtectem with said rest estate. <br />And whereas the said tnortgttgor has agreed arxl dpa hereby agree that the rtsurtea~r strati and will pay aB taxes sad asaemmeats levied « <br />assat:d upon said premaes and upon thu murrgage and the bond secwed thereby fat"we the same shs0 become delinquent; to furnish app[vred <br />insurartcc upon the brdidirgs un said premises situated in the sum of S 35, OOO, OU payable to said ASSO(:fATION sad to detivrx co said <br />ASSOCIATION the polices for said insurance; and trot to commit or permit any waste un or about said premises; <br />[n rase of defadt a the pecrormancts ut any of the terms and ctxrditmns of this trasrtgteEe ur t}u bond secured htteby, [Ile mortgagee s1saB, <br />on demand, be entitled to imnscdia/e possessiort of the nwrtgaged prrmrsa and the nwrtgagw hereby assigns, trans(era and sets over to tht <br />mortgagee a!1 the rtais. revenues and iacotne to be derived from the mortgaged pretises dt[rirtg such iirae as the raortgsge irdeb[edasss shah remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shag hsvr the power to appoint any agent w agents it may desire for the pruptsse ui repsirirrg aid premises and renting <br />ttx setae and culkr4ing the rents. revmttcs sad inmate, sad it may pay out of said ir[wmc all expenses uF repairirg aid premises sad neoesarry <br />caamtiaaurrs aril expenses intoned in renting and trfatrsgittg ttu satce std of culketirtg :rnnis therefrom: the !>:Zma teatsinitrg, if say, to be <br />applied towed the discharge of said tmrigage indebtedtrea; these riglt[s of the tnwtgagee tiny be cxattised at say time during the existence of attrh <br />default, irtespeaire of any tempnrtuy warvtt of the same. <br />These Presents. Inwrevet, are upon the Cundititrn. That rt' the card Mortgagor shall repay sad loan on ur before the rtnitui[y oC said shares by <br />payment; pwy vaunthly to said ASSO(:IATtON of the sent specil3ed in the fiord set-ttied hereby as nueteu sad prinGpat on said loan, on or hefore <br />the Twentieth d:y o(each ami every month, until said loan is fully paid; pay all taxes and assantrnts levied agaitss[ said premises and oa tnis Mortgage <br />and the bond severed tltrre#ry°, bcfwe dehnyuerts.r , rtumsh approved insurance upon the tnrildirtg tttereup in the strm of S3S, 000.00 payable <br />to raid ASSOCIATION: repay to said .A.S.S(TCIATiON upon deiaand a}2 mtxtey by it paid for such taxes, assessments and tnsttrantx with interest at <br />the maximtem legal rate then eon from date of payment all ui which Mnrtgagur hereby agrees w pay: permit no waste on said premises; keep and comply <br />with all the agreemrnts and aeudnwru of the Bond for S 3S OOQ.OQ clue day gtvcn by the said Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, ami txrmpdy <br />with aB the requirements of the Cnnstitutiop sad Byaaws of`said ASSOCIA"ffON: then [hest presepu shall becurne null and void, o[ttuwise [bey <br />shall renesin is full fate and Wray be furettoxd ai the uptson of the said 45SOCIATItN+i after failure I've three months to make any of said <br />paytronts .x be throe maths m arrears is raskutg said rnrmthly payrrteata, w to keep sad comply with tM agreetacats and wpditiotn o` sad Bord~ <br />and M«tgaga egrets ro have a recrrver appuiated forthwith W such foreclosure pruaXeding. ' <br />U there u any change m ownership of the tea! estate mortgaged trereat, by sale or aherwiac, then the entire rtmltiRiag indebtedaesa hereby <br />secured sfw11, at the uptipo of The Fquusbk Building and town Association oC C,rad island, Nebraska, become imntediate{y due and psyabk without <br />furthe. Wotan, and the aarrunt rernvsting dtrc urxkr aid bond, sad say other bond for say addt[gnal advarues otade thereunder, stint, from the <br />date of esxreise ut sod up[np, Haar rntcrest at else tttaxitmua legal rate, sad ttus rnxtgage [nay then be foredmed to satisfy the amount dot on said <br />bond. sad say usher bard fa additiorui erdvatreett, together with ail sums paid by said The E•:quiubk Budding sad l.wa Artsoeistion of C,nml Island, <br />Neiuadu f« ittstaaurx, taxes end assestrt+tnta, and abuociirrg cxtettsiort cturges, with vtterest thertwn, from date of payment at the maximum <br />Iegalratt. <br />As p[uvidrd w the Bond stewed hereby, whtk tbrs nrxtgage rcttsains m rSfert the rtturtgagrx may hareafttr advance ailditiaul stt~ to the <br />makers of said Bold, their asaigas ur swxessors in rntetest, which sum: shat) be wi[hur the security of this nrurtgage the settee u [he funds origiruBy <br />severed titertby, the tout anttwnt of prrnc[pa1 del+r nut to exceed at any time the urigvtat aaattmt ut this rttrxtgage. <br />i)u«t ittis 2 t day of May A. n., tv 81 <br />; +J ~"mot }y~.-t' -~~._',~. t7_ <br />1!lary L.; Raker f v'~ ~ ~_ <br />5f}i4'i# 4€ NIsBRASKA, <br />C(3itkl~F[1i OE F;AI,t. s. Onli~is 21st ~Y of play t9 $1 , he!'«t: ms, <br />Rab®st J. Raker and 1•Iary L. Raker, each in his and hawa~~~ rand as ~spiis yo~re~~~ <br />other wbo . aka puatarraBy known to <br />•at W tae lye itkatrsid person 9 wtawe name 3 are: effaced to the abave ~t~r~luermtys nxtrtgagot ~ std they savaalty <br />the rstid iatuumettt to be thei.t:' vidutriary alt sm# dtseal. <br />ti?t`bit~:xT lay' !read sad NVeuriaf Seal t~ dNc afarsrid. ~ ~ 1 ~ - <br />/ ~ <br />My C+uamnas[ta csputa <br />.~`~ f-."' ._ '_c~. Gam. , <br />acetate to ~ <br />/r ~', , f'~1.~ f ~BAI ?til?A~ tr ' ~etrastia <br />a3tc r =t_"! F <br />