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<br />81---i)U264'1 <br />MORTC,Af,E ~__ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN ND. -Ir_ 23943 <br />!avow ALL MEN BY TIIFSE pRpsEiv-fs: Tint Robert J. Baker and Mary L. Baiter, each in his and her <br />own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whethtt ox or store, in ooxideraitiott d the am d <br />.~IIt~-_five Thousand and No 100 _ _ , ---= °---------- _ <br />batted to said rttrxtgagor by Tile Egaitabk Building and [.oat Association of Grad latartd, Nebraska, Mortgages, t>pat 2rjQ tliarea d st6tstt d <br />raid ASS0.^tATiON, C.estifisate No. 1. 23943 . da hereby grant. convoy and tnurtgase tmto the acid AS3OCSATiON-the faYotWng <br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Ncbraks~ <br />I.C7I' 1W0 (2) IN BLOQC SEMEN (7) IN s<tALTSSiZv <br />CO[RdIRY VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF C;12AND <br />ISLAND, HALL ~iJblPY, N~RASKA. <br />tognher wuh afl Ute tetrmenu, herWUSmems soil appmtetsan<xs tt[eretutec txksesmg, incltsdi>g aftadsed floor mrezt»p, >p wiodotr ao[ent, <br />esadsrw td[ades, biindx, storm wrerkrws, arrurys, heatless. an mrsditxrnms, and ptttmbias atxf wattt egteipeaent and sraxaoriea thtteta.pamps,s;eve; <br />refryeraiors, acrd cuhtt fixttssxs and egttepaserst tww w hereafter attached to ex >$d m connection with said real estate. <br />And wittteas the teed murtgas<x hat agreed and does hereby spec :hat the marti[a~or shall and well pay all taxis astd ifafimenta levied Or <br />assessed upon and premnrs crud upon ch>Y rrvrtsase sent the bond secured thereby tsefrxe rite sank shat! become tktmgitent; to fucvis6 approved <br />tn9aanec open the bm(dm~ +m sod pretnrxs nitntcd m ehe snm ,.t S 2$, 0Q0, 00 txiyahk to said ASSOCIATIQN and to tkliver to said <br />ASSOt'IATi(HJ the psdtcus f<x vd rnsunnee. and nut !u <srrnmu .n pcrrmt any waste ~n art alum said premises; <br />in ~ of default m the pcrfwnnnrt ,rf any of the rerrns and wnddmns of thrs trrurtgage or rho bond crowed hereby, fire teswigageo shag, <br /><m denund, he tootled !o imrrretlsate pustesstun ut tftc mrrrtsased premises a:xi the :ta..rzsagur 6crebY assigns. traroftts aril acts aver to [Ire <br />snurtglgee art ttfe rents. rerenuet and m¢rmc to be dttrred from the raortgtsed tncmsses dorms rtcfs t[me as ttte ma[tgage istdebiedaa sha(1 remain <br />tmpaxl: and tttc nmrtgasee shalt have the pe[wer to appwnt any agrnt <x asaeats it m:Y desire fcsr ttx purp[»e of rapeiritts said p[smiaes aril resting <br />the ssax axi cotkcetas the reins. rexrtuea and snca>rrr, arsd n trtay pay aut of nai snesrme afl czpeasea of rtpaititts acid peemisea sell rtecmarp <br />catttgl~sisxu and c:pensa incurred in rentuss and snxaasmg the same arsd of <~sttterttas reataks tfrercfram; the balance remutittg_ if a[y, to 6e <br />applied !award [he drsebasg <sf sin! esxxt€,a~e nxtebtadtrea, tfxae riststa of :;rc tnssrtsasee !vY be cxcrc[sad at say tsetse dureg the eaistente of inch <br />default, urespn-tive of any temporary warm of the sense. <br />Thar laresems, txrwxver, ue apart the t'uodirsaa, That st the sand Mwtsago: stsaii repay sea) term <m ur tsefore tht mtta[ity of said aha[d by <br />payment. pay monthly to sod AS4tX~lA IZt YN of the sum sprtafed m the iArttd >ccmcd [screby as rnterest and prusctpal oa said loan. oa w before <br />the Twentitth daY of casTs and csery rrrxsth. until said loan n frilly paid; pay ati razes srsd asansnrenn levied agaimt slid premises sad tin thi. Mortgage <br />setd the Bond seaxsrcd tlseeehy, Ffelwe ddrnyumcy, r~unu}t approve:! srussraeicr tspaue she buildasss ttscrnns m the sum stf S 2$, 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSOi'IATlikr: repay to sax! AS.tiUCFATf(Mi upon denrod aIi mxsey by rt taxi trx sw:#s rues. asacsssoeats sent iasutawc with iattrert at <br />the rirJtsmum legal rate thereon from dale ,rt pay mcnt al{ of wh><-h Mortsagar tsereby ytrus to pay, pertmt rxs waste oa nid (xemises;keep and tzsmply <br />wsth all the agreerrtenta arsd amdusun> of tM Burtd for S 2$, 000.00 ttus day ssvcn by tlx sass! Mortgagor to said ASSOCtAT((NI, trod orrmply <br />with ail the retluirerrtertts of the Crmatnwtan and ity~taws of satd AS.titX7ATitXv, then these presrnts shas7 bapase nedl sad void, otherwise they <br />star! rcrtsain m fat! fix<x sex! nny tx t<xrclosed at the uptsws ui t~ seal ASSGCfA fI(7N after failure tom three maa[lu to unite any of said <br />paynsents w be sheet mrmtM m arrears m u>aktrss sod trxxsthly paytt[ents, .x to kelp acrd wmplr with the assmmenis sad tanditiaas of still Bond; <br />uul Ntxtsapx agrees to have a reeervr[ appointed fwthwtth m such furnf<rsure Woceaitags. <br />If there n any dtrsfg m ownet>bip srf the reef csiste rtxsrtsttgat 6erem, b'Y sale ur atherwm, rhea the cadre ret®inbtg tat hasoby <br />ta>cwed shrill, at the uptitsu of Th: Equttabk Bttiiding sad Loos Aaaiswttsx[ <sf Grid lalaod, Nebraska. {aecome irnmtYllatdy dee and pyaWe tvithotrt <br />fmthd nWsnc. sad the aetnxmt rermitsiag due suedes card bsmd, >rffi asy uttsa band fw any additiaeni advaeces made tharwader, shag. (rasa drt <br />date of eseecise of sad optxsn, !seas mtttsst si rise raa:imum k.;sd sate. and this rttaxtgage nssY then ba Csxedoaed to tafi$y [ha ataa®t dots an aid <br />head. sell any otlser Ixxed fw addaioesa! advatsas, tugFttstt with all suer paid by said The Fgtitabk i and laaa AaotiNion dGraad IaBpd, <br />NebsaYta tom itrtuaetcc, taus sod 9~••rnts, acrd absttactms eztensit[n <fmgcs, with intpetl thmeoe, from tote d payment u Chet males <br />fegst rate:. <br />As ptasvitkd m Ilse Bard sas[rai fsercM , while thss tnwtgagr rttaaias m eiTec# the tnwt6agae ttssy heteaftex advaooe atl~iemst aunt t0 th0 <br />tankers <>f said Bond. t/xu aass®ts ex ssrccxsxrrs sn mtttest, which soar than fie within the atxtttity of this m[xtyye the sine a the ftmdtoriyisa~i <br />ssxsned thereby, t#se tuts! aantwnt et pe-mcrpaf eiebt nszt to earned at any tirnc rho wgtinat •--~•^• of t~s agrtgttBe. , <br />,_ ~Ibtc3 this st day ,zf May A. n., tv $1 <br />Macy L. Haker <br />SCA7Ti ~ ~'`~'~``• ~ : 9n tltx 21st day of May is-$1 , htAaa,t~t4. <br />the tmdasrigat:d, a Na4ry PaDlie et sti fat ttad.CoaMiy, rtaYtlt: <br />Robert J. Baker stall Mazy L. Salter, each in his arm her oit¢t right and ~ spa+iae_rt <br />t7t}lflr, woo age, p>+e~yf lktlarat m <br />ass to be the xiratss-at pcrasn S w}asst meat g sTZ'Q affittal w the atuvst 3 and _ e <br />acksxxa#lniged the ~ imdrteacnP w be their wismtary gt said domed. __ <br />17Tyif-5R roy harxi +uxi y:<ttarial _v'aerd ttsc date ofweaaid. .li,r' <br />!sue' . _ ; '~'" <br />