<br />8~-U02645
<br />MORTfAC.E
<br />MORTGAGE lt)AN NO. L 23, 945
<br />iCAtf3W Ai.i, MEN BV TffESE PRESENTS- That Be33.12 I. Dubois aild Sea11 C. LhfboiS, Eeaatl j1i her and hiS
<br />awn right and a3 spouse of each other,
<br />Atottgagnr, whether me w t>aote, ~ mmii tsf the wtenf-
<br />Of~1Jl14S
<br />laaead to aid trttirtgagcsr fry The Egeritsfik But7ding and L.vtt A>oociation of Crttrd Itdaad, Nebcata, htwtphee, r~ 3da ttyaaa d ~ d
<br />aia ASSOCJATION, Ccrt~'teatt Na. L 23, 945 , do hereby grant. ooreyty and eraortgage unto the aid ASBtDCSA17p1V the fatiowits
<br />ddUihtd rtvl fatale, tttwttd m Nall Caurtiy, Nebraska:
<br />The Sc+atherly eighty--four (84) Ft~t of Lot Tert (10) in Block P7ine (9) in G3.lbert's Ar~dition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall Caitsty, :7ehraska
<br />to~etfin with aU the ;enemenes, hereduamenu std appurtrnaacrs thereuuru txkmFyryt. +ncfiafirgt attactud thaw . all avittdoar agepn,
<br />rrmdrrw dtades. hhssita, strxm rrrwLrsx, aamerifts, hea[rmt, ur coridusrntrgt. acrd ptumhitee and warn rga~nt sad attetanaia tlatreto,paea~a, atpyy,
<br />rettegeruars, sad agfen Esairues and egvipncnt rrow ;u krerralter attached t<, tx treed sn ixmrisYta,n wdh sad real txtale.
<br />And vheres the seal siscrtltatpsr Eva apxd and rites imrby aarec riot ;hc nxxt¢aRax :.ttaU and wslf pay all rases aed aaet®mb klied w
<br />rsaaed sep+rn aaad premsss sad uptxt this rreorr~pe aeW the brrrsd sccurcd tfeerriry hetszrc tx same shall Frtatroe detioqumt- io ftsaiah apptaspt
<br />>aarssn<:r te~srae, ;fae trealdwy <m cud Prs'etseaes vtratrd rn rtfr sure.:! S ~0 400.Ott , avatrte :o sasd ASSpE'iA1'1tNei std to dttna W acid
<br />ASSpI'IATiON tfee psdtcxs fex vrd msaearrce. an! sari to wmmn ru pertma! anv irutr tin rn a6rwt calif premas~.
<br />In rase of cktasdt rn the ports»rrmicc cif aar r.i thr tcrrrn and caodetaxrs .=f thu rnxt{t¢r :x the hi:rral ac<vrrd lterehy, the iratrt~rd0t atn1,
<br />~s dr,~Gntt, tre enfnkd rv itremrdia,.. pizsataaa:n .,t ,ZK rnurtaa~el {»rnstet artd Ehe :rxrrtprgz» hrrebv azsigrts, transftn an6 acts osa:r [o the
<br />rz!mt(pgee ail the ants, rercnucs ara} rnuxrc to tx rlrrrrcd from itec rtrortgaprd {»rtnpcs slwurE zu,~ tmee u [he tttortgade tndebtednea shall remairt
<br />impel: and the toorigatpre shall hale the purer to appwnt any aprnt cx aterata :t may drsnr for the ptvptne u( repaairtR said pitmisf and testers
<br />rite saint acrd arl{reiuts the rer,as. rrventrs and r,xatme, and n etsry pay =»rt ;.[ sand +narsne all raprrears ,rt repaeets said pttmues sad iteonvry
<br />nrstontarr•ns std rapenra srtcotird rn reatergt ani rrvnatuttR ttz samr and ...t €zrlkctetir :cr:tah thersfrom; the balateet retrnettag, if arty, to be
<br />apphd tnxard the eirsctsargr •=t znsf »x»t~c nrdrbrcdttcss. ttxic rtUhia of the tree»[Ra);,ee ssvy tre rancised-at any rose duterg the eaisteaee of welt
<br />defatdt, trrtsperttx of ury temprxary rarvrr td lair vase.
<br />Tltesr Prrsents, 'xrwrwcr, are .elxm the f'sxrditeon, That d the sad',tatEa><trr stud rcpy card loan uo tx btfrrre the rtvttviiy of acid tdvrea by
<br />pryrrent: pay enunthiy to card ASS(k'IAT7fNi <rf the win spm7taf ut the frond srcurN txrcby as ue[etest and prmrrpi nn said loan.m tsr bd'we
<br />the Twtntenh day of tn:h and rarrY month. unto sad loan n f ~ pyed, pay ail taaca and aaaeasamnts loved as»m >ad premises andtin this Mwtsase
<br />and ttvr tkissrl stcueexi tfitrrf±y, t+e-tsxe stelueyueney, futneat: spprnscti rtisusaetcr npcrn the htteiderigs thereon m the stmt a[aprQ00.a0 ~,y,y~
<br />rrt sad A55(x:'tA7tON, :epy to sad ?ti?Stx'ir• FII.)?v upon drmaetd sU narneY try .t !,rest ttx stec3t taaex, amt>mnrena std instaansx waft intttatt at
<br />thr rrtaatmom kcal rate rheram frrxia start rsl payment ar' i=f wtricft !Mt»tg,~s>r htrcby agecs to pay: pttttut rw waste on said ygntitiaa;ktep and ooaaSsjy
<br />sntb all the asreerr.rnes and csxnfitaaes of tle I3otd for S3Q 40~.Ofl tha slay gevtn by the sad Mwtsaso[ to sad wSSOC1AT1fRtt, sad otimply
<br />wroth all ttr ratrisrcmanis .,f she t'.+nstnntism grid l3y.iaws itrE sad .ASKIC'IA71(JN, then tease preaenla a1aaU 6ttvttae nab sad said; tithtxxife they
<br />aitail reavrtt m fidl k»u and tgar be ftxecktaed at lair o{nirxt of rate sad ASSt.K:tA77t)N afar fadtrrc fat thtet moatlta ao make arty of aid
<br />pymcnta sx 6c there msxutts m arrests m rnakeag sad ne,wt[hfy pyrrirnta, .a to keep area utneply with the asteemeats tad tataditiom of aid 8oad•
<br />and irtwisaso: agrets to have a recrrset app>uated fixtfrwieh to so ~t Yortcl+nwe pn.>ctri3ntq- '
<br />iE there is any clwgte m iwrperattip of ttrc leaf csutc nturtstrsd fxerm, 6y safe ue utltavme, Cheat the eettise rtastinins hraa6y
<br />tcearost thaU, at tact uplian of The f;-+tiutabk F3aefding sled L,um Assiecntxxt sd t;tatd Island, Vebtaslta, btxotite ntmsedyNejy dne atad payable srithaat
<br />Ettrtfaee etirticr, std the amexmr rertrainrng dtx nrtdes xaal Mxed, a81 any cxfrtr kmnii tar any --"~:°__. ~~ aade
<br />+~tt asE eatreiac a ;sad crpiion, bran interwar st the ntaaunans tom. ~. fiom the-
<br />ktyi rstc, and this r>bxtsape nny rites be foreeload to tatufy the attaomt dw ato ~.
<br />frond. and my whew tao-ud tw addittotvl adneaara, toXrthtr rtih all smtn pad fry said T1tc ERwtabb Baddias sad taam AaaeraNioae of GtaudlaMed:
<br />Nrbratica €tx iraaatatta, taus and asrewseents, sad abstractors eatets>a•oo cMasgea, wrath Interest tJerTCOn, from date o€ payment at the -
<br />fedyd rau.
<br />As pasrradtat m tl+e Nturt secetrtd hereby. rhUr rhos mortsa6e rrmxins m cfrrrx :he reaxisasee taay fntedtu adtrattoe additinml Wals~ts the,
<br />snalteta asf card &rrrtl, tteev aaspgns ire steazaarrn in interest, whac}t suns shall br within ttte srsurity of this rtsottsa~e the setae as t)te finds
<br />atcsreed tMrehy, tlic tots) amuusrt of M+~Pd deals nrt eu cx,xtd at aey nine the sxtgenal atttsinrtt cif iltia roortsttge. S'
<br />aerated t$s 2 day of -"'k1Y :~. U., 79 31
<br /><,_~~~-_
<br />~! E _ t
<br />_'~•-~1 ~~ __~__
<br />~ta7'Yttw~.' ~ ~. t><+ Chu 22nd day of y f v 81 . bd'aet
<br />Ma tatRR
<br />ttst ~, a fVUtaty Pttbiie m sal fa said Coaoty, ptnaaadty tatae
<br />i. Dfitapi3 and Jean C. I~tLiois, trash in her aetei his own right ~ci a~ a
<br />ea
<br />aelitn be tlsa itkvticatpe:srin 3 wheaaa ,caste 3 ~~ sfftatd to talc at,ove~~aa trttutsasurg and t'~tp~! sevaraily
<br />the acrd :asrrsntastt ttr Aa th@ix vs?haatary :u:t std drtd_
<br />Wt'Th~'r ray tvrtd and NMUial Slid ttra dart of xetant. - ,.
<br />ky t" ~ ~- r . _
<br />wi~aat err <~ `~ ~ g biolmy _~ ._
<br />%~ ~/ A4CrlffffAt 719 r
<br />- - #r, R ?'rc r' t asAa~
<br />'" Ti .ttri t
<br />