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<br />8Z~'-OC~2641 <br />3: The trtsvtpaplar earenartlaaad gated that if he shall fail to pay said indebtedness or ry part thereof whin <br />dMe, ev steal} fail to perform any covenant or aateetnent of thb}ostrument or the promieeory note aexured herdby,ihe ~ - <br />mattlse udehtednds hereby edwred sbal! iatwtediately becotue due, psyabk, and collectible without suttee; at'the <br />of tie awrtgagce or aeafpta. reaardfer of maturity, and the mortgagee ar hie assigns may before or after'tptrr <br />s~ seid property wfthoat appraiaetaeM (tht reortpaar having waived cad assigned to the teortaagee all ti~yitta of <br />~}= - <br />(t 1 at judicial sale pursnsat to the provisions of 26 U.S.C. 2©0} { a) ; or <br />(n) u dw aMias at tie uartgaaee, etdbr b! auction or by selieitetioa of sealed bids.'fbr'tItiaheu cad <br />itwa bid eawplyiaa wits tit rarer ~ ode atsd saaaaar at payttseat speeiSed in tie pobliaied Jtotioe ~ adie, fist <br />Rtviaa four creeks' aetior of tie time, terms, and plax of each sale, by advertisement eat Iesa tlt~ ona- <br />daring each of said fear weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the-county in which said ptbpnrt}f <br />iw sftaeMd. a!i Dries acrid bdaa iertby waived by the mortaagu (and said maetaaaee, or gay peAoa osl <br />iaiaif oL said t^.y hid whit the unpaid iadebaedaer evideaoed by -arid note). Said gale ~6eii bs <br />haN u a a tic property to be seed or at the Federal, county, or city courthaase for the toasty is w6$ei fib <br />property 6s lasated. The is hereby aatiwriaed to er eeuu for and oa ItebaN of tie moth read to <br />de8ver a tie patei'taaer u such eats a sa6eiaat conveyance of said property, which aanveyasee sbrU coataia <br />raaitais r is t4 heppastia d tie delaok upon which the r.:eeutian of tba pmrer of sale heteia wed <br />depaads; and the sail aaertpHar hereby coasiitutd cad appoutts the mortgagee oc ..y cart or attorney ~ the <br />sAHaHse, tie s~ aed attatttet is fact of said mortgagor to make sndt rseitals cad to erteeate pid <br />atnveyaaee awl heeeby ssvmaats cad agted that the rceitals so-made shall be eHeetoat to bar all equity or <br />rigit d relssmpefae, bsasaatead. dower, std ail other exemptions of the ntortaagor, a}I of which ate hereby <br />etprerly waived and cnet[reyad to tM martgaaee; oc <br />en! take sty other appropriate scrim. parsaant to etau or Fedora} statute tither in atste or Federal <br />coast or otherwise tar tie lion of the ptapcrty. <br />In the evot a(a wk m heteinaliove provided, the mortgy{or or any person in porersbn andsr the ntortaaatn ahal} <br />then bacare sad be tcaasu holding over and abaEl forthwith deliver possession to the pnrcbaeer at such sale or be <br />earrui{y dispaaserad, u accordsace with tEr ptovi+iom of !aw applicable to tenaata hotdin~ over. 1'ha..pawer <br />and aaeacr hereby granted are eaapkd with as inteteet and are irmocabk bg death or otherwise, and are gnaied <br />a caadttive to the remedks for collection of said indebtedness provided by law. <br />0. 'lira peateeds of gay oak of sad property to aecardance w-th ties pteeedetttt paraarapia-mall ie applied Stet <br />to pay the der and eapesrss of raid sale, tie eapeasar incurred 67 tlr esartgaate fat the pnrposs of protsetiaa or ~ <br />tt+itiaa said property. std reasonable attoroey: fees: secoedly, to gay fire indebtedness secured hereby; and thirdly, <br />to pay gay sarplas or easewt to tie psnea oz persona legs}ly eatitkd thereto. <br />S. ia-tir aveaa said peeparty is sold u a jadieial foteetosare Sala or pntyussnt to tfte power of gals heraiaabo+e <br />granted. std t!a peaaeals ors not asitgsnt to pay tin teal ~ secured by this imteameat cad evideaeed by <br />grid paar•iaaatg esatia, tit rrrtBatiae will ie easeitlsl ba a day jadateaat tar fete aaseaat of tie slef wastee7r soirioet <br />~ ~ <br />b. to the event the ute:tgaaor fail to pay gay Fttferat, *ute, ar focal tax sssessmen4 income taz or other to lion, <br />charge, fee; or otfser eapense charged spaiuast the gropcriy, the owrtgagee is hereby aathoriscd at his option W pay <br />tie srrrs. Any stns so paid by the moetfftaae shall be added to cad become a part of the principal amount o[ the <br />evidented by saitf note. stebject to the same tcragi and roaditiotw. if t~ mortaaaar steal! pay and <br />diae4arae the iabdebiedaer eviekaeed by said promiewry note, cad shall pay such sums and s[ts}} discharge :11 ta:d <br />cad Baas cad tie tests. leas, cad c=pensot of ntat:ingm enforcing, and. el[ecetjog this asoctgage, then thin. marta+cpe <br />alrll its eustded and ssgsendee+ed, <br />1. Tie oaraaaau errata eaausaed shall hied a~ rtes tteae6sts cad advaeuties stall iasur to the cespeetfve eon - <br />watrtla std aaaipr of tb partfas iareta, lever ~ the siaaalsr auseier s6aU ioclode the phtral. the plonl the <br />siti~rslat; tusl tit one at gay aadar stall is a8 aaader- <br />& waiver of gay osvaaaat hareist or at flag abligatioa eeeu.~d hstaiy .call at gay tiw xieteef4sr he bell <br />ec rte a:+er a; tlra.tettta Jssa+ae[ or ssi rice seta seearad imtaiy: <br />its ~ saetiiaa l0i_i td) et else Radss cad Regtslulaaa of tie 3taell 13nsiaess ALtiniatsotion j1S <br />C;p.~. loll fd) ]. lint iaststeeeseat is b be eaaelrsed cad eatorrasd is accarlaaee wits applkaik Federal law. <br />lps- A' ~ ot+d~, or ,€at~aaat. awy pranisiaa or potttan of th» iuatrumaet- invalid or par <br />~t titrxiE 7ttt in, gay way anpsir or prae3tela the oeresnt of flee raeaNaiseE provisfar or portiane-ot <br />+ta wr,.-su ia~ <br />