<br />~~0 ~ ~~~ •NTERNATIONAL, INC. ~
<br />GRANTOR(S): 79501802 1272 WEST 2ND
<br />...». _ .s+ar ,.,... a, .,... ,..,.,, toss - .
<br />~....a er,.... r, . .r.r. _,. rro
<br />AGREED RATE OF CHARC:E ON PROMISSORt' NOTE. F_?iEC1ITED CtTNCURRENTLY HEREWCfH: 2~ per month on that part gf.f~ar anpaid bpTanpe of - _
<br />the Amount Financed not etceedistg 5€.000, I! =`=: per month on any part therrnf exceeding S 1,000 tent not exceeding 55,000; I3.~ pet rdiftlth on the-ietnainder, '
<br />THI5 DEED OF TRYST, wade ihis._._~~day ut HAY „ I9 ~1--_-, betweenBARRX L. AND Dg[;OAES -D, STAFE?'URD:
<br />hetegtafter aired 7RUSTOR, whose address is~L~~~_t_Y.~~ _._.~RA.~ $.j L~NNDa NE 6gBOt sad ~x M.. ROGEr-.: -.
<br />d....__.___~____~~, hereinafter nHed TRUSTED:. whale addrect is. t025D RECENCZ CIRCLE Gt+lA1fAF NE F&1Sd
<br />and AVCO FLNANCtAL SERVICES ItiTERNATIONAL, (NC',. a Nebraska µrparatioa, hereinafter alkd BENEFLCTARY, whose addrtns-is -
<br />---_____I.~IZ~-g~T 2ND~Ri~~'___--_--_GL+A~....ISLAND. NE- 59807
<br />VYLTNLS4ETH: Thar 'Tractor GRANTS, CQNTEYS, SEL-LS ANA ivARR.4NT5 TO TRUSTcF., IN TRUST, WTTET POWF-R OF SALE, the following described -
<br />property. situated in __._--- NALL_____----------~~____---- CountA, tirbras)ta:
<br />A1S0 icnavn An 427 BEST t1TH AND ISr-AND. N. S Ant
<br />•agtther with ail tnrildiags and now ,rr hertafter err. red thrrr.,n and all +a"rrenr.., r«mnxs..tiadts- .corm sash and blinds, and heatitrg, lighting,
<br />ptermbtetg, gas, tkctrrr, venrilarirtg. rrlrrgerattng and atrwaodtnnnmg +^yutpmrnt v:rd ~^<*t+zn ~hrrrx~;th, ati of which, for [hr purpou of this Deed of
<br />trust, xhaii be detYmrd fixtvres and subtnt to the Iten herrot. and 'ttr hrrrdiramami+ and an},urtrna!s=r+ pertatntnR to the property' abnre described, and al!
<br />sstrrts, lanes. altey s, passages, ways, w~a ter r, xatrt cuntsts. rtFltts, iihertres and ^rntirsx~s. was tv,rvet ~hrrruntu hriostgrnE or in anywix appeNaitting and the
<br />rtrgatutx std rrmaendcrs, all c.l w~htch is referred t<r htrcuzat ter ss :hc "~ terser--
<br />'it) HATE ANt) I'O Iit7LD tht atx,w-dexrtbed prcnttses, wrih tit appurtroan.ra and trx rurr+.::r ^ .hr urd ttcrteficiar}, !ts wai"esxors and assigns, ,'oterer, for
<br />the parpuses and uxs herein xrt fnrrh. f: re frutn a'd rights and i:rnefitr urxtrt ..,zd ?^k , , . H,rn+rstrasi f scmptiun Laws of the Sta tr of Net+racka
<br />rrhsch may ire enacted, whicft sad rzghtr amt beneftts +he lard 3rustur d,.r. titer hr rrt: rcsatst •~rirasr a_nd uarrrs.
<br />Trustat aiau acstRrts to BtnefiuarY aii rants; ta.3att-pretr+s s+t ,.ttil yttFatsrs rrt~r r ^t ~ gh. - ftr:t and ux the wine, wtfi or wt[hquf [aktng
<br />puuesxrm +st ttsr Itrrmtsec, dunrgt cantr€gt~atue-uj + +t-~t€vbiet: sad- datt~e .-^ntr-e an i -t* ittavit au+3zor}zmy f#emtiriary to enter upon sad
<br />prrmtsn and x to .ot#K: attd rniur.x :hr sat~,tlL4huu- se{PrLtst ad~y°dl ny sun •he ~n.lebtrdnrsr nerrhy securer! by any lawful ratans ine;nding
<br />appuus eraser +r . rc+xrrrr to the narstr :rf poY "'r[y ttcrCtii ~~R'a~~-awit~rtr less srni rxt+rnrr;, ., -.nera:mn ..nd :.€+iler:tton, intruding reasonable
<br />atlaretey s ces, upon an>' tmiebtrdnrss Ott rrt _. riT`-t~i .+ss drze msnr.
<br />FOR 7HE PtiRPC3SE t!t SL('!~RINC; tit Pr:i=:rnzan;r -..: c-.~h .,za^-cr:rrn: .-r Irua;,wa .-..a;arrred ?rerern. ;_'3 Payment +tf cht principal sum w'ittt
<br />interest, as prosrded m acco,-ttamt wirh :ht rams ant prurzn:,nr ,xr s )`r..intssvY lute ~ Loan agterment lhernnafter reirrted 'o as "promissory
<br />.___.._.---..~, tetrtwtth rxrated Iry Tractor artd payable to the
<br />+wdrt of Btnraa,.,..t. in the pttm7pai rum „i `s__-u 94~1~_. artd has-tng six 1a t< :.~t r_s final paArnertt due nn ~UNN 2s t~a~J
<br />us as rsttnded, drte€red •.,r •ercttWuied !+y srurrrat ,~r :rftnarae~ tai Paymeat oC aaY additiorsal advaocea, with interest
<br />tAatezan. as may heteatter~ 4ze loansd ht Oenrit+'tary to 7iustor m a masunurn win of 5',IXNl.gO within t0 rws Irani ihn date of this Deed of
<br />Trust; tdl the paymsatt of aoy rvwsxY resat met tx adrancsd tzY ttce Litnetxtnry to Erwtexs leer a_ay reason or rss t)sird paztie3, with InlCteit ttietesut, where Use
<br />mrwtno are atlrsetcrd to Lnotcct the srs:uruy or to a.:-curdaace with the :ovrrunts .,a this Dtrd of Trust; tS) Any renewal, refmatscing- w extension of said
<br />ptumiasrrty rwte, ur aoy other agreemenr w pay w#sx'n maY tx suhsutuied ttreecfa:-
<br />AB perymmnrs ,Wade M Trusurr +sn the utdigatton ,rwrrsi M this Derd of Trust shall ix applied m the fallowing order:
<br />FIRST: Ter the pay mint u( taxes amt assravtrtnts riot may t+t ierttd and asstRStd against sad premises, inmraM't ptemittars, regain, a~ all other. tbar~a -
<br />a~ c.~~++sas agten8 err ho paid try Uu 7zustor- - -
<br />SEC'OND' ~ the gyment ut mteteer due vn raid k,an. -
<br />T7itRli: 7n the payrrsent of prvscspai.
<br />1L? PROT£CC 'THt SEa URLTt" HERfYyE, TRl'~~TCiRsSl i-t3TE'tAti"i5 AND AC;REES' lI3 to keep said pursues insared aggaa~ra~ lose by fire arid gWea
<br />Aarasda, caswlty aed coatu~gteacies uP tq the ftdl ratue of all tmprgvemtats for t)r- grotestian aC ir} tiara-rrtiuner, €n,t~ramttuats,aed afwseh.
<br />as Bmafitaaty map' from Batt to time appr„vr, and that tcsa prrsreeds i)tss e.Fpeatse of ~~> u 1>+~ar3r;`aRFio'r t>e applied ors qIQ
<br />~edrress. whettrer der at oat ur to the rcatararxza ..-,t slid tmptovrareats_ In rvptt of lass Trusityr rrtll imnialote trtytix, b}' nititto the Hmefisiarf.
<br />yz$q may snake prttttC at teat tF eat made pt:smptt} by -C SUSwr, sari rich insutamx iarnpapY eosts:ert)ed u hereby aathatixett attd di[ssrrit to rnakr payroeat Cor
<br />sixdt €oas to rite Baaefxtary mated of trz :hr trustot. t2t Tc* pay a0 texts and apttaL asaeasmenta of aaty, kind Ehaf Lta been tx rtuY be kried or
<br />asaeaed upon said ptemia€a, and ii. drttres)r tv 9rsret"story, upon rtqurst .}f •tm Bersefictary, rho affteisi rttarips ilt6xyt~ palrmi~Ax- ssC al! arrch taxrsa. and
<br />aaesRatattts, f31 La the etrimt of deTasdt i» Tractor ndet Paragraphs € ur _' abase. BettaFscian', at its optirm, reap tz<l p4ee aed Lttisp such ittatrancs shove
<br />Igcwidad tat is faxcr xlu tree Site .E erns Lyeed of Trust and pay size rrasanabie pteatiums arks eharges tharefat; )pap aB.sa7d taxes and assaxrreau
<br />raishasst detrsarissitsg rho r ty~;heataF; artd tc) Pay wch limns and art sn+b dtstmr,emtats shag be domed-a past qF the( accwed by Ibk. Lte;rdgf
<br />Trwi and dpi be immtdtstaLY -der atsd gasp aL+k by TrusWe in Beattts:tan~. id} Ta ksxp for tmddio~ artd aiher u>s~ROrFnCBts itgR eSYtllAg err haeetftet
<br />raectvd is ~~:. ion sad repay, tsar to =ommit ~ wfTer are} waste ar anA use W said premises cuntrarY to teurrttarttsa a€ sacmd ~ ao><ttaty to lave,. and.. .
<br />rq pettptt to eatEt at sit reaugiraTife iaaea (sts +ht purpose of a:spec[tag the prerniaas: soe to seaaore sera deasrslBalt asp btaft~irtg ttysuxt; ter. restaR
<br />p[armptiY and is a g«d a:sd wgtkttutnl{itr trtatmer any- buddistgs wroth map br dernca~r+i tx desttayed thereon. attd tq pay, wfWt ~0. all t:lairns fnr lobar
<br />prrt€ixnsed sari matetistis ftamsi9ed fttr=te>f'ut, CS} That hr will tray, ptotnptfy the mdn8tedaea+ sacirrelL hstntby. and am alt rsffie€,4>~tpoa: u+ Tull
<br />cc'.atpt~es vt~t r#rnr:A oC said-Prsnettsaisry Vox and rtes Dial oi' Trust, iii) That tf<~ stmt of paymtgr o{' the ' - -~ tarte6y securA+9, cu of wy
<br />pss,vaan iharegt, may' tbt extasdcd es rasse+red, and ant p<,riiaas +sf the psemuca trcrcin dea.-tilted trrxy, withgat ttotict, eetgred ftrtFa f1pp-Hi~e husof;
<br />tdaf~~~s¢~ ~ ~_~' LisLatTity bl ley ppxxr~asti n iris priority f the Deed of Trwt. { ;) That he dew tt~aby Coeavt6r rratt'1#[ ittsd teiB
<br />pir#i~oat 1~tzuf' a,~insi itx Laatni cialats ~t ar.Y and ai! pesrsas w$atrwrr:,
<br />!T 19 bIR€7'tkX&,[.Y ~'t'SlAT,
<br />i I s Slntsrtd ~t>aitay, fait tq nuke any ptYtaent ut der ally art as harem -roatdtr'f,. err i} say sciietft or priK;esdsr~r is ~ a~C ;,flactt
<br />~:'i iniesaat leer $ba Pseas~r~ay, rti~tan ftciary ~ 'Creates, €aat w- i ob€~tian to der so. attd srithtait zrotic+e w qt 9~gats,~t tdpapia. attd-
<br />att aTaS [!rein Hoop "°'Y*itOn ~a{410911dOa, /9aJr nAtLtA ai dV ilir 1EtnR, and may piY, ptitGltaaC. {SWttal tK Cilnipr2}BFiie it}} . l-~i~d
<br />dr Itw+. taltir~ 5a ttte ~aigtnenF of altbtsr to al5act acid Prgpa:y; sari sn axeteidrrg airy ~ pawars, incur say liabBity ~ o?t ashnrowr urratnn n
<br />'~ sbsaa~atq dis-tyUtsn ~ Mnae~r ur~arstssne ctthet may tkerm atacuttaY ehttze[ot_ lB lama wrantned err rapaaded: by' Hs~y cu Traala altaG tie -
<br />+$'tt4tlsaf t twsmes~faf'y dw payakir h>< Trustun, stsaB bear tnteraat at the hest lire permirtad Ln^ isw, sad RtotL be. ats..rareq truraby.
<br />_'~# t+T +Fra Ffnaetiaies us i past stsetas: t' hr t+~rn my te~tcta tst say erge~ttaa Pr::rr+e~dss>B. €teaet"~ms5 etsit Lrr ~tii~t! tea ^d t~rstitinart'+r+e aravsrQa
<br />and Dolor _pal:nerr:R ;'+rr.~t+ar. stld tR - tic ttwsd s~ t.)tr iodtbtedtans .stwnatd It~by,
<br />iii ~ ~+K"r~F Daa atenr id F#y raala ttePetY~ ss'Stand ?il7Pr trF saga dste, or afta~ tab! Es ox ~rtttar eN t2Cfauff 3tld oaf a€C+:tiRn is: red, Refiat~4rY llii}1 thrt
<br />xsitt its rynf tr, 'rgwuo grsmpr p~'~rtc -dde z+( art „d)ar +Kar~ r•3 vest, ~ ri= dsct,Mra aia~uia tar Ca.~ur u- u ~. tx i~ prussr+ad with #~ e>ke nf~ea
<br />sn, svsit anrit •• ail detarah salt :,t' IisiACfiea tas A~ Ctir any an},ti+i bttlapt,a t!i Ned itnntdEr4dAasa.. €i $daafltnttF hntdz stty additia+tta! +eEwity Fcn Ray ut}~ariirvl
<br />ur'^+ bwoha°. err teas ~ac'.,~;. t4s aald +hsasf al ity rtl}titan, rLttestr fivft+ia, ersataatparaarsusiair with, a*r after ttse cols :c made Hrseandr3.
<br />af+a~t=x 3teaK s-sa3 as4
<br />