<br />g1_.00253~ ~ .,
<br />(fi} To use the loan evidenced by the note solely Ear purpeaes authorized by the Government. '
<br />(7} To pay when due aH taxes, iiena, jstd cots, encumbrances, and auusments law:ully attaching co or aueued
<br />against the- property, indvding all charges ?ed Eau~~sat+t~ ProPt~ des abed above,aand allataxes~and assessments levied
<br />pertatrsing to or reawnxbly »ectssary tit
<br />upon this mortga~ or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured ar against any Legal holder hereof or of the note or o
<br />said indebtedrtesa under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing
<br />atsch pigments,
<br />tg} Tg ktep the pzoperty ia~tred -as rmmgtsired by and-under iruurance policies appzoved by the Government and, ae its
<br />ra{ties:, to deliver such policies to tfia Government.
<br />(4} To maintain improvements in good rtpair and makt rtpairs required 6y the Government. operate the property in a
<br />good-and ltushatidmanlike manner. comply wit zuch Earn conservation yradices and farm and home management plena u
<br />tits Government from time to time may ptescribr; and not to zbandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessentttg or
<br />itopairtarttt of the xeurity covered hereby, or. without the written consent of tiro Govezamtnt, cut remove, or aaY
<br />tunf#s, grml; ~, gas, coal of other minerals exctpt as may be necessary- for ordinary damesric purposes.
<br />{ 1@} To coazply with all lays, ordinances, and regulationz affecting the pzoperty.
<br />(:±} To pay oi• reianbtirsc the Government far expenses reasoaabhr necessary ar incidental to the protatioa of the lien
<br />and priority hereof and to the erifarcement of or the compliance with rise provsstoas hereof and ot'the Wort and any suppk-
<br />mentary agreement (whether befart or after defaults, ine7uding but not Hmired to costs of evidence of title to and. survey of
<br />rise proptdy, costa of recording this and other instruments, attorneys' teas, trustees' Eees, cautt costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, seeing, and canveyirig the prapetty. _
<br />{22} Ntitlser sho pproperty nor an~~ou~thcrwritttn tenant affche Govermnente The Gov~rrunenclshallhavtthesole
<br />ericuznbertd, voluntarily or otherwise,
<br />and exclusive rigttu u mangagee irereun:ier, including.but no[ limirtd to the power to grant consents, partial ebtsus;
<br />mbadipa~tts, and suiafaccian, and no insured holder shall have any right, tide or interest in or to the Hen zrr any benefits
<br />hereof.
<br />r13i At ap reasonable times the Government sad its egrets may inspect the property to asctrtaia whether the covenants
<br />and agreemrnzz cmtatntd heteirr or in any suppltmentary agreement are being gertaxmed.
<br />=_14} Tire Government may !a~ txcend or tinier the masonry aE, and reitcw and reschedule the paymtats on, tht debt
<br />evidenced by the Haze err any indebtedness to the C;r;47crnmtnt secured i;y this v~strument, b; release arsy party who is
<br />liabit under the Hatt of for the debt frnm fiabiiicy to zhe fovtrntnrnt, c': zelease oartions of the prapert}- and subordinate
<br />its Her., and -d3 waive ary c,titer of its ri}thzs under this instrument. Any and all this cast and will be dart without affecting
<br />the Lire err :ht prioritt• of this instrument or t3orrc;wer~s ,rr env c;ehtr pant's liability to the Gavcrnment far payment of the
<br />twte or debt secured by riris snstrument unless the t;crvernment sati's <;thtswise in writing. HCJtVEV£R, any forbearance by
<br />dst Gavarnmtnt-whether Doer or often-in txcrtising any nigh: or remedy under thin Lost,-omens. or echtrwise affosdtd by
<br />applicable }aw. shall oat be a waiver o2 0; preclude the txcr~ise of aav such rip}et ar remedy.
<br />t15` iE :r any time it shall appear to the t:rrvtrnment that iiocrower :nay be able to obtain a loan from a production
<br />credit asurciation, a Federal land bank. err ether responsible c<wpcrative or pr'rratt ued'st source, at reawnable rates and terms
<br />Ear loans Ear similar purgasrs and gen,xis '.:f rime. Rarawcr wi,I. •; pan the Government's request, apply for and accepe such
<br />Loan in sufficient amaunt za pay the ^ate and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay ter azzy stock necessary to be
<br />purchased in a coaprrattve lending agency ,z c-+nncrti+~n whit such Loan,
<br />36j E)efaulc hereunder shall eonseizutr ,fcfault ;:ndrr anp nthrr €sal estate, •>z under any gcrsarral proptrcy or ndrrr,
<br />secsrricy inszrumtnt held or znsurcd by the Governtntnz anti cxtcuctd ••r asstutred f,y Barrawer. acrd default under any such
<br />athts s.-curity instrument shall csrnsritzizt default hereunder. .
<br />} ].71 SFiL?t3L11 I3FFAt?L1' occur in the gertarmance ~.t dtschar~' c+`t any cUli,;aturn rr. ti,rs snstrumerz cz se-cured by skis
<br />it»trumerr.~ to shcwld the partzts namtt3 as $orrowtr d=e car isr sincjarr;: a;r rncampetrnz, ar slxeuh+ asry one of the parties
<br />ratmed as Goaawcr he declued a banltugt, s:r au rnsuivtnt ,.rr make an assignment rot the 6tnefit vi creditors, the Govern-
<br />itstnt, at its opriain, with nr without ni~cicr ig:.a: ilrslart the -r;cir ~an~auacti nP trot tlc~rowe r~cur and P ynd86,edt~~ss
<br />to tht t'soverztmenr hrttby atcured sntntdtaaiv +lue :.nd gayahir - .
<br />expzrsscs for repast ar maintenance at and take lmxsrast.ra +~t, oPccarr yr trot the progeny, 'sk upon agphcation by is and
<br />prodtution of this itsstrwntnt, wrzlre,ur ;;shrr rvidttrct and without s,uncr =,,f bracing :~t saio agpiicatrors, have a receiver
<br />appointed far tine ytogerty, with the c:susi powers ut rccrr+ezs to kt casts d iortclasc this rn trunsint as provided herein
<br />a by l;sw, and t.e; rotor€r env and sli ether rigt+ts vtd rem -d.;es p ~,~d hts •m- o* bx present or rotate law.
<br />38{ T#tt ~rraeeeds of turctlasurx rate shall be apgittd m the strtiowu+sg =,tdrt to rho gavmtnt ,t. ' a casts and expenses
<br />itxcident to erttorcusg at campp>ying with the Y,avisiasrs hrreuE. • b any guar Inns required by law ar a Yompr[~ferior liens
<br />ba so paid, {c} the de'at tritienced h}° the zn,re and ail indebtedness to the {;avttntncnt secured hereb , !. }
<br />of rteord required by law ar a cotnpttent enact to oe w peed. ~r, at nc~ Gaverrunsnt'x uptton, any athfr indebtedzess of
<br />$orruwtr awing to ar ;9ssared by the Gavtrnmuu, and f` acv balance sir &ncuwet. At Soreelasare .n atirez sate at ail or any
<br />past of tkst praprrty+ tLt Government and its agents trsay bid and put=hue as a strarsgor azid may pay the Gavemmtnt's spate
<br />of sire purehast prise by ere: Laing sac.: urrrwnt c,n any .ir:ris ut Aarz,+wez ,awing ro as insured by the Gnvt:nmetrt, in the
<br />artier gcescribed abavt.
<br />19} $tMOwtz aipees that zhe Gavtrnnrtnt will oat b'~ basurd t~y any present ox fvturt State law, (a providing far
<br />valssarian, appsisal, homzxrcad ac taenrh+tian of the property, ;b; groiribiting mainttnaruc uE an action Eot a deftciency
<br />jtulgmenx ar limiting t#te amaunt thtreai az the stmt withtn which Birch acaan mtue Ire brought, ;.c) ptescribirg any ether
<br />sututr of limitatiana, idj allowing arty right ai rcdrmptian or passtssaun iaiiovring any faredaswr sale, ut {rl luniting the
<br />tandirions which tlrt Government Leap by rtguutian intpase, in=lading the interest rate iz mad charge, as a caaditson of
<br />approving a transfer of the property to + new Barrawtr. 13orrawcr txptrasly waives zhe bone#tt of any such Start laws.
<br />$ateowu lzareby rt}irtquishea, waives. and ,:,.rveys ail rights, tn.traate ar cunsummatr, of descent, dower, and curztsv.
<br />
<br />
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