<br />81-0(i26~
<br />{6) To use the loan evidenced by rite note solely for pntpr»ts authorized by the Govtrrunwfull attachin to or assessed
<br />{7) ?a pay whoa due all taxes, liens, jtal®menu, entumbrances, and asstasments y $
<br />against the- p:opssty, including all charges and assessments m coanernon with water, water rights, and water stock
<br />parpsittiteg to or reasonably necessary to rht rue of the real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />.upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness herebyp secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note or of
<br />said iadebtetiness utsder the laws of Nebraska,-and promptJg deliver m the Government without demand receipts evidencing
<br />each payments.
<br />{$} To keep the operty insured as required by and tmsler insurance polities approytd by the Government and, at its
<br />inquest, to deliver such policies to-rite- c~'rovcrnzntnt.
<br />9} To maintain improvements in good re~pair and mice repair required by the Government, operate the property in a
<br />go~ yard husbaadtnanlt'ke manner; comply wt'th such Eaten conxrvation ppractices and farm and home management plans as
<br />dtt Government from rime to tint may pprescribe; and neat to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lesseatttg of
<br />iaspsiesntn~ of fire xeutity covered hereby, or, without Kite written consent of the Government, tut remove, or itase any
<br />timber, gears!. oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except ss may be necessary for ordinary domestic purpases.
<br />l,IO} To canply with all !aura, ordinance, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />{311 To PaX ar reanbtuse tits Government for ezpetsses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien
<br />an.: p:y hereof and to the enforccmeat of or the compliance with the provisions hereof anti of the note and any supple-
<br />mentary agrttment {whither 6efare or after default?, including but Writ limited to costs of evidence of title co and survey of
<br />the property, casts of recording ehis and other inseraments, attorneys' Eery, trustees' fees, count costg,-and expenses of
<br />advartising, selling, and conveying t~e pruputy.
<br />{32} Neithu the pproperty nor amt portion thereof o- interest thereitr shall be Ieaxd, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />estcumbescd, valuntariiy ar otherwix, without the wrtten consent of rht Government. The Government shall have the soft
<br />anu` txtJttsive rights as mocrgagee htreun.ier, including but rat limited to the power to grant consenu, partial rdeaxs,
<br />mJ+ordinatitans, and satisfaction, and na insured holder shall have any right, chit or fnttcesc in or to the lien or any benefits
<br />hereof.
<br />{131 At all reasonable runts the Gavcrnment and its agents may ins~sece the propnty to ascertain whether the covenanu
<br />and agreements contained herein ar in any supplementary agreement arc oemg preformed.
<br />{3#) Tht Govtrnmenr may (a; txttrd nr dtftr the macurin e3, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt
<br />evidenced by the Wort or any indebtedness to the Gavrrnnrtue scturtd by this instrument, '6t release any any who is
<br />liable under the note or fix the debt from iiabilin :o the Government, c: release gnrtians of the property an~subordinace
<br />its litn, and :d' waive any other of its rights under this instrwnert. runs anti .sfi this can and will ire door without affecting
<br />the Tien or the priurit~. of [Iris instrusntnt nr linrrower's or any unc~,- arry's iiabs7ity to the Gavtrnmcnt far pa}'ment aE the
<br />.taste tat debt secured by this tnsuumen[ unl=ss the Gaverument says nthemase in wrung- fIOW'~V ER. any forbearance by
<br />tier Government-whether once ar after-in exercising any rryg.Itr ox remedy ^nc.cr this instrument, nr otherwise afforded by
<br />applieabk law, shall nor be a waiver of ar pretludt flat exercise -sf any su.iz riyrlst or remedy.
<br />f25i If at usy time it sir ail appear ca the Guvtrnment that fyonowtr nay Ire able to abeain a Ioan from a production
<br />audit association, a pedtral iatsd bank, a: other sesponsibie r:ooperative ur privet= credit sowcc, at reasonable gates and terms
<br />Eat loans frx svnilu yurpasrs and ptcinds uE time, Aorcowtt witl_ uprsn the £=?vemmtnt's request. apply far and accept such
<br />lawn in saffrcient amount to pay the nett and any vrdebtrdnesx scc:;rtd hereby and to pay fur any stock necessary to 6e
<br />purchased in a caoperarivt itn tog sgtncy in usnnetti;:n with such ;aan.
<br />I16j 17tfatr3t hereunder shal« cunsr.uu alet'auix under anv other real estate, ar wider any' personal properly or other.
<br />security instrument held err irsurcd by t1:e Guvrrnmtnt and tstcutrai :=c aas.amrd by Aorsmvet, and default under any such
<br />other security instrument shall .`onstitut= do fault hurunder.
<br />i13 SHC3CiL33-U1:FAULT cxttte in cht performance ~.sr discisar;tr of asa}~ ubii$seian in thu instrutnrnt or secured by this
<br />itrstr•.tnrtnt, or should the parties a:unrd as B+Srrawer du or br dttiarrd an :rcompttrnt, nr sftoul.i any one of xhe panics
<br />named as Sortmrer bt declared + bankrupt, ur ar. insoivtnt ut snake ar, assignmesrt fur the facneFtt of creditors, the Govern-
<br />il~rit. at its option, vrith ar without Wert ice, may: a :itclart tier entire zmount unpaid under the Harr and soy irtdeiatedntss
<br />w-the Go~rnment ftrttlxy sctustd imtncdiateiy due seal payaele, 'A, for the acsount ,sf St,rrawxr sn=ot and pay etssatrablt
<br />txpenxs Erse repair rrt maintenance of and rake possession of, „p~ arc ~~r rent the property, c; upon application by it and
<br />peoduetiun of this in:trumttrt, without other evidence and uir6au: .c,ttce ai htaring ;,f said application, have a reeeivtr
<br />tip red for the property, with rise usual prswezs r:f receivtcs in iikt cases, d^ foxrriosr [his instrument as provided herein
<br />ur by law, and tc tnfcttt any and au" Delete rights and r=mEcs*-ta prcmdtci htrtin Lr by prtstnt or Euture Ia:v.
<br />{3$! The pp~rucrttds of farrclusattt salts snail iae applsed in the isalluwxrgc order in chr payment nf: a costs and exper,es
<br />itrrititat to mEoretag ur comJtiying with the tszovisirrtts hereof. tbI any prrw Bens ze:luutd by law or a consppttent cotter xa
<br />6e so paid. (c) tlat dtbt tvi€ttnttd by ttte ooze and aIi tndtbeedncss to the t::avtrnmtat secured htrtby, ;,dj inferior Liens
<br />of record ratpitred by Iaw of a competent tours ro frt so pad. ;e at the C;Civcrnaaeat's upttua- any athcrsndrbttdneu of
<br />8grrc±wr; owing ro ar itssure3 by the Gtsvtrttment, and i~ :ny laalactsr :.u Aucrcawer. At toreclassare ax select sale of all or any
<br />part of thep Kist £~rovsxtttnestt sad its agents rtsay bid arsd~turthasa as s suattgcr and may pay tilt Govarnment's share
<br />of else purehypriee by rrt<'rtlrig such amount on ray debts at Ae>n<xwtr sntiryS tv or ir+wred by the Guvtrnmtns, in d,c
<br />order pt~ctibed about.
<br />{39) $orrtswtz agttes that the Guvtznnunt will nut be bound b}' any present ur Eutwe 5xatt taw, (aj providing for
<br />ralttation, a#' sisal, homestead ar txtntgtian ot" riot propern•, 'b; prahibtting muntcnancc ,f an action fat a ~fieiency
<br />judgpttnt of limiting the amaunt thereof or the time within wisicb suers striae must be brought, !cy ptexrtbing any athrr
<br />ssatute of ligzitatians, id) allowing say :igJtt of resitmptius ur pussessian falkswiny aasy t'€uetlosurt sale. err ie} limiting the
<br />conditions which tits Governmen# Wray by rtgulatitrn impose, ><itiudutg the intertsc rate it majq charge, as a condition of
<br />7°$ a xrsnsfar aE the prz>perty to a new Sortowrcr. $tNraaKr expressly waives the betx6t of any such 5tatt laws.
<br />piorzow!cc hezeiry rtuaquislaes, waivts, and convtys ail rights, irts:hwtt or consummate, of descent, dowel, and curttsy.
<br />
<br />
<br />