<br />i
<br />USpA-FmHA Poodrfon S
<br />Farm PtnHA 427-1 NB
<br />11iiS hAOdt'FGAG£ is made and enteeed into by ,.. ~ ~. ~71t;. ER~!~ A` r
<br />~ it>~~r- Bates iF4 hie ~ h~ dN!! right dill as Spt~ Of th$ -OtgfiETr _ _ _ -- _ - _ _
<br />residing is .~.__..:_..~ II2l17. __---°-----._-_..-..____...-Cotmty, Nebraska, whose pbss office- ad~iass is
<br />,-
<br />...............~_3.[._ -~-t~------_.-..-...........-----...._----...---------~ - ----- -~~-----, Nehraaka ---- ~-.,
<br />here»l calkti °Borrawer," and:
<br />W+1:tERF.fi5 $orrower is indebted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Hbme Administration,
<br />Unlred States lkpartmrnt of Agriculture, herein called the "Govemmrnz; ' as evidenced by one ar mote pramisaory n6fe{s)
<br />or assumption agretmcnt(s}, herein calkd "note," which has been executed by Boirower, is payable-to the order of the -
<br />Gtrverntnent, auilwrites acceleration o£ the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any defatilt by
<br />Borrower, and ~ described u follows:
<br />Anneaal Rate IJue~Datr of Fires!
<br />Qate of Instnrmenr Mireelpat .9mcunt n Interest Installment
<br />May 2Qr 19$2 S 36rOQD.QQ S.QQ$ May 2De X001
<br />May 2Q, 19$1 $114,DDD.00 13.258 I9sy 2D, 2f~1
<br />Rf the interest rate is teas than -.-._..._.--.._~ fortazm ownership or operating ioanls} s«urrd by this instrnment, then the
<br />rate may he changed u provided in the note.;
<br />And the note evidences clout to Sorrowrr, and the <:v ernmenz. at env titre, may ass:gtt the nace and inure the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the t:onsohdactd Farm and Rural brveiopment Att, ,x Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />other statute admhtisttred by the Fumes Home Administration:
<br />And it is the purpose utd intent of this instntmcnt :hat, amnnq ether things, at all times when the note is held by the
<br />Gaverntnent, of is the went the Govetntn..nt shc,ufd assign this instrument wit, cut insurance n;- =,he note, this instmmtnt
<br />shall ucure payment of the Wort: but whra the :tote is held i.y an iasurcd hridu, this instruntenr shall not secure payment
<br />of the note ar attach to the debt rridrttced thereby. but as zo the state and such debt shah cansrtutr an utdemnity mortgage
<br />to secure the t_'>avcrarnent agate.` loss uttdrr its :nsurancr caatrsct icy rea_<an ~;f any trfa*,rft k,y [SOrrowr::
<br />Attd thu instrument also secures thr trcapture o4 any interest reedit at subsidy which mar be gr nerd m the Borrower by
<br />the Government pursuant to 42 U-S .C. X7490:.
<br />ltfpiV, THEREFOKE, to consideration ttf the ;oam_si and a, et ail times when tree ncrtr is held by the C;overnmeat, or in
<br />the event the Government should ustitn [hts instru.rncn[ withaue 'rnsurxnce ~,f the pasmcnt of the Wort-, to srenre prompt
<br />ppaavmene of the note and env renewals utd eztrnsi,.tns thereat and any agreements contained therein, inriuding any provision
<br />free the payment at as instuan<e ==-:r other e: itargr, ,bj <t <i} times when the note is held by an insured holder, to accrue per-
<br />£otmaacr at Bartowrr's aRreetnenz herein tr: indemnify and same harmless the t;irverntnent against teas wider its-insurance
<br />tontrt~i by reasoa u£ say default by Bortuwu, and i_c in arty event and at orb' titers to secure the prompt payment of all
<br />advances and cxprnditturs to<ye >y rite Gavernmene, whit iatrrest, <s ftcreinaitec descti'or.i, an.i rite periamunce of every
<br />covenant cad agxeemeat of Borecswe: cunuuted herein of to env supplententuy a eemenc, Borrower does hereby gran[,
<br />bargain, sell, eORYey and assign, with general wa,;anty, terse the Government the folawing property situattd in the State of
<br />Nebraska,Caustty4.ies} of ..._._-__---------._..---- --'-------------._--_._..-..--°--._..-..----------- -
<br />1lfe S,G4tfi,I~iYBt 4;ATtss' O~ the NDrttii~stt Quarter (Suit) r the West Iid1f of tip
<br />Suet ~~ f~ t17te Ipet Qid>C'ts3,' ~} , and the West. I~lf of the West
<br />I~3f Q~' thie S418t H31.E of tl3e $ast Half 4~ the NotrtFi~leeE QL1artEr ~rljtlt'i~~ r
<br />dll ill 3o~ctaioc- Teti (10} r 1bi.p Ter!! (1Q) Nftrthr 11ee1ve (12) r Wit of
<br />thB 6#3i P.Al. r ]tt IItt11 Styr ldehi'aslcelr
<br />SUSJSt.T TO a Mo-ztgags in fat, of The Federal Iand Bank of Canaha, a oar-
<br />FmHA 427-1 NB Rev. 5-15.79)
<br />_.._J
<br />k
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