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r <br />sl--~~c~~s2~ <br />AN1RT'GAGE <br />MORT'(:AGE LOAN NO. ~ 23442 <br />It7J01V All M[at tiY THESE iitFSENfS_ That Lonnie D. Hawthorne and Jaa;ueliriL. Hawthorne, each iri <br />his and her own right and as sparse of each other, Morc®tsor, whether me or more, in ~ the ntm of <br />!awed to acid rnortsaptr by Tfie Egtuu6te and t.uat Amcotian ttf C:rand Isiwd, Nebraaiu, . upon 250 tip of tmodt of <br />said ASStDCIATtON, CerriE'itate No. L 23942 , do hereby pant. txtavey atd toatgige tmto the stud ASStJC1itT1O#1 the foBotr6tts <br />tlnortbed teat eitaae, ataated in Hag Coanty, Nebratks: <br />A certain part of the Southwest Quarter of `_lre Southwest quarter (SN))tSW#) of Section <br />Four (4), in 'Ibwnship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (°) West of the Sixth P,M., in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, fitore particularly described as follows: Beginning at.a point on the <br />`south line of said St~:.ti_on 4, which point is 1,176.5 feet East of the Southwest Corner of <br />said Sectioar 4; running thence East along and upon ttt`a- Battler line of said Section 4, a <br />distance of 144.5 feet to the Southeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of tY~ Stxrtkaaest <br />Quarter (SW#sWa) of said Section 4: thence deflecting left 90044' and running Northa~ly <br />along and upon the East line of the Souttrittest Quarter of the SaitlrWest Quarter {SW'~SW~a) of <br />said Sectitxr 4, 492.3 feet ro a point on the South P.ight~f-Way line of the C. B, & Q. <br />Railroad Cerny: thence Horning Northwesterly along and upon the South Right-~f-Way line <br />of the C. B. 8 Q. Railroad Cattparty fora (Y7 Rtance of 143.7 feet; thetrce deflecting left <br />i05°22' oral Hurzric'rq Swthesiy 531.7 feet more or less to the actual point of beginning, <br />containing 1.6b Acres more ar less of which 0.11 Ibcres mre or less are occupied by the <br />Public: Highway which occupies the Southerly 33.0 feet of the described tract. <br />titgther wAh aH the !txkmenla, turcdtUakteb and ap}xtrtrrsat¢s thtrettntu heiottgtng., mcittdariq attatdted flow twverm¢, all window svee®s, <br />oatMvr shatin., Mtals, awsm watdrwa, aw nmp- hcaimgt. ,us c.,raisturnuec, aHd pfurnbuta and roster egntpment and acas+ories ttteneto, pttmps, stores, <br />sdriptratort, atd other ftxttues and cywptneat raise ax tkscafter anacikd m or rani m cunatcttan whit ad real state. <br />And vliterty the titd rtlort~0i ttaf asreed and dtxs htrcM aA~ that the ntottpy}x stun and wdl p.y at! taxes and asae>n®ents !cried or <br />aresd upam sad ttreteees atd tgtm ehss rsasrt~ and the txmA seettred [ta•sttry before the score stall bemme detaatueat: to ftttnidt approved <br />imrraocr sgtt>0 tbt sxt atd ptteem:a tstrtaied in the arm a€S 25,:100,00 €xyabk to ad A.SSt~lATTOTt and to deliver to said <br />ASSOt'tATI(~1 the padsctes far sod irr~anre, and tax to s°oauM as pesmd any +waite tm :x xixsat sera! premtan: <br />in Ci7e rtt delat~ m the penorttmaac sd arty rd irk ttrms and xss ut this tnOti~e ax tfk Goad ataaaed hereby, the mtxi¢e..~ fiat!, <br />m demanri, lr rntitiest to tnaaedatr pustesmn r+f the trsaxipp~d Ptntaes and the :saxt~tstr hereby aatasns, tutisfets and asas ate[ to the <br />torxt6ttdee ad the rents, reveaaea aad ttiwme to be atetoaat Cram the tnaxtgaped premnea Jwagt soar trnk as the ttaxifta~pe mdebtedttesa sMll terrain <br />ttapad; and the mwssMt+~ 1id1 twe ttk puwrr to appnat ats}r agrnf <x attents ;t may dcssrc frx the psxpc:sc ni rapasitgc acid eremites and renti~ <br />the score and vtiect~5 ttk rctus, rcrenun cord irtnrtnr. ztM-rt nsay tsaY cwt .rfi said mcvtsk aH r>fpertaes of rophut~ aatd prem6ea and neeemty <br />aotstsmssntna and experoca atctstrcd m rtntugc and rsun:pnit the same anal ~,{ ~szlicctngt :etetats therrtram: the halaace r~*ts, d any, to fx <br />~Vp~ tawd the dtaciatrpe .N sad r!xxtsatx tndehtedrteas, these rtp/its s.€ the mmtp~+e may tx cxertaaed at any time durutg the existeooe of web <br />dafanN. ir*u*Pectrre "d anY tempnruY .toner crf tiro same. <br />!Treat t'reatnes- fa,wetct, arc utaxr tlk ('axditaan, That rf the carat Mmt~us shst! sR+sY sand loan un t,t before the tmttvity u( sad shares by <br />payment: py mwthiy to rod ASSflClA~fiON of the sten spaxafini m t~ frxxrd scoured twttfty u mtctou oral prtttta{ai txt sad Iron. wt or before <br />tha Twdisseth day at raeh and every rttaauh, utttd rod kstn rs fully pad: ray a7 taxes and ssat~stents ierinf aptimt sad preenues and on this Mottptse <br />and the Boast stsured ttsertiw, tteC«c JrGatucstry, farnnb app~rored haauatke scpon the bnt tfkrwat m the aun of S 25, 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSik:tATlfXrl::rpy to aatd AS'SiJCtA"f.; W apace dettsnd aft tttwtey hp tt paid kx setdt taxea, tatemteata and itmata[x with inttxdt at <br />The ttsaammum teplti rate tteerewt from date of psytttrnt sY c>f whw~t Motis~ isetebY asrces to pay: pert teo waata sw aid ptemoes;icery and t:ompiy <br />rMh aB the apteeaneets ~ ra+oditasea of the Ftoad fro S 7 S r 0(yp . (}0 t€tis .ray even by ttte saxt Mettsapuc to and ASS(ICtAT'[Crf, a~ oompiy <br />with aY the ratmretoents d the l:utWnwtsm cad Sy-Laws s sad It.SSLX tAT'tOhi: then three prnents chair bcaome null rod void, otlteswiae they <br />shay tttirrt m t"idl twat aad may be fwaclass! at the vptxxr arf the sad ASSO(,tATYON afro faiturt tw tttrtt trtonths to tttake any of aid <br />tryueMS w be three mstattu m ueeat to trsaitws sand tttaxsthiy paytttents, rx to keep anti campiy with the aatet:meats and tnmditiom of said stand: <br />aadlfortyyex at(rtee to hate a reaxtvrs appawoied iwthwuit m saclt foreskraute Pt<kxedttepa. <br />It time n arty a' m aaeroenhsp ad the red cYbtt »xxtsteed tines[, by sale m ttttietwiac, then the carte, eenaitistg iodnbtednaa hereby <br />veeoted sfath, u flee .,pt+art .d The F~satabte tAsddiegt rod two Astauatitm of f:rand lalmd. Nebraaka, bcssme smtediateiy due and payable withtwt <br />fyrtltd ttatiae, sort tta ataanat rsataatatR doe trader sad bcvnd, tali arty artiser tx~t Tar aey irfi ":°_.' attramvnt rrtade therestetder, ahdi, from the <br />dart of eae+taat as sad arptaoa, Far mtcreat at the tnaxssmmt ir{Rd ntc, and the ettortsa(ge tmy rhea he fsxtcktanl to atidy the atnotmt due tat ad <br />bmd.aed ay sxtin hood tsx sddatsrni adrma. t'spether with sll sums pod M atad T1te EyretahLe Swidios aad t.nsa Asaaeiatioo of frwd talwd, <br />iNekrat-a fro etattaaue, 'eats and aasessmrwta, ad a. _~ t~irg cxtee>rtxt chases, with ittterett thereao, tram date of pttytnent at the tnaxstwnt <br />legetf rate. <br />Aa prstrdsd w tke Bread tecoted fterebp, -visit, this tuxtEalF reatraau m cftect the srirnesasee asay txrea&er advance adstitioml sniw to the <br />srittta ssf aid titsod. cites ~ tx soracasaa m muresa, which rstrsts shaft be anther the sattrity of i:'tis trxtrtgase the same u tht femtis or~nit4y <br />>ewned thereAy, the tsNd amosmt of prtnrapd titebt Hat to cttsaxst at ray temt the otgaut atttixtai of tttis t2or~ag, <br />tY-ied tbta 2lst day at i~tay a. tr , t9 81 <br />`TYirr~i.e R. fi~rt arng <br />~,,~ sat- i.. _, ~+:t~ir~ ~Z"ieA6 _. <br />~~i~.lirteL, Hawthtorete <br />$thT'Ti Ott: 4•a>3[SASKA. <br />~_~ t~411 n- {At this 21st Jay o! hldy [981 . trefote toe, <br />' the tterreratRrscd, a Tlatary~ attd f« aid ~, pilaanaUy ame <br />Lonesie I), Halwthorne atrti J iirseL. tiawthotne, eachh trr his r awn ri c37rtl as <br />~ °# 438[Gl'i °~~;r ...'~ who are paraoarky knaves to <br />acs txv 4r ira virtatant ptxeYas >S +aleaae ante 5 are affixed tts the abtsve mttrnateot a ~tsaLat 8 and ~Y savatYY <br />itte said ittgitrwatat to hie fi}3t~,I. r wlssntary act and tixed_ j <br />>~ ary-ttsaed and ?iatsiatid !iwri the date afsstcatid. <br />arty c'r>a estR+s+ - -_ , !' : ' <br />+aaatewsts ~'~j <br />M f § <br />