<br />81--~~aas~~
<br />Utvtrottst Cavatvstrrs. Borrower and 1_ender covenant and agree as folMws:
<br />!. Taytuecrr M Priweipal and lMereef. Borrower shag promptly pay when due th. pritzcipal of and interest an the
<br />rtrdebtrdness evtdmeed b3' the Nate; preppssytnent and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Adirattces secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />i. ;i-~ 6sr Tarsi ad )Pasarasce. 5ubjeM to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shrill
<br />to (..ender on ehr day t#tomhty insta#hnents of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in toll
<br />a cum- (herein "Floyd."} aqua! to onrtweiith of the yearly taxes andassnsmems which may attain priority over this.
<br />teed of Trust, and grovasd nuts an the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth o€ yearly premizrm irtstaflments for hazard insurance,
<br />pltn ohb-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initiaity and from
<br />time Co titrre by Lrnder on the basis of asaemsxnrs and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Tire Ftzrrds shaft be held in an irtstitutitm the deposits or accounts of which are insured nr guaranteed by a Fedcrat or
<br />slate agency (incltrd'mg Lauder if Lender is such an matitutionl• Lender shall apply :"e Finds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents: Lender may not charge for sa hnlding and applying the Funds; anatyzing-said account
<br />ar verifying and comp(ling said assessments and-bibs, unless Ltrtdrr pays Harrower interest on the Funds and ajIicabfe law
<br />permits [..ender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of exsert€Lon of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the fiunds shaif rte paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made ar applicable saw
<br />raptires such interest to he paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrvwer any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shaif gfve to Besrmsrer, withazrt charge. an annual accounting of the Funds shvwtng credits and debits to [he Funds and the
<br />F+rttpoee for which each debit to the Fundt wns made. The Funds ar pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trttst.
<br />tf tAe amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />ffte dtse dates of taxes, assesanzents, insurance premiums and gmund rams, shaft exceed the amount required to pay said saxes,
<br />assessments, irtwrana premiums and ground rents as they fal! due, wch excess steal! he. at iforrower's option, eithtt
<br />promptty repaid to Borrower or credited tv Borrower an monthly mstalfman[s of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hdd try t,entkr shall not be s[rBicitnt ±n pay tares. atcsessmenls. insurance premiums and ground rents as they Call due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessan~ to makr up the deficiency within 30 days from [he date notice is maned
<br />Fry L.entkr to Borrower regtrttstit~ pagrnenc [tttteaf.
<br />Upon payment in fuH csf all sums starred h} this Deed of Trutt Lender shall pmmptly refund to f~rrrower any Funds
<br />hekf by Lender. (f under paragrairh !g hereof the Property ;s sold =>r the Prapern• rs otherwise acquired by tinder. 1_ender
<br />shall apply, no titer than immedraieiy prior to tht sate of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lenrkr at the titrte of application as a uedit against •he sums secured by this C)eed of Trust.
<br />3, Aypiiratlan ai Payments. lintels applicable Saw provrdcs uthcrwrse. a{I Payments received by Lender under ilia
<br />?Yore and paragraphs {and 2 herrnf shall ire applied by [.ender first m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, thin tv inicrest payabtc an the tiote. then to the prtrtctpal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />principal an any Future Advances.
<br /><- Charms tiers, Borrower shall pay sit lases. assessments anti +~ther charges. tines and +mpasttions attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a prrurtty aver this Deed of Trust, and tensehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph ~ htreot or. if sot paid to such manner, by Horrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the app` o~rhrrrof. 8orrawer 5hait promptly furmsh to Ltndrr nli notrces of amotmts dzre under this paragraph, and in the
<br />cvmY r shelf makr payment drrectty. Horrawer shat) promptly rurntsh tr. Lender recerpts evidencing such payments.
<br />Harrower shall promptly discharge any lien uh+ch has prority over ;ten t3eed at Trust: pnivided. the[ Borrower shalt not he
<br />ragweed to discharge any such teen so irn[g as Harrower shalt agree to westing le: the paymem of the abtrgauon secured by
<br />sru:h lien rn a mantrer acceptable ro fender. ur shalt in goat fauh contest such l+en by. ur defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />sagas pPmceedings whrch operate to prcvtnt the enforcement nE the lte^ ~,r ferrenure :rf the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S, Atos~v! lwasrasre. Borrower shat) keep the :mprovctnents r+au e=scttng yr htrcafter €rected on the Pmprr[y insured
<br />against lost by Bye, hoards included within the tom "txtereded iuverage", anJ .uch other hazard, as tender may require
<br />and is srrh amcmnts and for such ptrrtuls ati t.endcr may reyuxe: pmvFdtci..hat [.ender shall nt>t require that the amount of
<br />wch coverage cxcced that amoum of coverage rrqurrert [a pav ttrc rums .reared h} this Deed ,i Trzrst.
<br />The imursncr carrier providing the insurance shag tx chosen ^v ti,nrrnwer urhiect to spprvvai by Lrndcr: p«,v[de '
<br />rfsri estate approval shag rw. tx unreasonably witjzhetd. Alt prtn.roms =>n rrasurznce politics shall (x paid in rite manner
<br />provitkd roofer paraRap6 Z htteot ar, if nnut paid :n suet[ tnaa[ttr. t,v Borrower making paymtnt, when dire, directly to the
<br />i~*trraIICt 6arrlK.
<br />All rizsuratzce paltcies sad retrewats thereat shsN t=e rn Corm acceptable 'e, t.enaier and shaif rtrclurk a standard mortgage
<br />clause ire favor of aad in farm acceptable to t.rnder. Lentkr ~.hait tease me : rght to hates the poiicics and renewals thereof.
<br />ardf Borrower shall prar,tptty furnish tr~ Lerxicr iii rerrewai ~?atrcc'. and -alt reierpt5 ~,f natd premiums. to the event n( tM(.
<br />Borrower shall gyve prompt rtmtc-e Fo tftc insurance s.arrtcr .urd t errckr i.cndtr may make proof of iM5 wt nut made pror:+ptly
<br />by Bon:otver.
<br />Ctnless Lender and Borrower athetwrse agree to »rttrrg. ~nwransr p«uecds .hail ix applied n, rrsturauon ur repau of
<br />tbt Proptny damaged, Provided zucfi rtstorutrua or repau ,. c~.irx:ttucuriy '.t.rsrbie seed the security .~i !his Dust <,! 7rirst r.
<br />rtat ttlereby tmpaurd. if west testrxa!rvn or repa+r is Hari atom+mrcuit}• #euvbtt or rf the .scanty of tots Deed ut i east wunl6
<br />be rmpatrcd, tier +rtsuranse prated. shall !rte apphesl ru .he sum, secured by 'his Heed of Trust, wnh thr excess. +t an}', paid
<br />to Borrvwer 1f the Property rs aban~ned `w Hutrawcr, ,n r1 Botruaer fasts t.e respurxi to Ixndtr wuhrn 3tt dais tram the
<br />date rtvticr K trzailed by l.ertder to Sarruwtr ;hat the .ruurance carrier otfcrx to settle a claret ivy msnrarrce herrrfit,, i,endcr
<br />rs authsxrteti to cofiect atsd apply the insuramt prrxttds at !.,ender'. upuvn tuner to restoration ar repau of the Prapcrty
<br />or to the arms secured by tMx Dasd of Trust.
<br />ltnky Letrder and Borrower othersrist agree m waling, any such appitcstron of proceeds ro prtncipai shall trot extend
<br />or postpotze tfzt due date of the nxmthly itutaiitntnts +rterrrd to m paragraphs f sent ?hereof nr rizangr the amount of
<br />sac ttstaHtnents, lf. tttzckr ptuagraph a~ ittreut the Property s aCquirrxi h}' Ixndrr, all nght, rick and +merest at Borrower
<br />in and to any insurance pvlmtes and +n anti to the proceeds tizrreot resultrrtg from damage to ttx Property pnur tv the lair
<br />w aogtusitivn shalt pass io L.trxitr to the ex[era +ii the sums xYUred by this Deed of Trust unmedisteh pour to sttc h safe or
<br />acquisition.
<br />6 Prttetsados sad Maiaiemnce of Property: lxareholis: Coademiaiassa; Plasaed Uai[ fhzeio*aeWa. Bor« sway
<br />.half kcep the Pra~eriy- sit gasxi rt~rr :nd shalt rw[ ceraaur xasre =x [xrnut unparr:nenr or .letersoratrc+n of the Yrnyxrty
<br />nd shalt trortrpty wuh tfre provisraos tit any trust:( this Dted trf `! rust is un .+ leasthuld ft this i?er:# of Trust » on a amt rn a
<br />ci)rrdantinitun ur a ptanrtecl one[ tievelvpnrrrtt_ Bariuwtr shat! pcct`orm sit or Iforrowets oMigaticros under the declarauun
<br />yr cxwenants creating or gr,+uning the cami,~tnrniunt :rr planned cart tie:::tapment, the by-taws and rtgulatuins c+f the
<br /><ondouzinium yr plantrtd uzut devtlvpinent, ,:red constwuenr dctcurrw:nts It a condominium ur planned unit dtvtiopnrtnt
<br />ndrr is r?cecuted sty Borruxvcr alai reccxdtd wi'e[txr weth the. tamed ==f 1 rust, the : ovenants and agreements ul such rider
<br />thtdi be incorporrted iota and shelf anxyrd :,ud wpplenrtnt stet c+wenants .toil agreerrrents ul this Detd of Trust as it t#te rider
<br />aese a part hritatl.
<br />T. PtNecNsa rr[ Cadet's Saerreity Ff Harrower fats t4 perRsrm else <:avenants anti agreements citmamed in this
<br />i7eed of Toni, or ii any action or prtseeedtcg is L~amtncnctd wheals mate«alty atfects t.endtt's interest in the Property.
<br />ineltuting, but teat fimtted zo, eatit«ent domazn, iawtvertc y, ctxlr rntutctrrtent, or arrangements ar prcx:eediags tnvalving a
<br />isutkrttpt yr decedent, then finder at Leader's :~#trun, upon nvetce r., Burrower, may make such appearances. disburse such
<br />s#ttrta slid take such action as is txcRSSasy tc= proctet t.errdrr-s ~a[erxwt, uraaudmg, teat nvf tinned to, dishurscment of
<br />r~tpdstafs~ attotaxy's fcea soil entrv apart the Property to r»ake repasts If I,rnder required tnurtga$e_iusurance as :+
<br />co6dition M matting the Goan sa:uteti try stets [:)east ;vf "(`rust. Ffwtuwcr steals { ny cite premiums required [u nwintain sus lr
<br />intttrartce in eHeet until attclt time as the r€sTuererntnt Tex sash rnsurarttie tert[zrnatta in acrardancc with Borrow°tr's and
<br />1`a writMn trttxbttrteat or app{[ca3rte lqw. Horrvwer shall pay the an[uurrt crt ail nwrigagt insurance premiums to the
<br />manor ptxavided teaftt paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />Aq aruetrtt#s dishtrtraf f+y Lttzder pursuant to t(n:r paragraph 7, with ~nterrs[ thereon. shad hrcomc addiuuna:
<br />i of 8arrt,xexx aCeure-ef by taus Lk~d vi ~Fruat. Untea,,. Borrvwer anti #.ender agrtr tv aF3ur isrms tit #raynrent. Such
<br />aMiottMa xlsali he ¢ayal# upon rrottcc from tender w Hs#rrvwer rtquesung paymtnt tltereisf, aml shalt tear !n[crest Irony the
<br />da#a of;di$t#rstA~t#t ai ~tf#e late payable lrxtn# daze to time nn otrtztaading prtrtctpal urw.ier the Nvre_ unlit.. payment u( inttrtst
<br />~ sutlt eau roulst fee svttttary to applicable taw, an whtc-h event such amounts shat hear anttrrst at the irrghrsz rate
<br />frk~ iesfztc law. N<uhing ~.7nisitwd in this pasagtapft ? sisaft trqurrt t~tndtr to .near any expense or take
<br />ifF ~ l.etztftr rosy rnttke yr cause fu tic mark trasvteablt ~ritrits upon soil ensprnuams v! the Property, provrdrd
<br />[foil l.+entfex'sfFali give !Narrower rrotitt prior #o any- sttclz irmp«tsan specifying rettacsnahk ::asri:c thcretvr rrlatsx3 tz ! ender"a
<br />;MNa#sa the Prooesty. -
<br />