<br />SHORT FORM Loan Nun;ser_____A4Rf}fi.~» 0~
<br />Foww No. 21 t cR[v. t 2t8Gr
<br />RE~~, ES'I'A~'E 1~tC~it'I'G~GE
<br />THAT.. Randg--L•...e?4?p?A.Sall_, azrd..i).4...G~~1...acbztyou...Ztusbana..ana.. Ks.te.».jni-*~.:._........»»..............»
<br />and each in their own right
<br />hezeiaafter called hfortgagors, in consideration of the sum of...Ten..Thowaznd..Sxtxea.Ilttadsad..aad..DD11f}0
<br />{g 10700.00 }DOLLARS, the receipt of which is herebyy acknowledged, da hereby Mt?RTGAG$
<br />and GONb'EY an absolute tide, including all the rights of homestead sad inherita~e, uatfl FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, aitusted in....l~ll-°----•-»--.....-.
<br />County. State of NF.BR.A3KA. to-wit:
<br />^'i.c 1YF ~'~•: Z'~ j' :.. ,-..:"t. ~ __ ~ ~ O, i;Ot ~i'lE?
<br />t S~±
<br />~.._.... --:14_' '`1~3n~aY ._r-~. cd .. -7}x-1, .. '. IIl Q^. ~3C2. ~..
<br />rs~_.,•s•. ;o.::i,, ^.y .?e,.cr;~ ;,u~i:o:. '-c .~_. ='i=Y .,. G:sn3
<br />_,... ~3llf:, !j3Z _. ~i+irll ~~ ..~UI"1;;?Fa.
<br />TO HAVE AivD TO HOLD the real estate above described, with all appurtenances tl~trtrnto
<br />belonginf; unto the mid 'Mortgagee, forever, provided always, and this mortgage is upon the express coa-
<br />ditian that if the aforesaid ~fartgagors. their heirs, ezecutors. adminsstratora or assi~rsa shall pay or cause
<br />to he pain to the raid 1iortRnKee, its successors or assigns, the nriacipal sum heretnabove set forth, all
<br />arrardirxg to the terror and eAect of a certain installment nose of said 4fortgagors bearing even date with
<br />this tnartgaRe, and shall pay fazes and asaessmertta levied t3pan said mal estate, and all other taxes, levies
<br />anti asa@~rtsenta levied upon this martgagrb or the note whim this mortgage is given to secure, before ttae
<br />same or any installment therct~f hecamea delitx}uertt. Lhe~rt this mortgage to be raid, otherwise to remtua
<br />in full toree.
<br />IT IS 1~'t't2THER AGREED tl} That if the said ~tortgagar shall tail to ppay such taxes, the
<br />Mort ogee may pac the same and the sum so advanced with interes± shall be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and is >smrtgsge uha13 stand as security far the same. ('y} That 1lortgagar8 royenant with the .rvlottgagee
<br />that ttr=v ate Iav:fully seized of said rra~ a-state and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />against the lawful claims at aII petvotra whomaoerer. {3} That in ca.+e of a tore~lastrre of this morkgage
<br />the plaintiff in such ptrx°eetliags shall tae r-retitled to take po on of the premises. Protect the same ana#
<br />arilert the rents, issues and profits ihet:.,rf. {4} "That a atif ~~reaito }xiy any of said money or any in$tall-
<br />nxent thetrot when thr, zsatrm l~ecames due, or a failure w comply a~tih any of the foregoing aRreemeats,
<br />shall cause the whrile suns c7t manse bemire r,ct•urnd to bc.-crrre due and ca[tectible at once at the option of
<br />ttm Afortltagew
<br />TRA'sSPF,R ()F TIIE I'KOt'FRTI'; A~stTLiPT10':t. If atl ar any part of the Fmperty or an
<br />interest therein ih old of transferred by Wtort~tor without tartiragee`h pear written rnnaent, exetudiag
<br />ts} the cre.stion of a !'ten or encumbrarxye strbardrnatr to this Mortgage, tbl the c7eation of a p~:tchase
<br />money srrurity interest far hausehotd app~ancea, {c) a transfer ,, deti~ise, dt~mt or by operation of taw
<br />upon tha doat~t trf a joint temant or td} the grant of any lc~aehals3 interest of threw years or lees sot crnr-
<br />taiaing an option m putehasr, Mortgagee trtay, at Mortgagee', option, declare all the lama secured by this
<br />Mortgage to be immediately due and payable.
<br />It Mortgagee ercere-ices vch opton w accelerate, ~tartgagee shall mail hlortgagar aotioe of
<br />aaxl~atioa and sucb notice shall ptvvide a period of not less than ;10 days from the date the notice is
<br />mailrsi within x~itdr ~toztgagor mayy pay the soma declared due. It 'LSortgagor fails to pay such sums prior
<br />to the expirstion of Much period, ?tlartgagee may, without further notice ar demand on i`fortgagot, invoke
<br />the power of sale and any other remedies petrrritted by applicable law.
<br />Signed this. . fret!; .day at '"`~~.. _........, 191...---.-
<br />a
<br />-, - ~-
<br />1.; - -~y:
<br />.~.:-.~.. i .....,mss..
<br />Randy :,. .7ahnsost=
<br />.,
<br />~.a.:.i.. '-
<br />......._ ..........~.,..-.-.-..c .............. _.............. _....._..
<br />D. Gtri2~ ,Tohnson,
<br />!i'T'A'I°E C1F NI;BltA$KA ~ ~.
<br />~tst.._... . _ .. Cnaatr
<br />lhr tlsir ...._~~";_... diLZr of ._ ---~'''?a.f._._....._._..., 14 nl before me, the uredeeri[ne~d. a Notary Public, to sad for
<br />weld t:?+rutr. ttrnilly camiRsrrisi~L.L,._1Gttiaatan.-nutL..Q.._Ga.i.l...Inhrtiansrr---h•,°}••,,a..asui...aiPa..._ ..................
<br />P+rrar+~alty krrr+m W r:w &+ be the idiatieal Persaas arhopr aamw ere amazed to the alwve sad inrwgolan laatnime®t, r
<br />sad a+wA aekaaerfidaer! slid i+iiGtgmeat to & hla or bar +ntuntery act and dead.
<br />r'-tirLCt -"'t9n=. ~ielEr'~'a'Yt ~4 -_... .._ .., -.,
<br />E4`3hMii ~ bawd grad raw[Ria1 !aril a4_ __.....
<br />tr9i dera ltst »l1~ .~ '"1~~
<br />l 1l 11R11-
<br />^! 4tra E4 MN g7, il~t IVulaq PnW;c,
<br />s#r ai>irti,o ecPir~-. _......~ _..w~-,._ ..._....~-
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