<br />SHORT ts'ORPN Loan Number_____45235_~_J17.
<br />Fnar No. 211 (ft[v, t 2fet»
<br />~~~~ ~~ l~~l.e 1T~~~~iJ~~i.s
<br />THAT..~ef4..k:...Eaxk~..-.a-..s.iua].e..u®r~an.. _..._....~.._..----_ ........................._........_......._............_......,..,.
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in coasidamtioa of the seta of._'mesas...'?Chutasdnt~.---and...ROl1.A0..--.....--.-..-
<br />($ 3006.00 ) DbLLARS, the r~eipt of which is hareb'~ acktmwtedged, do hereby MQAT('AGS
<br />and CC)NVEY an absolute title. iacludiag all the rights of homestead and inberitanra, uato FIIt>4T
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described rest estate, tdtuated in-_--ffal.l..........._._.......
<br />County, State of iv'EBRASKA. to-wit:
<br />:At .. S.~y~w=-it:.^t' ~i`'i. rSUBII'l~:`~.. .. i:ittiiV'_£~Ote,
<br />. r'a^.fl ,..~_:stlCa. :?31~. ~,CiLsL.7. ie?~r"?~YB.
<br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLIJ the reel rotate above described. with all appurtenances theteuato
<br />beloagiag unto the said 4fartaagee, forever, provided always, sod this mort$aRe is upon Lhe ezpr~ con-
<br />dition that if the aforesaid \{ottuatMrs, their heirs, ezarutors. administrstars or asaiXas shalt pay of cause
<br />La be paid to the said '.tifortgagre, its stuce~nsors or sssiRtts• the principal rum hereinabove set forth, all
<br />acrnrditra to the terror and effect of s certain inatalirtxxtt note o[ said \fortgagona bearing even date with
<br />this :nartgage, and sl:aA pay fazes and asseaaments leviesf a~x +n :mid real errata, and all other fazes, levies
<br />and sssesstncstta -evitd upon #hia ttwrtgaRe or tits Hate which €hia rortgage in given to sectrze, before tha
<br />scams or any ittatallxnent thereerf ixe~comezt d~rlinquent, then thin mortgage to be void. otherwise to twms'-
<br />in fort fotre.
<br />IT IS FL'RTHF.R AGREED i 7) 'T`hat if the acrd lfortgag£r shall fait to gpay such tat;es. the
<br />liort~gaa~ee tna,Y pay tt~ :.sine and ttw sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and tln`a tttort^.atCe shall stand its ae.c-uritr- for the name. (2) That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagce
<br />that tl~v are cawfutty setsrrl rsf said rend c~tate attd covenant to warrant and defend the said teat estate
<br />attairtst the lawful ctaima of art peraomt tvltomsctaver. {3) That in crste of a farectosure of this mortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in srxh ptxrc€e~iings a#rall be entztted to take won of the premises, pmtert the sart~ and
<br />sxtilect the teats, iasrtrs aced prvfrta thereof. t ~) That a aiIf ore to tiny any of Raad stoney or any iastall-
<br />rnent Thereof when the same #t<curnea due. or a failure to comply with any of the #oregoing agreements,
<br />s,`tatf cause the whore sum hf money herein secured to t~:~tme due and coltectitsle at once at the option of
<br />the !Mortgagee.
<br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY : ASSC'?~IPTION. t# alt or any part of tl~ Property or an
<br />intessat fluartirt Ter sold or tmasfened by Mortgagor without linrtgagee's prior written coaa~tt. ezc:uding
<br />(a) the cxe+ntion of a lien ~ rttcumbrxttree subordinate °r, this Mortgage. tb) the cx'eat#on a# a parclrase
<br />y eecut9ty interest far itotteehoid a tc) a transfer by deaiae, deaa~ertt or by operation of law
<br />upon the death oC a )Dint tenant ar t d) t t2 a ant of-any Iersehnfc~ interest of thtve yearn or Ieas not coa-
<br />taiarttg an option to purchase. P4Sortgaglee rrray, at 13ortgagee'st option, declare aIi the sums secured by thffi
<br />\{ortgage to ire immediately due and p-yable.
<br />if Mortaa;ee etcetcisaa suelt option to accelerate, lfortgagee shalt mail Mortgagor trotice of
<br />acczterrtt and such ratttace shad provide a period of nvt less than 3tt days cram the date the ttotitae is
<br />ensiled within which Mortgagor easy pay ttm surer dteclat+ed dtte. I€ Ibfortgagor faits to pay such soars prior
<br />to the ettpirtttian of such period, Mortgagee may, tritftortL further ttcrtisr or demand on Most~agor, invoke
<br />the pt~r of sale arm any other remedrea permitted by applicable law.
<br />Signed thffi . =~: =?~.. day of . . ~!J-_.. _ ~~
<br />'' 1 ;
<br />Larry B. Icar
<br />9'Crt TS 4}Y t~t1SSRA3lGll ~
<br />tl~ » .__,~ s~# )_:_ ... _ ds,Y at ..__.._.~at'._, _..~_.... t4 _~~ hetu-e see, ttie undendaned, s Nnrarr Pandit is awl foe
<br />Said CaaAat~, tom' seine k1~,_>#ri....~f~1t:.c...A_..g~.E':li,.&.9t.sti1...._...._._..__.__._._.__~,..._._._-_........._.......~..,_.......
<br />partawut~ itaanea to aw to tta fir idmhmtd tretaaare odors wtmw are e>1Szed to the shove sad fo:+aa+nts i~~ent, as
<br />~ and +<esr5 sekaaeriedpd said faedtaarad to 6e }dr or her vgtmtarY act sad drab
<br />t1M dose IaH ~IMM ~ rriie#/1 BMd ILL..--_ .,.~-,G-r1.r1S~..._,-.iz~'~ i_brafra~.._._S.`3.~....5?a'.si..~.,.k~..x'..,...~,„__..__.. -_.~.
<br />sir eerrtwMte.ris.~rw Nuisear Pabd~
<br />fl-<Mwe4ttra~tlte, rt. t>bt
<br />