3. The mortgagor eoveaanu and agree that if beahttll&jFttil to pt-gaaid indebtedner or say pstit t6ueot when
<br />i~1se, or +hrli-fail to perform any eovenmt o~typeement of t~'iaetrntrweator the promisory note rartered~be
<br />lutitae iadebtedmes hereby secured, shaft immediately bncotne due, Payable, and collectible wit~tmtt _at~6s _
<br />a~tilNt of the moetRagnr ar assigns, regardlew of matunty; a5iid the mortgagee or fiia aaignatnay 6efottiE o'r after eidry
<br />t~l paid property without; approiaameett lake mortgagoryharins waived and assigned to the:tnort~asca a~ rf~lit~.of ~ "'
<br />' ijtpfAtiaeaaeMT;
<br />~ pal ati jadicisl sale puissant fo the pravfaions 0128 U.S~f 2gU1(a) : or ~ ,-
<br />(ee) u alts optioma( the moetsaeea eidtee b~ auction ~ by esiieitatiaa of rrwwle~~biis,`tor thK lt~iieitand -
<br />)tat..bid oamplyias ,+ith the teetnamf wlaand matafer of paymatt sped5ed in-tic pablished aotie,r d'aak; >>M
<br />girias-.taut weeks' notice of the tipne, terms, and plate of such sale, by advertiseeaent_rwt lees thaet awes , _s
<br />during each of said-four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed is the county in whieh,~aid proprrty
<br />" is aitai, all: other notice beittg hereby waived 5iy the mors~a~tr (and sod mott~ier~ or at9' P'~'~
<br />behalf et anid may bid- with the aapaid iadebtedeas evidenced by said' notes Saidrsale alMdl 6e
<br />held sit or oa the property to be sold or si the Federal, county. or cite courthowe for the aennty is wirb`tbe
<br />property is located. The mortgasee is hereby authorized to e_:ecute for and oa bthalf of the moetgagor atad to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at wch wle a s,t~cient roaveyaoce of said property, which ceavganoa-shall coettaia
<br />recital as to the happening of the default upon which the ezeention of the power of ask htieeut std
<br />depends; and the said mortgagor hereby constitutes and appoints the mortsasee or say :sent or attoeoey of the
<br />mortsasee, the anent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make such reeitab sad to etroeate acid
<br />coareyanee sad hereby corenanu and asrees that the recitals w made shall be effectual to bar all e~ty w
<br />fight ~ redemption, homestead, dower, and sit other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />ezptessly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />,:v. ~ ..
<br />,e,At~tac;t+gpriau aMioa pttrauani to state or Federal statute either is vote or Federal
<br />courts tLax dupaaitioa of the property.
<br />En the erect ofAa sale ae hereinaboye proridrd, the mortgagor or any. parson in porcaaien ender the mortgagor shall
<br />thiwt 6ieeeme sad ba tatoaata hoh#inh wet and shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at web ask or be
<br />wmauarily diapOreaed, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holdimt orer. The power
<br />am# agsacy hetvdry granted are coupled with an interest and are irrevocable br death or otherwise, and ate granted
<br />u cnwvtlative to the remadiea for coileetiavt ~ said indebtedtxss provided by law.
<br />4. The peeeeeda of any ask of aid property is accordance with the preceding parasnphe shad 6e applisL' Seat
<br />a pay tba etacb stud ezpertaa of said ale, the expenses irxnrred by the mortgasee foribe purpose of proteetinsar r is
<br />taming said property, and reawnable attorneys fees: sec,x,dly, to pap the indtbtedness secured hereby: and thirdly,
<br />M par say wtplus oe ezcew to the person or persons lettallr entitled thereto.
<br />S. In the erect acid property is sold at a judicial foreclawre sale or purswnt to the power of sale hereino6otAe
<br />scanted, and the preceads are twt wticient to pay the twat indcbtedner- secured by this ir»tratnenR sad erideoaed by
<br />wid promissory note, the mortsasoe wit! ba eatitkd to a da6eieney jvdgasent for the amouni of the dejtciewcy without
<br />roaord to apprrisetnswt.
<br />6. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay soy Federal, state, c,r local tax asreawnent, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />charsc, frq or other expense chargrd sgaimt the property, the asurtgagce is hereby authorised at his optio~,+ W pay
<br />also saase. Aay +uw so paid- by the mortgagee shall be added to sad beeo,ne a part of the principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness evideaoed b} .aid nuts, subject to tbt setae trans and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay asJ
<br />diaeharRe the indebtedness evideacrd by said pramiswary twat, and shalt pay such wms and shall discharge all taws
<br />- aq~, the canto, tans, sad espaeus-ot rwrltis4h enforcing, sad ezecuting this tortggge, than thin tworegase
<br />shah be eatsoekd aaI wrraadeeed.
<br />7. Tho oeveataW heroiw aewtaiaad dsall #tiwd and tie beae6u and adrsntagsst shall inure to the respetgive sea
<br />ettyaetr attt~atrtistas a( t#se parains Irsraeo. ~'haaacr tssai. tie aindes#ar aamiar shall itschtda the plant, the pinrnt fits
<br />aaytsiar. sad the aw of say ~K aha~ ine#nie a~ gaatiaer. ,
<br />i lie waiver of soy awvosant heeeia or of tie obligatieo secatrcd 6ercig shall at any. time theaeatast_be basld-
<br />M bo ~ traitner ai tie term haeat or of the nose secuted .hereby. - - - _
<br />9, Ia oentp#iaa~tx,~~ with aeetim i$#.I t d j oI the Rake and Regulations of the Small 8ttairsess Adtniaiaratias (t3
<br />'~? ~,~~ ]. wRki~ttaataatta,ie,te-hs ee~rtrtrod and erdatraad fa aeeogdttaeas whit applkabk Fedenl law.
<br />Ida A jCia}' alacvee, order, or jtk,„~nmtt hohiivs any proriaion or portiep of this ittaEtcrtgteat iurrttid or us.
<br />~- ts!st inaay way impair or prechfde the ratfotaetttent el the toattM6~ipg ftroriaiaat ar portiaar of
<br /><~ ,_
<br />rra ro.. vat ~ r»,
<br />