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<br />81-0(1?59~ <br />!.' ~ ,. ; .~ <br />a He .t+i8 l Prl' the aridesead by aald praattti~ry-trees at she tamer std ~t ~i. <br />lip. 8e trt~ ~i ail uralata astsrtaeett. ,rider rum., arts-other or trttnidPd Burtr <br />Ltyre ter w gt~s.itir~ ~,K bee. side hs>s~elore, ud «tlli prrmptiy deliver the ei ttttett~Or <br />ilr.r.B9r todts.di- <br />a lie wit) pay each etipetaws attd feed ss rosy 6e iatcurted in the protection aed mainteaattce of aahf <br />properly, inehtdiaR the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the eollectioe ref any or all- of <br />the indeMedaew hereby serorod, or for foreebsttre by mortgagee a sale, or cones proeeediaga, or is anp other <br />GtiEsRioa or proceeding afecting said ptrmiaes. Attorneys' fety ne=mnablT itteurred in atiy other-way ahaU$e <br />paid by the morlEagrr. <br />d. For better setatrfty of the ittdebtetliera hereby seeueed, open the regnrdet of the trtottgagee. is ago- <br />cerssss or aaaiEtw. Ire dull care rntr and dalirer a dnpple~nantal tnortrsfya or mortpapes corercnp anT addit;nna, <br />ittpeu~taenta, or bdteratctta made co the property hereinabere described : std all property aegaired by <br />stmt the date bereef Tall in form satisfaeton to rattrtgageel. Furthermore, slroaid mortgattor fail to sere <br />s•y ddanlt is the payment of a prier or inGerier eacumbranoe oa the property described by this iastrmnaty <br />taoREaEnr hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to rvrc ettrh default, bin mortgagee is not obligated to do so; <br />tad melt sdyattees shall hexane part of the indebtedness secured br this iostramen4 subject to the ease <br />tarns sad eoaditierw. <br />e. The rigba coated by this conreyaatt shall rcmsin is toll ion and effect during any pe»tponettamt <br />or agteaaien ad the time of payment of the indebtedness rridcnced by said promissory note or sap peat thereof <br />secured hereltY. <br />j. He will t~tiauouslY maintain hasard inscrtaser. of each type or types and in such encores as the <br />mortgagee mss frwn sitar to time require e>a the improsetrtenta now or hereafter oa said propertp, and <br />will err psosptiy when dae say prmimw therefor. AU iaarrasce shall 6e carried is twmpaaied raeePtable <br />v aatlayse sad the poikaes and reeerraia theceaf shall 6e held by aertgaEee and bare atteebed threro <br />hs pttya~tia eLaaas rs tarot d sad is fora acaaptabie is the mortgagee. Ia crest of bar, miortatga~r will Eire <br />aaautisaes stories it weihaE to swrtEafes, acid mortgagee may make proof of Tara if sot made pesaptly b7 <br />aortEyar. sad each irsararoe oarelsart ooaeeraedrs hereby aatlmrisad a~ directed to make payttres for sash <br />btr diraedy to srttpgee imtead of to esartEager and erae+rlEagee jointly, and the ittraranoe proseedr. or aa, <br />Pill lbasreei. any !r applied by moeegytee at is cerise either sa the radsetioa ~ sir ittdeb/adsoes hereby <br />aaearal ear to tbo seatoratira ar ttpair od the Property daasaEed or dsuoyed. In er~t ~ fonaelosnee o[ thi <br />sarrrtEage, or otlear traaaier of title to said property in eat~sishaaeatt of tae indbbtedaess ssenred 6meby. ell <br />siEht, t~la. sad iatarra6 ~ tbs martE~sc is sad to my ianarsms polieier rhea in force shall par to the <br />purrhaaer or ~ or, u the optics of the enorlgagec, tttay be suRCitder'ed for a refund. <br />g. lie wiq kerep -all bssldi~ arm other imgreYementa oa said property in good repair and ewnditioa; <br />wil# prumit, asasait, oc safer no waste, imp`sitsrtestt, daterioratiem of said propeusy or any part thereof; <br />is the eyesN o[ taihtre of the arortrgagrtr to keep the bnildinp oa esiul premises sad these erected oa m,id <br />proaiaea, or improyeatents tltrreito, b good repair, the teorigsEee may make strati repairs p is is discretiaa it <br />may deeat neneasary far the proper preaeryatiea thereeef :and the fn!! emcees of each sad every stash payttteat <br />shall br isasddaatdy dw+ sad payable wd ehaU ba severed by the lies of this mortgalte, <br />d, lie will.sot relsatarily create or permit to be crewtad aEaipu, tba Property subject to this mortgaEe <br />say Urn w lien interior or superior to the filar of this mortEsge without the written consent of the ~oel- <br />EttEne; sad furllttx. be wilt keep and etaiataia rho setae #rce from the claim of ail persons snppiyinR labor or <br />at+deriak far cssWntctios of any and all bttildinE4 or improYemettta note being erected or to be eroded on <br />seu3 premises. <br />i. lie will oat rent oc aariEu say part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or rsmore, <br />or wbetta~tialty abet any bnildhag without the writtca roosent of the tttortgagec. <br />f. Ad swards of daarapta fa :aaeettisa veldt say coatlemaati~ for public tars of or injury to say of the <br />paprriy sstbjeet m thin are hereby aasigued and shall 6e paid to mortgagee. who may apply the <br />earn-to: payateat-et# the itasta~tnts-last dse tratdex said mots. and-rnostgagce u hereby-autheriaed, in the <br />tease of the mortEaEttr, to eseetate aed titlisar sand acquittaatexa therexif sad to appeal from any such award. <br />lG The tanA;ape shall bare tlsn right to iuspcct the etwrtEaged premises at any reaswtabla liras. <br />$. ~: it ar!#. of-the, estysmaagt or eaaditioaas,of this ittatruraeat or of tbs rtotc or loan agrccateea~t secured <br />bmi~g.t~ mate lhp; a.,riE>M w passesaion, qlc, and eajtryaaeot td the property, at the option of the <br />tErlt9~rfaet m hia.a~iEat 4it LsaitsE aid-that the mortgagor aleslf stews ettcb right nntil default j, f;pnn ~aysueh- <br />the awrlE!rEaa s~all beseme the otraer of all of the teats and profits accruing. after defeats u security <br />fair-tits ~ sates betcly, with the right ts±nlu6tte apo® said property for the purpose of tollactang such <br />/tMMM; ata# P t sbtall opett~c_>rs a4, a~auttant of arty retttab am said property to that extettL <br />