<br />
<br />Il9t~RTGAGE
<br />81--~~ 025~3~~i
<br />~ titat~e ~ enlaced. into between FRANC M. - b~I3PhR and LKSd~i?l 1. }rQ3IS`I',EIIi „~ +i
<br />(hettin "Mort~arot") and
<br />TIC AI+~ NATIC3NAL BAI~t<C t?F GRAHi) ISF,A[+H) {herela "Norq~Lrae").
<br />~ itsdebted to- !a the pe}deipa! w~'et S ~1F > avldetteed 97y o~'c uosrt
<br />~eQ Nay II, 1~1 (yew "~ate'r} Pro~~E.faptyafeats oiptfine(pat aad iutateeC;rdth`1Re bWaoe of die
<br />b~+eb, it ~t aoooer }fNd; ~ aad peyabk od MAY 29, I - -
<br />1b atxnre the payment of tM Nate, with. iatemt s.peotided tharegl. the ptsymant of aU otf-er soma, withh lnterwt:
<br />adesnced by to pmteM the security o[ thin , and t$e parfottoahee of the tttltsgntstaatw ep!aeraan{a of
<br />the ~tabted bereln, ~ dom hereby tnort~e aad txtaeey to ltoet;a~ee 3tia. titUowle~ dptditr~d
<br />peopetty located n1 ~~ } ewatq, Netxaaia:
<br />I~t Ttso (2} in ©`9ei11 Subdivision, being a
<br />Stitbdivisian a3 a I~rtion of Block Three (3),
<br />Plt~sartt Home 3ubdi.trision fn the City of
<br />Grand Island, Rail Ckxarity, ~tebz~.~tsa.
<br />Torether with ati bniidinaa, improvements, lixturea, streets. atkys, Pi++tea'+Ya. earemenhr, fir, Psi•and
<br />laoaled thereon ar is anywise pertaining thereto, and the mats. issues aad profila, eevetsiooti aad remaiodeia
<br />thereof; iadrtdint, but ntx limited to, boffin, and cooliar equipment and such persaosf property -that rc attaclud ta;the
<br />t~rorements ~ m m cowtitute a Gxutre; all of wbich.tnctud+a; replsceraents and additions thereto, is hereby desisted
<br />W ba a pert of t!K rem estate secured by the lien of this Mortar aad all at the tore{oiaa beir~ refereed to herein asthe - -
<br />«y..
<br />Moripdnr fuefAer ~ewnanb and aura, with ~, as totlors:
<br />1. Payasnt. Ta pay flu indebtedntr ae~ the enterer thetron a pmvided in this Moriptre and ibe Note.
<br />2. 7tfie. 5btt~or u the owner of the Properly, bas the rift and auWority to mortis the Property, and
<br />rarraals thu the lien eeeatrd hereby a a MYt and prier per, oa for Property, ezcept as nny otherwise be set forth hettin.
<br />~'Ikr Proptrty ss sotye€t to a ~ erbexrdt __._..~. ~,-_--.------~._.~.
<br />b the lAbt9dyer, eccasdsd at Baaft ,Pare , of flee Nartra~e Retwrda of
<br />l+kb~s.1!'bieh SMert~ere b a lien patot a the ilea a teattd hereby.
<br />Go;anty,
<br />~7 t?Ibrr prfor Piss ar erKYtntXUlCeB:
<br />3. 1'iiaa. AMiisaaata. 1'o pay when duc ail tazaa, special assesatneats and aS otter chac;es aggimt the P[opetty
<br />ate. eepaa welUen demand b'y , to add to the p:Yeoents required under the Note secured hereby, sued amount as
<br />easy be ssNlieiant to eruhk the to pay such taws, aseruaents or other chores u they become due,
<br />1 heaasaaer. Ta itsep the impravemeata now or hetrattet located on the rest estate described herein tasuerd
<br />a~tiat rtaaaare by ~ and s+ach other hararda ss Maxtgatre may require, in amounts and faith compatues actixptable to the
<br />til~prere, and eritle tar payable kr the ltort~ee. to cre of lots ender curb policies the Atatt~tree is aulhorized to
<br />a~tsq, eaiMei toad easpw~etr, [n ks diactrtiaa, alt e4atpsa thereundtr at its sale option, autteorized to either apply the
<br />ptloaada Zb tba naRa~ion of ti+t Ptopeety a upon the indebtadneas seca:rd hereby, but psyaxnta hrretmder shtdl eon-
<br />- #iiw-tnttlF:#4ita~'sssariadi~b~ynepddistfaH.
<br />!L ~ Fns 'Caftan. sad ierisaae~e. Natwttbstatidinr anythiod eontsined la partegaphs 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />~`, abrb ply ks tlu Idost{yer at t~ tibae of payinr the moaWly tacWlments of ptineipal and interact,
<br />tena,ttrsrt~t of We-ready teem, r•saeasaesala hasard preminrm, and rraund rents {if any) which may attain a
<br />tfAt~lg eater tbfa tai as twMarpttif~+ eatlmttled Emm time w time by the Idort~ee.1'he amounts so paid dull br
<br />heitl-bg fist' ritioat htLSteat ind appiisd to ~ paprnwtt of the items to teapeat to which stun amounts were
<br />ttl{Ii4lhlsA.: '!Aa assess paid ~' betwudes en pied~ed as addles reearitY for the indebtednetae meured by ihb
<br />Il~tr. iialt~ll~ilf;tgN pay ~ the attt~oxni at arp~ detlciency betRere the actual taxes, iettts, Hutuatlt`e
<br />t rat t» smd iibe dtipaaita heneeetib!r robin t0 days after. demand ~ aestk u~toa ~X rrtlaaaHnB
<br />k ~lhtdfAfasraaa~ and-titw To proaspt{y repeit, eratoee or eelrttdd nay buiidtap<or iasprovaments now or
<br />bpi tt9 .Nr_~apaattr; to teNp tht ;r 1n-rim11 ~ and rtgeettr, i xast,r, cad ilea Iron mrthanic's or
<br />~aWS+ciisari twk ~ to flan ilea bireof; not W ,snip,, suffer oY pitsaift nap atrkiltectr w axial, rear fez dimu,•
<br />ita *+i fir reihse of ebn ~ by aist aer ar atrridilan ri apt; +etd to coagriy with all tequita,enenta at taw with
<br />rapaaa iit- of a l5raparbt.
<br />