<br />~~
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN HO. 2.2940
<br />CNOIy ALL ME[V SY TiiFSF. PR''QE3i7'S: Thst Lt~ I,iSke, individually aIK1 as tri7SteEr ate ASaxine
<br />LSsk2, his wife, MartAgtrr,rhetttisawt:ormote,ioddraraf
<br />~~ ~~ve 2hausand and No110 m. atrle
<br />Imed to said ~ta6or M The fiE~itahk )lrs3dett6 sad Lone Ameiatioo d Gtmd idawd, trlebratka, MErR6adtte, aPw 550 .:fh~tr ttf ttbdtaf
<br />ttmd AssociAnexa. Ce3rifiote rta. L 23940 , ~ h~M t~+, ~' aaa tttaatptpe tmto the tvid ti~ge[f-Tfa4r the bra
<br />deaar`6ed real wale, rittoted m tiab Coantp, Nehrasta
<br />I17I` P.L~t1FN (l l) IN II~IAL, tJ~ai.~GE EIGEPi4i
<br />~'9ilIVZSICN, CITY tom' F;~(a7D ISLAM, k01I1a
<br />
<br />rtte¢ther vnh sit thr termtnrats, hncdrEaracats ar«f appurttnanes thereunto Exhra6gpt, urciu4ieti atttsr2red Hoar txrsmar~a, a8 +ciada~tr rotten,
<br />erusdrrr rMdss. btrads, s+orm rodarrs, asraa+as. )srattrUt, sir armtit«xtn~.srd pltanberyt std vats equipatea! sad swaoriu [heseto,pvotpa.tttowa,
<br />rcfr~tnsisxa, and ether Fiztam and rgarr«r¢nt r>xsv +x hrrca#¢rr a4tiz3srd taz cx t~sa# at a~+.nxrcz:t»t virh and rr3i eaf~e.
<br />Ara rhereai ttm ssrd sraatpgrn has .prast sad darns krrrtry aRse. that ttx rrxa~tptpx dsatt aria rri~ pry all lion aed tmaaameats hntad oa
<br />ssssd opna ant! prxnaaes and arras tha n«mptES and the hamd serurtl tkrrcbt t,rfcur Eke salsa rhatl bet>ome delirtgrnat; Lo fitter >gtplo7ed
<br />rrmEr~E.t apps ike hvddtrt«t am asst premats saktttrst u. t±rc aura a~ S 55, Q4Q. t}0 payable to ad ASSEX'iATiON std to tklisar to told
<br />ASStIt'1.Ai1fiN rhr pnttt+es kx sad trxsruaaax, .xed last lei auntssu ,a prrtsar tats waste rm <a abrwt sad premiss;
<br />In cqc of ttsfaatt rn tlrr perfaxuvncs ~/' a«y of ttr tarot atx3 c..rdsEaranx .:t this mxtEsa,.c crr Elm trorsd ae'caratt (mteby, the artatpga aha6,
<br />oe tkmand. he rntaied to nrarteriratt t«memon nt «M ntixtfp)ned pre:naes and t)m m~rt~y..r hsxsbY amt=. traA~sEY and PW 07K t0 fhe
<br />aaastytlDEt aH the trots, re.rnues rbel tEUxxrrs to fre derned from EM axxepped prarQats dotard au:utt tune as Elm taori~nyE etthhtedatu shat! roststia
<br />mcpud.. std the ttaxrt skalF ttaxe thr pare: to :ppanst any ;spent :x .E¢nrx rs r;n,r drsac for tha pESrpaat of reptiregt said prtwsa Wd reat6q
<br />the sasrie adrf Csaies#a',t tks mss, ctaetercx vtd totasrtx_ :txd tt rosy W`' awl ,rt lard trttsaarr au et[prmes aF repairie~ laid praEEmef end mcriaary._
<br />aaaeaEEV>aa. mA rapertfes axvnr+l m :satuap at«I ~ ttx xamr sad +>t crttectmtt rrntsis ttEereftom. the balsam rasmetittd, i( soy, to be
<br />tarard the alpsctsatpt ,:J- >arat arrxry~ tndetstrdacn. EheR rsbix rtt ttx mrxepyes pray )re eaeresred as say tkEta dtarns the tit/tarlm a(t~oth
<br />adt, are:ps:<<ne si ~H` tsmp€>«~arv a~-+er of the ame
<br />These P+esats, ircnrsx.., arc upon tf?c i-a;tsdst~n. tlnr d tic sad t4cxtpaarxs rtutE stpay tad iw+t nn ax bclrxa cite aiuur)ty of said shares by
<br />peyasat; pay ttrso[tsfy en sad A.5.4fY`tASt()l~i arF tfm naa rptas!'md m Elm F3aad sta~ued tresetrp as urtriesE sad prmespaiEmafidlwa,oaExhdora
<br />t!r Treatrah dry c3 cacti sad cxcn atrmrh_ srxau last ts,s n f city paad. Fay .H tasss smi a~~rrs kxstaf sganal sad paeamaa sad as the t/xtyee
<br />and the Noad secwsd thereby, tcfwt aidmrfats<ct . sa[aatt .pptused tarruarra°e r:pewt tkc baddagp tlrtraoa m the amt: of 3 57, ©OQ. QQ paYa~
<br />stn said ASS+taC1ATiFX~f, rspsir ssa card A'.i'~_'CJ['tA7lttf+t rrQr~ dcur«txaf all naxxy fay rt pa4 feu ~ taass. its amt iaataasm tM]s io[esera at
<br />the ~ rate [frereaat tram ataer =rf payment mil of rhxh s!a>st~cu hert#sy a~eex to pay, perotit to trtrat Em aid pcematrs;keep aEEdwmQFy
<br />srtrh aN tke aptlttaeats sad a>=«ieaEUm ui thr &~ad Eu S 5j~ QQQ. QQ ttw day gisen 3y the asrdd Mwtgdcx tr. and ASSQt:tATlE~i. and Comply
<br />wqh r~ tit rrsfuserrseats art lire Caxtssnutum sad of sad AS`StIC`tA7tQPt, ttarn these presvls shah beaxoe aufi am! vod, othersritt they
<br />EhaY xrusatn «i lull tawct sad nm ire Ewtxkrsrd at ttxr upt«rn .,f zbr sad ASSi;7CfA`Ft(h'V after iadnrs far three raostths w tstaipe say of said
<br />prymeats as be tltrar mrmths w arrsasx ua rsutagt >ati3 ttsartttttr payatnttn. ,x to ar>.p sal comply v[th Ehe ageemenls and cnoditiom of slid Goad;
<br />sad ltkay>~x alyces t+t )scene a tsveevice ag{rssrptsd frrrtksth m srrefa €rara-fervte pnx-szadat~-
<br />tF tAus s say dssase at asrornitt;r of fftt tw ratatr mEMp~et1 iteeem, 6y ark w aElterv[s, tttea the emcee rest iodaMMrreaa hasaffy
<br />rasxwad that, sa tha apttna arf T'he Fgwuhk sad L~ Aatauvertaa of f:raat! 1tJaad, We6rata,ttataaae ate sad payable rithoat
<br />ftrthes rotate, std the aracr®E Ersaaarsntp Sae amds. aid 6aad. rata ssy other baad Far say addrtiaaat attnoma Erode thereradd, ttha8, from the
<br />dos d eaucar of sad opEina. 4ear aEtnest at tix raasrestaaa kgd tart, and Etas mortgage say rhea bt ftxadoaed to wady Ate aaaarav Eire as avid
<br />hoed. std any other bawd fiv addtstrxrsd aarsar. -tker vtstt ail strata paid tw sand 73e t~queaWe tilaldittg seta t.oaE Asauratiaa of Gtttad Itdod,
<br />Noronha !:. aevaatEOe, rasa seed aneaagcmts_ :... =~lracxagt exrsasicm ~sspcs. vEtk attsrear ttteseoe, tram date of paytrtmf >< the matEimum
<br />~~_
<br />Af pmrxatied n rbr Uortd st zne~d hrreehy. fl.ksk tha mortgigpt reavmx m cffeei Ehe nwrtg~ee m«,v hereaftes advaam additioasl amts to tM
<br />trahers of taalf titad, rhea aaa~ru to stxsxtnESS En ;*Etrrast, arkr[tt sari stoat Ife wrUan tke tscartEy ad this tnart~e the tarot n rite foods a+Y
<br />stetted Flmretry, tba total amount .N pnm~oa3 debt e«.u to tatted at arrv ttmr rite satyad anyrtrat of this
<br />[Shtesitha 29tah Sax ~ MaY A tl., lot siI .
<br />Lia~i~ _ .
<br />~~aot3T~ Clarke
<br />tom`#TL €iFr ts~iiMtA.~lia.. a. t}a Estis !h IY 81 . t,tfara ms,
<br />M'CY tSF tfhLL ~ 19 ttl Say r~ ,ay
<br />LiSQ L,istoe,- tnc3lvidt~ally at%i t='t3SLtE~t'.r seta >t~7tit1Er3 8, his!'ubiicQ,andfarrudCneaty.pExso~tycatat
<br />~° are ~ ply krtrrwe `w
<br />1g to tie thD «dnasiral Ireresrn S altr[paa tune ~ e~X`t` tfFtaC~ EG+ tkG Jlbt»e mrifttrHE4t 13 pti~t~a( $ and `+'~l te~SY
<br />the aasd tmrtttadarsat Eta hs L.t1E.1I sntiantary .ci sad 1CUd_ ..
<br />MT2'f!ik~i ru7i 1tiaMi iWd FEC.LVIii Sttt Et«P alit afattaeYt
<br />~3~~Si{.tM'.
<br />}.
<br />- j ~'c
<br />