MORTC,AGE g 1-- U [i 2 5 7 b
<br />MORTC,AGE LOAN NO. z 23941
<br />KNOW ALL MFJst BY TNFSE IvItESFN75~ That F2iGhald L. Geist and na"na"ti,a>.a D. Gist, each ir> his and
<br />her cAard right and as spouse of each other, , ~~ om or inns, is aowddegMiru aE~ aeasaf
<br />G~~ R7vrv>aartd and iJn/100 ~ -- llOI2J1R3
<br />loasred to aid mortgagor by The Equitable lituldin6 and Iwutt Assoraation of Grand Ishud, Nebtadca, Mottgeax; upon 600- - `ahraat of uodt a1' ~-
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23941 . do Hereby grant. convey and rnttatgage auto rate and ASSOCIATION tlsr fs-
<br />dertsibad read estate, sittated in flab L'ow[ty, Nebradu: -
<br />Lf7P 7SJFZJI'Y N:QdE (29) IN F1ES44900D FARK SF7CXIrID
<br />ta~ether with all the tenements, hetedturrcnu and apptutenances thereunto beksrgting, utdudirtg utsdted floor wveratgs, ap window aQeraa.
<br />wirtdaw shades, hlitrdz, storm wtrtdows, xwnirtgs, hcatirrg, atr cotrditianitrg, atd plutobugt std water cgteiptrrent and acssaotip thereto, ptampa, stood,
<br />refrigerators, atd other ftxtwes and cgwpmen[ now or heratter attached Irr or teed m c»ntreaion vnth sad real estate.
<br />Ard whereas the said mortgagor tin ageed and dots heretry ogee that the mextprgur stun and will pay all taaa atd a~ta levied ix
<br />saaes9ed upon sad premiss and upon thi; mortga~ xrrb the brad secured ttcerchy txiarc the same slt:it became dntiogtteor, [o fttrrrish approved
<br />inauance upon the htuldirrgs on son! premiss situated in the sum of S 60 , 000.00 payable to a<d ASSOCIATION asd to deliver to aid
<br />ASSOCIATION the pr>fictes far acrd trtwrana: and met to aummit or permit any waste an ur abous sad premises:
<br />in cos of dcfadt m the perlirrrrtsnce of nay of the terms and Yrrrdrtrons rrf thrs nxsrtgegc or the twrd natured hereby, ltte rfto[lglgee rho.,
<br />an derttand, be rntitkai to rmtrcdote txsxsessrtrn of the mortvyge+l premrars acrd fate martgt~srr kterebY aargts, tnr~'ers atd seta over to the
<br />matgttgse all ILre taro- revenrrd and trxotne to M dcrn~ from the martgageti preauxn dttrag srrrh tin#c u the tnurtgape itdebtedxn slut! tettssio
<br />unpaid; and the rtrorlgapee shall have tht prrwer to appant any agent cr agrnts a nnr dente for tM ?tuWx of reputing said prempes and rtdttug
<br />[he sane and sro[1ec[nrE the rrnu, revenues and income, and it may pay out s,f sad rrlcUrrrc all cxperrtta of reputing said premises and teesaltcy
<br />cormnaMorn aal expaees incurred m renting and managurg tax same and of csslledurg rrnuls ttrreirom; the baturee rerouning, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the disciurge of said nrutgage irudebtedness; these rghts of t;x mrrRpgrc nny ix cxcrcaul at any lime dttrWg the existence of such
<br />defadt, irrespecttvc of any temporary waiter of tfie same.
<br />Thee Presenu. {rrwever, xre uprm the Crnditton, That rt the sad Mortgagor slsafl reptp ear! bran on m before the maturity of raid shard by
<br />payment; pay manthiy to tad AS,S(X'fA"I70N of the satin spealied m the i5.~rrd secures? hereby as mtereu and principal on said (inn. on or before
<br />the Twrntielh day of cacttt and every nwnth, until said bran ig fully pad; pay ail :ues and assrsst»ents krred agairut said prerttiss std ao Ibis Mortgi¢
<br />arrl the tdond sesareci thereby, before de{iaquency; furnish approved ntarratnx atom the boiNiutgs thereon m the sum of S 60, 000 00 WYE
<br />to said ASSOC'IATICN.d: repay to sad :RS~CICIATi(_*"r upm denund aU musty Fey it pad for sudt tares. aa~tents and insunttee with interdt u
<br />the maximum kga! rate thereon from darn of paymem a0 of which Mortgagrt hteeby ogees w pay; permit Ito waste onSid premiaes:kecp andwmply
<br />wrth ill the agrenmene: atrl cortddrurs of the Bond is S 60, 000.00 thrs ~Y giszn by the sad Mortgagor w said ASSOI:lAT10N, and ta>mply
<br />with aU the requaemenu set the Constitution and BY-Laws o1 said ASS(X'IAT-QN: tarn then preaenu shall become Hari and sold, otltervris they
<br />stuff retrain in foil farx std may M Fawbsd at the aptiua of the card ASSCI(IA"i10N after taidtue tot thra rtton[hs to ruake aqr of said
<br />payroeats a be three nwnths in arrdrs m making sad monthly paytnn#ts, .x to keep nerd armpiy with the agatntnts and tuoditlam of said Baud;
<br />art! Mortgagor aged m Fore a receiver appointed ta[hwrih m such foreckxure pruszed¢igs.
<br />If there is any cfange u twcership of tdie real darn trvrigaged herein, by sale ur atherwne, than the entire r iedeht~ hmahq
<br />arctttesd shop, a# the t~ttwn of The Egiutabk t3uikdiag and Loan Assrrastwm of C;nnd lahnri, Nelxaska,bowtm ;may duo sad payable arithout
<br />tmP,ar notice. and the amount remairiuig due ttsrkr raid twod, and any other bad to any additiaou advtarn made [hererruiet, titaY, f>r>! the
<br />eltle al caeras trf said option., bear interest at the tmxirnum ~ tale, and this taxtgrtde tray the tx faar:;usr tr, _<>;~y the asttrut tine oa-aid
<br />lsottd, avd nay other bond tar uddibonat advanees, trs~thu with ail arms paid by sad The kyttuairk and t.~. Attttacitttiou atGraadhtYad,
<br />Nehaaaka to ituoratict, toad and aasampaits, nerd sbstractirt6 exteasiurr aiwges, with iWerdt thereon. fr® date of paytaeN at the mntitltrat
<br />IeAal uv.~.
<br />As provides is the Florid seraued hereby, while thrs rrxsrtgtge remains m ctTect the ttuxtga~e may herdfter adaaooe additdoted stttaa to aka
<br />[taken of said Bond, their asigls err arrcrrams in inineal, which stmn thaB be wittsia the scanty of tha tnatKtee Wa same ere {11e ftmds orippelyr
<br />tgaaed thereby, the #otu arnamt csf prtticipal Debt tort to exxed at any trine the ai(,tnal artwtrot of this tnatga¢.
<br />;i~ thin :7 18th ~r aY Uf } May t. n.. Iv 81
<br />~!Ri Geist
<br />`_ D. Ge
<br />SPATE tXF NF.Hk,ASKA, ~ a. Crn this i8th day of May 19 81 , kafoa ~
<br />COtdf=IIY OF tiALl..
<br />the uodersipsxl, a tr'oury P>iblin #n and fa vaid£oually, atna
<br />Richard L. Geist and Barbara u, Geist, each i_rt his and her coal righ ~adu3 ~ knewa to
<br />e8ch other,
<br />rat to fro tha tddr[irai pesaou S vrdasraa taupe S ar8 atTited to fhc above ingryreea7it),naatgsgor S aid they setesaNy
<br />r~trrawftsrdpasf the said intrirtismit to M their vWuntary ael and deed. !7
<br />iVd77V~S say hood and r4o lad Srad the date afrrresapd. -" . f= ,~
<br />ttty C;r*trwx ettpnres ,'~ ~' ~>
<br />~' Nw.ry e~-1~
<br />»at~a a, +~ +~
<br />gtunr4,~lw#~l~M1e
<br />